Open Challenge: Zaien

Chaos' Master

Nov 17, 2006
*OOC: Ok, so, this is my first attempt at an RP in this forum. If I happen to be doing something incorrectly, please tell me. oh, and I assume we don't need an admin's approval as long as the character wasn't denied? because my char has been up there for a few days and nothing has happened.*

"After calm always comes the storm," Zaien said to himself as he walked down an open field that streched for miles in the clear daylight, showing no signs of letting up for quite a while. He had taken his hood down since there were not many people around and he didn't really even like wearing the hood anyways. Zaien stared into the sky and knew there was going to be a heavy rain in just over 3 hours.

As Zaien walked down the crudely paved road down the center of the field, he pulled out his tome of magicks. As he flipped through the pages he tried to decipher more of the book as he went along, using what he knew of the ancient runes, yet finding not a single line he could translate on that page. Just then, Zaien heard a crack of thunder, followed by a flash, "so, it was coming sooner than expected," Zaien said to himself, out loud again.
OOC: I'll accept this challenge. Since it's your first RP, I'll give you a few pointers as we go along, and I won't be too harsh on ya. :) I'll use my Valkyrie character, Marryn for this. I'll edit my post later on when I get home from college. I think I'm gonna have to re-post all my RP characters, too.
*OOC: thanks for accepting. I mean, this isn't the FIRST time I've RPed, its just the first time I've done it in this forum, and its different than what I'm used to. after you edit your post...or whatever, I'll either edit mine or post my response. again, please tell me if I do something wrong here and thanks for accepting.*
OOC: Right, I'm ready to go. Thought it'd be less hassle to just post a new reply instead of editting my previous post. Here's the link to my character page, by the way.

Good luck!

IC: There was a loud whoosh as Marryn glided down towards this man. She had been following him for several days now, ever since he slaughtered a band of human travellers. Marryn had been too late to prevent this, but she had used some of her Necromancer magic to gain some information from the dead bodies that lay scattered around their caravan. Listening carefully to the garbled voice of the leader, she had managed to figure out that the man who had attacked them went off to the North some place.

Marryn took flight immediately, hoping to close in on her target. She had heard of this person before, and knew there was once good in him. Whatever possessed him to change for the worst, however, she did not know. But still, this man must be stopped, dead or alive.

She landed on the paved road in the middle of the huge field and drew out her sword and held her shield ready. Looking at the man, she noted his size and build, and also what weapons he wielded. He was bigger than Marryn, which probably gave the man a slight advantage in that aspect, and she saw that his weapons of choice were two katanas. She also noticed a strange book, though she was more focused on the katanas. If this man was truly so skilled at wielding them, she would have to be careful.

"I am Marryn, one of the Valkyrie and one who holds the power of Necromancy," she said boldly. "You have been spotted on a number of accounts of merciless slaughter, and I am here to put an end to that."

She held her sword pointed towards the man and raised her shield ready to parry any attack should he decide to launch a swift attack.
(OOC:sry for the late posting, Lots of schoolwork)

Zaien watched and listened to this woman, with no expression in particular on his face, beyond his usual scowl.

After listening to her speech, Zaien simply said, "So what if a few people died? If it was deserved, then who should punish me? And why should I give quarter to others when they would never do the same for me?"

Zaien went back to trying to decipher more of the runes, but having enough sense to not start walking again. When Zaien saw that she would most certainly not let him off without a fight, he closed the tome with a snap and drew only one of his katana.

After it was drawn, he pointed it in her direction.

"So, if you want this fight, I suppose I have no choice, prepare for death. And, I think no amount of dark magic can save you from this grave."