

Dark Knight
Dec 9, 2007
Ok guys time to drop your ego's and confess the most noobish mistakes you've made whilst playing the final fantasy series :wacky:

I remember when I played FFX for the first time I didn't realize that I could use magic outside of battles so I wasted all my gil on potions, Hi-potions, phoenix downs ect... I actually made sure I had 99 of each everytime I saw a store.

Also in FFVII I never figured out how to set new limit break levals so I was stuck with Braver/Cross Slash ect... for the whole game :ffs:
Well, I don't think i have made many "noobish" mistakes, but I have many friends who had no idea how to work the ff8 junction system, so when I watched them play I would laugh because by the middle of the first disk, the only command they knew how to do was "attack". Pay attention to the tutorials even if they are boring as hell! But...whatever, i guess everyone makes silly mistakes every now and then. =)
I played Final Fantasy VII and I got Blade Beam/Grenade Bomb in the First Reactor, but I forgot to change them until I got to Corel Town.

I thought I was FF Friendly, but I was embarrassed. I guess that's the point of this thread.
Ugh, when I was first playing FFVIII, it being my first FF game, I never payed much attention to the dialogue. So after saving Rinoa from the big attacking gargoyle things, I spent around 3 hours walking around trying to make something happen. After the thress hours I walked up to rifle and pressed X.
In my defense I thought it was part of the stairs.
I spent around 3 hours walking around trying to make something happen. After the thress hours I walked up to rifle and pressed X.
In my defense I thought it was part of the stairs.

Hahah yeah I do that far too often in games, it can be extremely annoying and far worse than just being stuck at a hard boss or something.
Thought I could take on an Entite in XII when everyone was well above level 50. Heh, it started beating the crap out of me.Thing is, if you don't have brilliant magic defense, you are toast.
When I played FF9 for the first time I did fine up to the plant monster that captures Garnet, I couldn't figure out Dyne and didn't heal Garnet... Needed someone to do the battle for me (I was level 7 too :sad: -100 ego)
I still make loads of stupid mistakes, I always try p[icking fights with things I just KNOW are gunna hand me my are

VII being my first game aswel, I just went through and didn't really think I could just go explorind#g and do what I wanted, I didnt explore at all ...haha

VIII I was so poor at at first, I didnt haveany thing to upgrade my weapons til like the 3rd disc
Let's see... when FFX first came out, I just played my friends for a day or so until I had enough money to buy my own. I played for like, six or so hours, and in that entire time I never even realized I had the Sphere Grid, and so I was just playing with my untouched characters XD; I felt like a total idiot when I actually read the tutorial on my own save, but ah well. Other then that I can't really think of any palm-face moments I had :x
I admit that I too had problems with junctioning in FFVIII....I'll leave at that.
When I first started FFXII I thought I could take on that Saurian in the Estersand with Vaan and Penelo. yeah that was like a instant gameover. Also, I thought I could murder Yiazmat in one sitting with my level 99 Party of Fran Balthier and Basch. I sat there for 3 hours, and then I died. It ended up taking me 6 hours over three days to beat him. It was embarrassing too because I was all like, I can beat him no problem, and I was acting all tough and my boyfriend was just like "... good luck."
I couldn't find the airship in FF1 -__-

I wandered around most of the bloody map before i found out ya had to walk into the entrance of the desert to get it to appear.

Also, first time i played FF8, i went through the whole game without upgrading their weapons once, didn't figure out what the Weapons Mon whatever mags were for until after i was pretty much at Ultimecia or whatever her name was :gasp:
Eh, probably on FFX.


Making that damn Ronso a blk mage! :gasp: I thought he'd be a good mage but he could never amount to Lulu!
I've been making quite a few mistakes on FFVIA the past few days.

~I attacked the shell of the first boss three times, despite the warning at the start of the fight.
~On several occasions I bought weapons and armour I already had plenty of, wasting my hard earned money.
~I kept trying to bid on the 'talkabo'.
~I took Gau to Vector, despite him having almost no rages and therefore being near useless.
~I forgot to equip the espers until I fought Ifrit and Shiva. I level grinded outside Vector before going to the Magitek research facility so I missed out on a lot of AP.
~I almost left Shadow to die on the floating continent.

And that's just in the last few days. To type up every mistake I've made in every FF game would take the better part of a day.
Oh God, when I tried to make my friend get into Final Fantasy.. It was hilarious.

He was playing Final Fantasy X, and like he accidentaly chose to play the Japanese version of the game. So like when the game started he was like, wth. And like, when the part with Tidus and Auron fighting this small sin came.. He like didn't know what he was doing and he like gave a potion to the sin and attacked Auron and died.

He never played FF again.
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Oh my, I had quite a few in XII xD

First off, it was the first FF game I ever played, so I didn't know how to use magic, the license board, or use gambits. I would spend all my money buying potions to heal, and I didn't upgrade my armor or anything until waay later in the game when I finally got the hang of everything. By that time I had gotten my booty whipped about a gazillion times. It definately sucked

Also, since I didn't know how to use gambits, I kept manually telling my characters to attack. That wasted a ton of time and got me killed quite a bit. I felt retarded when I figured out you just had to set a command for it >_>

XII is definately not a good game for noobs -__-
FF VIII - around the 2nd disc, i pressed select by accident during a summon and i saw a small square button symbol. I didnt know what the heck its purpose was. The next day i told one of my friends and they told me. I kinda felt noobish asking them.

FF VII - 2 of my friends beat the game, and i beat the game 3 months after them. They would tease me sometimes about not beating it. Not a mistake but i sure felt noobish. lol
FF VIII - around the 2nd disc, i pressed select by accident during a summon and i saw a small square button symbol. I didnt know what the heck its purpose was. The next day i told one of my friends and they told me. I kinda felt noobish asking them.

Haha That reminds me, I was up to Adel when I figured out how to Boost GF's
He was playing Final Fantasy X, and like he accidentaly chose to play the Japanese version of the game. So like when the game started he was like, wth. And like, when the part with Tidus and Auron fighting this small sin came.. He like didn't know what he was doing and he like gave a potion to the sin and attacked Auron and died.

That's pretty hilarious. I suppose Auron does look a bit meaner!

In FFX, I was trying to capture my ninth Ogre in the Calm Lands, and I was running around for ages waiting for one to appear. When I finally found one, I thought I'd just get Rikku to steal from it because I couldn't remember what item you could get. I thought "There's no way Rikku will kill it before I get a chance to capture it." But I forgot that she had a weapon with Deathtouch on it. So I had to do the whole thing again.