Party Names?

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Of the twelve times I've played through the game, I've always used the same names.

B MAGE: Lenn
W MAGE: Mikoto
MONK: Darren

The names are based off an old fangame I made.
Everytime i've played through the game i've used the same names:

Warrior - Troy
Theif - Mark
White Mage - Cara
Black Mage - Aero

I don't know why, they just came to me.

I was feeling very random when I started this %D

Warrior - Crust
Monk - Bubble
White Mage - Nut
Black Mage - Darky
Warrior - Red
Thief - Green
White M. - White
Black M. - Black

Guess why
White Mage ~ Lauren
Black Mage ~ imi
Warrior ~ Dan
Thief ~ Edward

Named them after me, my ex, his CS name and my hamster ...
Black Mage- Coco
Black Mage- Cream
Thief- Furion
White Mage- Flips
i did

warrior-jamie (my name)
monk-Marcus (ffIX)
white mage-luca (dunno y)
black mage- vivi (the best chracter in ffIX)
I just started a new game!
Warrior - Pete
Thief - Scott
White Mage - Jen
Black Mage - Steve

NOTE: I know no people with these names in real life, I just thought they were fitting.
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