Okay, this is taking the "fangirl" craze too far...

Kim Taehyung

You shine brighter than anyone ✨
Nov 30, 2006
I was browsing Hot Topic's website, since I'm planning on buying a few shirts from there once I get paid. Everyone knows I like Twilight, but I found something under the New Moon merchandise that just sent me over the edge:

What the freaking hell?

...seriously, people? :ffs: This is taking it too freaking far! :gasp:

I want you all to look at it, so I'm not telling you what it is.

That's my rant. What do you think?
... Ha... Ha ha ha.... GWAHAHAHAHAHA. TWILIGHT PACKING TAPE!? :wacky:

That my friend is simply just awesome, anyone wanna help me with packing up some stuff? :awesome:
First there was packing tape, and now TWILIGHT packing tape! Move house in style!
What.....the......hell. Why in the world would they make something like that?
That is.. wow. That is WAY too far. I wouldn't spend 2 dollars on that, let alone 10 :gonk:

I will use normal, clear packing tape on my presents AND I WILL LIKE IT. I've never minded Twilight as much as some people, and I even liked it when I read it before all of the craze (granted, I was much younger then :wacky:) but... this just... no. STOP MILKING IT.
Hey guys, I just got done moving actually. I regret my plain clear packing tape lacking in style. Oh how I wish I had bought some Twilight packing tape. I think I'll move all my stuff back to my old house, repack my stuff, then tape it up with some packing tape! Fucking LOL!
I blinked three times when I saw the price, making sure I wasn't hallucinating or becoming insane. $10? For packing tape decorated cheaply with designs relating to a rather above-average movie? This is just madness- a blatant attempt to squeeze money from unsuspecting Twilight fans who may also be fans of DIY at the moment of moving homes.
If anyone taped my gifts with that crap, I would have to beat them in the head with it.....until they passed out. I'm not going to sit here and say I hate Twilight, because I don't. I'm just irritated that it's all people care about now! Jeez! I just want to go into a store and not get my eyes violated by Edward doing his "sexy" (AND IT'S SO NOT) look at me! It's CREEPY! Do us a favor, Rob, and do something about that! D=
Tape as in moving house tape or wrapping prezzies tape? Mind you for either its daft..I go through so much brown tape when Im packing boxes to move house, and for xmas prezzies, well, i £1 roll of cellotape will do...like anyonepays attentioon to the tape anyway o_O

And it's not half extortionate. WHO would actually buy that? Is a die hard fan REALLY going to buy it and use it? Or is someone actually going to PAY that to wrap a die hard fans presents with..?


Not. I mean, really, now? Seriously??? At best, Twilight was ok. OK. The plot had potential. But the whole book was like Stephenie Meyer's Dream Date Diary. Then they made the movie. Which personally, I found was better than the book. (Except I was disapointed. Robert Patinson in my opinion looks ugly...) But Duct Tape? C'mon!

Why can't people my age read something really cool? Like Lord of the Rings? Wait...
How clever. I wonder how many people will actually buy it. It's $10 too, wth?
"The Wolf Pack are ready to tattoo your presents" rofl

Do they even have tattoos in the movie...or the book for that matter?
Well...it isn't as bad as the KISS coffin.


Okay, I think a KISS coffin is a pretty badass finish to a life, but that's just me. Sometimes the merchandising people have brain farts. It's been known to happen. It's the destruction of vampires AND Christmas all in one convenient package!
Fffff. Are you serious? I would so not buy that. I mean, $10?!
It's kind of like that Christmas tape with elves on it, so I don't mind the fact that it's Twilight. But $10? o_O;

The design is nice, too 8F
Am I the only one who really doesn't care about this? I mean sure, it's a pretty stupid idea. But I've seen decorated sticky tape before and this really doesn't surprise me to be honest considering how popular Twilight is. So meh...

Exire said:
Well...it isn't as bad as the KISS coffin.
Funnily enough I just did a presentation yesterday about band merchandise with particular emphasis on KISS merchandise.
Am I the only one who really doesn't care about this? I mean sure, it's a pretty stupid idea. But I've seen decorated sticky tape before and this really doesn't surprise me to be honest considering how popular Twilight is. So meh...
Exactly. Personally I don't think that it's rampant Twilight fans either, it's fat greedy capitalists exploiting people. Some fat bastard obviously decided there was a niche in the market, so he put down his box of Ferrero Roche and got someone to make this tape. It's a brilliant system, poor saps who want their Twilight tape get it, Mr Capitalist gets more money. Obviously the poor Indonesian slaving away in a sweatshop gets nothing, but if we didn't take advantage of that amazing cheap labour source that is the third world we wouldn't be able to drink our starbucks or wear clothes.
Can't be worse than cologne to smell like Cloud, a fictional character, who has no scent. :wacky:

I swear to god, that made me lol myself crazy for minutes on end. I almost seriously thought I was going to die because I was laughing so hard. :monster:

But yeah, there's some pretty crazy stuff out there...