

Nov 12, 2006
heya to all, i'm new to the forum, hope i can enjoy my stay and have lots more info on my all time favourite game Final Fantasy, have been playing FF1 till FF12, game FF i dont play yet, FF on mobile, PSP, DS, FF7:Dirge of Cerebrus, saving money to buy a PS3 just for playing FF13, hope i can get it when it officially release, hehe, i really love all FF char and the stories is great, well the FMV starting from FF7 is great and its getting better n better, dont u think so?
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Welcome to the forums, you gonna love it here! ;)
If theres anything you want to know about any FF just PM me
heya to all, i'm new to the forum, hope i can enjoy my stay and have lots more info on my all time favourite game Final Fantasy, have been playing FF1 till FF12, game FF i dont play yet, FF on mobile, PSP, DS, FF7:Dirge of Cerebrus, saving money to buy a PS3 just for playing FF13, hope i can get it when it officially release, hehe, i really love all FF char and the stories is great, well the FMV starting from FF7 is great and its getting better n better, dont u think so?
i see that u already know me so i wont say any thing..see guys i'm popular!!!!:huh: :lol:
anyway nice to meet u dude have fun;)