Chaos' Master
*OOC: Ok, so, this is my first attempt at an RP in this forum. If I happen to be doing something incorrectly, please tell me. oh, and I assume we don't need an admin's approval as long as the character wasn't denied? because my char has been up there for a few days and nothing has happened.*
"After calm always comes the storm," Zaien said to himself as he walked down an open field that streched for miles in the clear daylight, showing no signs of letting up for quite a while. He had taken his hood down since there were not many people around and he didn't really even like wearing the hood anyways. Zaien stared into the sky and knew there was going to be a heavy rain in just over 3 hours.
As Zaien walked down the crudely paved road down the center of the field, he pulled out his tome of magicks. As he flipped through the pages he tried to decipher more of the book as he went along, using what he knew of the ancient runes, yet finding not a single line he could translate on that page. Just then, Zaien heard a crack of thunder, followed by a flash, "so, it was coming sooner than expected," Zaien said to himself, out loud again.
"After calm always comes the storm," Zaien said to himself as he walked down an open field that streched for miles in the clear daylight, showing no signs of letting up for quite a while. He had taken his hood down since there were not many people around and he didn't really even like wearing the hood anyways. Zaien stared into the sky and knew there was going to be a heavy rain in just over 3 hours.
As Zaien walked down the crudely paved road down the center of the field, he pulled out his tome of magicks. As he flipped through the pages he tried to decipher more of the book as he went along, using what he knew of the ancient runes, yet finding not a single line he could translate on that page. Just then, Zaien heard a crack of thunder, followed by a flash, "so, it was coming sooner than expected," Zaien said to himself, out loud again.