012: Duodecim North American DLC?

Son of Dalmasca

King of Heaven
Mar 9, 2011
So, as many of you have likely noticed. North America (at least Canada...) hasn't gotten a bulk of the DLC alternate costumes, and probably not some of the tracks as well. Wasn't FFVI supposed to come out as well? Anyway, what i'm wondering is, does anybody have any information as to why this is? I mean, I want to buy Terra's Alt. I'm gonna get Cecil's when I get FFIV the complete collection, which is convenient, but still... why do we have to buy all these things to get characters for another game? Why does Europe simply get to buy all of them online, because I didn't get to pre-order this game -.- Anyway, rant over... any information? :)
I dunno if FF IV: CC still comes with Cecil's alternate. I thought it was first run copies...I mean, you could get lucky and get one that is still there from the initial run. Maybe they changed their minds and every copy comes with it, or we were misinformed?
just read that america are getting bartz, terra, shantotto costumes as well as ffv, ffvi and ffxi music pack on the 18th july :) just throught i would give you Americans an update ;)