FFXIII-2 Normal Mode or Easy Mode?


Feb 21, 2012
I've owned the game for 3 days and haven't been able to fire it up yet. Tonight I will be able to:wacky: I just turned it on for the first time, and I noticed there is a normal and easy mode. Which should I choose? I am always inclined to choose normal mode in games that have this option, whether it includes easy or hard also. I have not been gaming much for an exceptional period of time, never mind play a FF title:wtf: Anyways, which should I choose. Can I get some opinions and facts on the differences? Thank you!
I've dignity, so I'm not going near this game even with the longest barge pole there is, but I can give you a very general guideline that tends to apply to RPGs that have difficulty levels.

If you just want to quickly plough straight through the storyline and to avoid having to do the usual thing whenever you encounter the occasional difficult sections (i.e. tough monsters and bosses that require extensive grinding beforehand to survive), go for the easy difficulty. I heard that FFXIII-2 is actually quite easy even on the normal difficulty, so goodness knows how much of a pushover enemies are on easy. I would say the easy difficulty is for people who either are absolutely hopeless with the combat (even if it is largely Auto-Battle!) or really despise level training, which prompts me to ask; why would you be playing a JRPG in the first place?

If you don't mind a bit of grinding like in any other JRPG and you aren't desperate to fire through the story in a matter of 2-3 days or something, yeah, I would go for the normal difficulty too. But wait and see what other people have to say - the people who have actually played the game (they partially have my sympathies, the poor people).
I have decided to rock out on Normal Mode. I'll see how it goes from there. I was siked to see I can change mid game.

How the series has advanced!:wacky: I have only played like 4 games on next gen systems. Wow FF has really progressed:holyshit:, obviously. I wil be easily impressed when it comes to game play and graphics:gasp: where as I have been out of gaming for so long, but now to see if the series has progressed on a deeper level than graphics and game play. I love having this stuff back in my life:tighthug:
Normal is the way to, I think that is how the game was meant to be played. It's not too tough really, especially if you explore outside the the main story. (which gets trickier to plow through as you progress). The only grinding I've had to do is in order farm certain materials.
How the series has advanced!:wacky: I have only played like 4 games on next gen systems. Wow FF has really progressed:holyshit:, obviously. I wil be easily impressed when it comes to game play and graphics:gasp: where as I have been out of gaming for so long, but now to see if the series has progressed on a deeper level than graphics and game play. I love having this stuff back in my life:tighthug:

Progressed? In graphics I suppose it has, but nothing else. XII's gameplay was amazing, but other than that it's been all downhill since X. Good luck :)

just go with normal, I wouldnt even entertain using the easy option on any game

I've dignity, so I'm not going near this game .

where does dignity come into it? I hope you played the demo, otherwise, that's just plain ignorance, and if you have, isn't it just an opinion, rather than assuming that those of us that are playing the game, lack dignity? Bit rude innit?

Theres also the 'jumping on the bandwagon' if I'm to jump to assumptions as well, like when people collectively dislike a game, such as FFVII because it's 'just so commercial' and 'fan boys have ruined it' pfft yeah, right.
Normal is easier than any FF in the past anyway, so I'd go with Normal. I did very little grinding and only had trouble with one boss before the final one, whom was troublesome because they kept restoring their health!

You can always switch mid-game, but I doubt you'll need to! :) I completed the main story in 25 hours. :lew: It's an incredible story, but picks up in episodes 4 and 5, so give it time. :)
I could be wrong, but I'm surprised that there's no actual Hard difficulty thrown in there. It sounds like the game could do with it, though I suppose the designers' reasoning was to let the player screw around with the timeline a bit, find tough optional challenges along the way and hope that balances things out.

where does dignity come into it? I hope you played the demo, otherwise, that's just plain ignorance, and if you have, isn't it just an opinion, rather than assuming that those of us that are playing the game, lack dignity? Bit rude innit?

Of course dignity has nothing to do with this thread, and therefore my little jibe there wasn't supposed to be taken seriously, though I suppose the lack of a smiley/emote thrown in there meant it wasn't signposted well, so I'll bear that in mind in the future. The last part of my post was supposed to give a clue anyway. A bunch of words on an internet webpage don't really accurately convey what was on my mind at the time either.

If I have inadvertently insulted a bunch of you, then my bad. However, if you wish to interpret what I said to be a deliberate, ill-willed attack on the people who play FFXIII-2, then that's your prerogative. I'm not going to argue with anyone over it, though no, I am not that pathetically petty. Sure, perhaps I am one of those ignorant ones who often wouldn't shut the hell up, and this wouldn't be the first time that I've realised this. If you enjoy the game, all power to you, but no one's really going around seriously demeaning them for it, sans the handful of rabid people out there.

EDIT: Come to think of it, I was referring to my own personal dignity, rather than the dignity of everyone else.
Play in normal. That's how i first pay all games, as it is how i believe the games are designed to be played