KH Spinoffs panel system


"One who is confused"
Oct 28, 2009
On Earth
How do YOU like the panel system based on a 1-10 scale?
Put an X next to the Description you think fits it best.

2. it sucks
3. meh...
4. cool... X
5. cool-er
6. fun to use
7. awesome
8. happy they put this in the game
9. lovin it
Could just have a poll, but on that scale...I'll go with about an 8.

It seems like an evolution of the card system from CoM, only nowhere near as tedious to set up. Sure, Levels take up a space, but that's a small price to pay to make Roxas as awesome and powerful as he can be.
Better than the card system but seems to combine it with a sense of MP/Magic Stock (as in VIII) and the AP methods (as in KH[2], where you could only equip a limited number). It's not terrible, and it's making for some interesting combinations in my game, but I still prefer the original kind of system.

What I'm certainly not a fan of is having to 'equip' levels...since I'll prioritise that, I have to remove one other skill/magic to compensate for it, and that makes for a less dynamic game. I'm hoping for some more double-level panels to help me work around this.
2. it sucks
3. meh...
4. cool...
5. cool-er
6. fun to use [x]
7. awesome
8. happy they put this in the game
9. lovin it
Like some others before me said it was like an advancement of the card system with some bugs worked out and just much better as a whole. I will say though that with a few tweaks this system is ideal for a handheld as I don't think the PS2 game systems would work that well on the DS.

edit: Actually I still need to read more on re:coded and the system it'll be using
i would have to choose a 5. I like the idea where you can branch off magics together and power them up, but i hate that near the of of the came 1/2 to 3/4 of your panels are all lv up one's. If there was an exp based leveling up system i believe that i would be better.
I guess i'm somewhere in the middle. For me, the panel system was just alright. Not my favorite but, not my least favorite either.

The one real problem that I had with the panel system is that there was different shapes of the different abilities. I hated having to be constantly re-arranging them trying to fit as much as I could ya know? It just irritated me. So maybe if there was more space i'd be much happier. The fact that they were (some) took up so much space made it difficult for me.

One thing I did like however, is that it was customizable. In the sense that you could have as many (example) potions as you wanted. It didnt give you a specific amount of potions that you could hold.
I know pretty much everyone has always complained about the panel system, but I've always kind of liked it. Very organized, at least, and 23902834903 better than the card system. I'd give it an 8 or 9 on your scale.
Personally I would have to give it an 8. I didnt really enjoy the card system from CoM, but I think that the panel system is much better. It is interesting that you can power up spells, not to mention the added effect panels on weapons. It is also nice that they have double and quadruple level panels, so you can choose what level you want to be for a particular mission, or get as many levels out of your level up panels as you possibility can.