Oh my goodness, another new person!


Dec 12, 2008
Am I the only one who feels weird making a thread in an intro forum? Not because there's anything wrong with it, but because it's so hard to think up a title other than "Hi I'm new"?

Anyway, I've been an FF fan since I was around 15 and first played FF7 (which is probably pretty old compared to when a lot of you started, but what can you do ^_~), but for some reason I never got around to joining an FF forum.

Stuff about me? Uh...I like to draw, and I've recently started doing some game-blogging (points to sig)- haven't covered any FFs yet, but I just started. I'm really not a fan of a lot of the FF7 compilation stuff-- LOVED the original game, was disappointed with everything else-- but I don't knock anyone who likes it. FFX is my favorite FF closely followed by VII, then VIII. I love V too but for some reason I can never seem to finish it (!). Currently I'm playing FFTA2 and having a blast.

Nice to meet you all:).
V is an evil EVIL game, cant fault you on loving VII VIII & X though, they are my favourites too :monster:

welcome to the forums ^^
Hiya :)

I Love the Original FFVII and Drawing aswell :)

It's very nice to meet you too, and I hope you enjoy it here on the forums. :D

Am I the only one who feels weird making a thread in an intro forum? Not because there's anything wrong with it, but because it's so hard to think up a title other than "Hi I'm new"?

Wow, so I'm not the only who feels its weird while starting a "Hi" Thread.Welcome I hope you have fun here and post lots and lots.:)
Welcome to the forums!

Yeah I understand, I don't think I even made a welcome thread. :O. I think I may have borrowed my friend Torbonator's welcome thread to introduce myself as well a while after joining... but I'm not too sure, and it doesn't really matter. :D

I'm not too into the FF7 spin-off's either... I liked the original game of course, but the spin-off's don't seem to be singing the same magic to me, and they've concentrated on all the wrong things for me... They don't feel like what the original had.

Keep up with FF5, it's a great game once you get used to it. One of my favourites.

Anyway, post losts, I'll see you around.
Thanks everyone!

Question: What are the rules about sigs? I know the FAQ says no advertising, but I've seen lots of people with links to their DA accounts and fanfics and whatnot in their sigs, so I figured links should be okay as long as they're strictly non-commercial. So I put in a link to my blog, but I got yelled at:panic:
Two images at the most, 500x300 pixels (height x width) maximum.

You're not allowed to advertise other forums in your signature - there's an advertising board under "Costa del Sol" for you to do so. You're allowed to link to Bebo, MySpace, etc.

Welcome. :gmonster: