One Of The Best Battle Systems Ever?

What did you think of the battle system?

  • It Was Awesome!

    Votes: 14 60.9%
  • It was ok

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Meh

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Hated it with a passion!

    Votes: 2 8.7%

  • Total voters


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Would you say that FFX has one of the best Battle systems?

I would. i think that FFX was more about strategy than most of the other FF games - it made it easier nowing when the monsters could attack next - as then you knew when to heal and when you could afford to attack and so on. and i thought it was great that you could leave for a few minutes and come back to it and it would still be where you left it :D it was awesome IMO
No no. I hated it. The Sphere Grid especially. Talk about something completely and utterly dull. I did like the Overdrives, well Aurons, but FFV's battle system is even better then X's - at least you could pause the game in the middle of a battle..I don't think you could do that in X.
:( I pity you.

at least you could pause the game in the middle of a battle.
That's because it didn't matter, FFX didn't have an ATB gauge.

I loved it. To be able to check everything over and over again and not have to worry about time was really great. The sphere grid was a challenge and was quite fun, there's just not that many hardcore gamers to appreciate it.
Btw, I second everything that the Fanboy said, ftw.
Erm, try not to judge, mmk? People just didn't like it, end of story - I just preferred to know what levels my characters were at - no levels in this drove me it did in FFII. There really isn't any need to pity me :)
Sorry if you took that offensively, I didn't mean to offend. Yeah, not having the levels kinda drove me insane too. I was joking when I said that.:)
xP hehe. I guess the good thing about it could teach your characters what you wanted? But with spells I couldnt get to, it annoyed me :/
xP hehe. I guess the good thing about it could teach your characters what you wanted? But with spells I couldnt get to, it annoyed me :/

That's right. I forgot about that because of FFXII. All you needed was an ability sphere and then: Wala! You know this and that, and so on, etc.

The Ability to customize weapons and break the damage limit was the best feature though. That's one of the main reasons I love FFX.
i havnt Played FF12 yet But FFX is my 2nd favourite leveling system - the materia system holds the top spot. so im guessing FFXIIs leveling system is more linear?
I hate the materia, it should die.
I really didnt like the materia system since it wasnt permanent and there was always limited spots... though 10s was a nice innovation and I agree 12 improved upon it enough that you didnt need to needlessly battle for spheres, and with the battles in 12 more interesting and less random its easier to gain abilities even if you have to go through a lot just to get ones you want... Im just gonna learn the whole board... XD
I enjoyed the Battle System, but I think DoC has the best one so far. But DoC also fits some what into a different catagory. It was fun.
i liked the battle system, especially because of there not being an ATB gauge... if you didn't know your character's attacks and/or classes you could start out slowly, in FFX-2 for example i usually end up spamming attack-attack and pray because i something have trouble finding the buttons, and so i also stay with 3 classes, in fact with 2 classes, dark knights nd a white mage, in FFX i could steadily heal my buddies, use provoke to prevent enemies from attacking without being too slow using provoke and having the healer dead while browing to the skill

so i liked the battle system because it isn't fast paced
i liked it alot, because you had to think about what to do for the other turns unlike FFX-2 you had to wait after each attack which got irritating when your using an item and the monster kills the person you are using it on, then you waste your move and have to wait for you next one, so i loved the FFX battle system
It was nice to be able to switch your characters in and out of battle so you didn't have to neglect one completely. Although, I think that made the game a little too easy because you didn't have to worry about a balanced party. The sphere grid, while at first was confusing, actually ended being pretty nice because you could customize your characters how you wanted.
I, personally, really liked the FFX battle system. I liked having time between attacks to think, and not having to wait after each item, and maybe having it wasted by them dying on you like in FFX-2. The Sphere Grid was an awesome feature, bein' able to build your character like you wanted. ^^ Only thing I found bad about it was having to use Level Spheres to get to some good areas. I was usually short one. Y.Y