Omega question (FFV)


Blue Mage
Jan 31, 2011
My first time playing FFV (completed FF1 and FF4-10 besides it so now is a good time to do that aswell :D ), and currently I'm in the interdimensional rift for the first time in the game.

Despite figuring out you can pass it without harm, I'd really like to beat it, but after about 700 tries, figuring out cunning strategy, and getting downright molested by it, it's kind of apparent I don't have the gear, exp, ap or the necessary skills for it.

So, I wanted to ask if it's possible , that can I pass Omega now, in order to go forward in the game, and can I return to the interdimensional rift to fight it later? Simple yes or no please, don't ruin the plot if you can answer without doing so, as said it's my first time playing this and I'd like to keep the suspense on :)

I'd really like to kill the bugger but yeah, it isn't happening straight up now.

PS. Hi :D
If you're asking if you can return to it after the game (post-game) and fight it instead of now...then to my knowledge, no, you can't.

You CAN backtrack and fight it after leveling up towards the end of the Rift if you'd like, but the only way you can fight it after you beat the game is if you have a save near there and you load it up.

Hope this helps.
If you're asking if you can return to it after the game (post-game) and fight it instead of now...then to my knowledge, no, you can't.

You CAN backtrack and fight it after leveling up towards the end of the Rift if you'd like, but the only way you can fight it after you beat the game is if you have a save near there and you load it up.

Hope this helps.
Thanks! I guess I'm heading back to the world then, as I'm short of gear... bummer
No problem. And if you've gotten most of the gear from the shops, it shouldn't be your gear that is the problem. Have you visited Mirage Village, or done the Tablet Quests to get the Ultimate Weapons?
No problem. And if you've gotten most of the gear from the shops, it shouldn't be your gear that is the problem. Have you visited Mirage Village, or done the Tablet Quests to get the Ultimate Weapons?
Yes, all of them, though it seems the legendary weapons aren't all that legendary except for a select few. I also did find all the shopkeepers in Mirage, but I couldn't afford all the stuff that in retrospect, I should have bought (flame rings for starters, I have one but at least one more seems to be vital to have, if not 4). I spent most gil on elixirs at the time I found Mirage and phoenix tower was still untouched, in order to get through phoenix tower with the magic pots giving the ap they do.

I think I have a general idea of how to beat Omega, was just hoping the interdimensional rift is something that could be accessed later on in the game after completing the interdimensional rift area... since I don't know the plot at all (and don't want to know either) ...

Either way, I'll just exit spell (it works though the world stops inside the rift), gather some ap and gil and get to work.

PS. The Omega in FFV seems exceptionally hard. Not really in the sense of grinding it to death as it's easy to hurt, but it almost seems it's decided with sheer luck can you actually get the damage in before it wipes you out.
Well, without knowing how much HP it has (and I don't really even want to know that bad), I do know that it is over ~36k.

Getting the flame rings helped a lot against half the attacks, and magicsword and xfight (suprise!) helps getting the damage in. What doesn't really help my cause is Omega's love of Circle and the repeating Rocket punches. Last time I tried, with a stroke of luck I might have gotten a bit more damage in, but it Circled two people off the party and the rocket punch doesn't really do favors either.

I guess you could EQRibbon, but that's an ABP quest I'm not really looking forward to :D

Edit:EQRibbon to match the whole party that is. Two bare guys have it of course.

Well, that was a bit close lol :D

Cara Mime w/(Dimen, White)
Faris Bare w/(Xfight, MgSwrd, 2handed) <-Ribbon
Lenna Timemage (Dimen,White)
Butz (Xfight, MgSwrd, dblgrip) <--Ribbon

Faris was supposed to be the big hitter but in the cave I noticed I hadn't even mastered MgSwrd, so it was bolt2. Too late to fix that by that point! Dude got circled after one succesfull 8-hit so it didn't matter. I got extremely lucky with Lenna living after an abysmal round, casting life2 on Butz. Then Lenna got Circled, but I managed to attack twice with Bartz with the remaining 3HP I had, lol

Well, there's plenty of stuff that could have been done better (gathering ABP, leaving the mages bare with other treats etc.) but I'll take this win and the badge, thank you :D

PS. Besides figuring the easy damage dealing, this is by far the hardest weapon ever in a FF game from all that I've played. Sheesh.
I have defeated the Omega of VIII and X but I gave up on this one and Shinryu. I failed against the SNES brutality :(
Good luck