Open Challenge: Purity Devine

Hera Ledro

FFF's resident Furry novelist
Oct 16, 2006
Here's my bio:

I'm using Hera Ledro

Post yours, and we can get this party started :D

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The Planet Kahjma. This is a barren planet of deserts and mountains, with little water or shelter, and is thus uninhabitable. Allsies used to come here to focus their minds and bodies into a perfect warrior state. Winds howl at over 200 m/hour, sandstorms blow accross the sand dunes. The Polar regions are nothing but ice and snow, not a rock in sight.

The battle is amongst a crossroads between the mountainous, polar, and desert regions. It is a rough transition, and the mountains, though small, are composed of an extremely hard mineral that puts diamond to shame. They are also lined with a thin layer of sand, as the winds blowing here are not as powerful as the ones through the desert. The ocean starts here as well, before freezing not 40 kilometres from the coast. The plants are only shrubs, and flourish with spikes up to 5 feet long, easily impaling any unwary travelers.

Two warriors met in this area, and a battle of the wills was to begin. The winds seemed to be dancing in a glorious fury, as they picked up immediately and began to howl with a cheer. A cheer for battle.
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Hera Ledro sat on the stone he carved on this planet, the stone he had been using for multiple millenia to sit and sharpen his mind. It was on the brink of the desert, and the heat made him sweat. Just another thing to sharpen, thought Hera.

Hera's fur blew widly in the wind, and it was coated with a thin layer of sand, giving it an almost green hue as opposed to its usual blue colour. His black hair swirled in the wind, the strands delicately painting the air as the wind whipped them around.

Hera flared his mind in all directions, attempting to sense any oncoming organisms. As usual with this exercise, he sensed only weak shrubs and desert plants that inhabited the area. He flared his mind even larger, and was amazed to sense an approaching presence.

Hera's first reaction was shock and disbelief, and he extended his mind again so as to determine that he was correct. He was.

While Hera could sense the mind, he had always been unable to sense the intentions and alignment of them. Hera stood up along the rocks and swung his tail in curiosity, berrating the place with wind, and sending the sandstorm flying away momentarily. He caught a slight glimpse of the other person, but was unable to get a clear distinction of who he was or how he looked, for the sandstorm rebelled and returned almost instantaneously.

"Who are you?" Hra called. "Are you lost?"​
“My name is Anpu, young one. I know you are called Hera Ledro and that you are considered by some to be one of the more powerful entities in the universe. However as is often the case with entities such as yourself you are a threat to the stability of the universe and it is for this reason that i have come for you, please do know that I have nothing against you personally, this, as you humans are wont to say, is just business” he said as he came walking out of the storm while leveling his staff on Hera Ledro at almost point blank range. “And no I am not lost.” he said as he unleashed a blast of energy from his staff which would rend his soul from his body and send it to the underworld where his heart would be weight by Ma'at versus the feather of truth. Should he pass the test he would proceed to Osiris in the underworld should he fail, well Ammit had been claiming he wanted something more tasty for a while now...

OOC: please do remember that while your body may be well trained and strong and stuff your soul is less so. Especially when Gods are are trying to be “persuasive”...
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Hera Ledro frowned. In a flash of blue fur, he'd drawn his sword and jumped to the side, slashing the energy ball as it flew by him. The resulting explosion sent waves of sand flying through the air, nullifying the sandstorm.

"Who are you to decide my fate," Hera growled. "If you know so much, then you would know that it is I who keeps the universe safe from the clutches of Sukani and Boromyo King, the Dark Dragon. How can you call it an instability if I am the thing that keeps this universe off the verge of Chaos?"

Hera's fur bristled when the man had called him human. "So much for all knowing," he retorted. "You don't even know that I'm an Allsie, far different from a human. And far more powerful." Hefting his sword, he called "If it's a fight you wanted, you should've just asked. You've got one, and you're in for the fight of your life..."
OOC: sorry it took so long to post i was having some i net problems...

“I never said I or even My God are all knowing, but you would do well to remember that you are not the only one who can your job. There are others quite more powerful and better mannered too. As for who I am, my name is Anpu and i am the emissary of Anubis god of the dead and embalming. And it would seem you did something to offend him. And I can see your not human as you can probably see that I am not, if you insist on fighting me then a fight you shall get.” the One called Anpu spoke in a level, yet not bored, voice. It was almost like he was talking to a child, which in a way he felt like he was.

Putting his staff parallel with his arm in a single handed grip he put his other hand out towards Hera, and squared his legs in a traditional fighting pose. Just as he did this the windstorm picked up again. Anpu formed the manashape for the Wrappings of the Pharao spell and waited for his opponent to make the first move.
OOC: Oh man, if I had my Sukani Bio finished, this would be the perfect battle for him, the evil bastard...

As the wind whipped Hera's hair around, he smirked with a satisfied yet mocking grin. "Well then, shall we dance?" His oppnent obviously wanted him to make the first move and lure him into a trap, there was no other explanation for leaving himself as open as he did.

What is he thinking, Hera thought, eyeing his opponent warily. I know he wants me to attack him, and I will certainly oblige, but I will have to do it cautiously. There's no telling what his abilities are at this stage. Hera shifted his body to suit the terrain. He pulled his legs into a stance that would give him balance on this terrain. Folding his wings against his body, Hera arched his tail over his head and grabbed his sword with it, sheathing it in the ornate scabbard that hung from his back. He returned his tail to it's previous position over his shoulder and accross his body, wary of any trick that this foe may unfold. His arms were against his side underneath his wings, muscles tensed for the ensuing match.

Before attacking, Hera thought he might try to get some information from his foe.

"So, Anpu, why is it that I have angered your God? You say he is the God of death, so maybe he's pissed that I've been depriving him of new subjects, for all the lives I have prevented from passing into the abyss." Hera let the tauint sink in a moment before continuing.

"But surely, as you speak of the egyptian Anubis, Lord of the Dead...yes I know him personally, I was around long before the Egyptians had even lifted granite from the sands...he knows what he asks. He knows that he is speaking of one who has put his efforts to shame many times. That mutt-headed creature was nothing more than a fly to me those millenia ago, and I have only grown more powerful. While I am sure he has grown more powerful, few beings that people classify as Gods have compared to me and my abilities. If Anubis wants me so bad, he can come and get me himself. I'm sure the afterlife is very boring without the people he would be getting if I hadn't prevented Sukani's widespread destruction."

Without further warning, hera shot forward. In an instant, he had traversed the distance between them and landed 20 feet behind his opponent, in the midst of the great sandstorm. Thrusting his left hand forward, he blasted a great golden beam of energy towards his foe. And all this in less than 2 seconds....