People ever thought you looked like someone else?


I'm a Lover, not a Fighter!
May 1, 2011
Has anyone ever been compared to, mistaken for, or thought they looked like another person? And has it ever made you reeeaaally embarrassed? Or maybe really flattered?

For me, I have been asked if I'm related to another person or completely mistaken for another person sooooo many times. But two times actually left me annoyed :hmph:

The first was the end of my freshman year, and I was talking with my boyfriend and some guy who I had seen around school asked me if we were brother and sister 8( He said we looked really alike, and he had seen us before and thought we were twins! It was very awkward.

The other time was just last year, I was talking to my friend at lunch and the guy who I reeeaaally liked sat next to me. (Yeah yeah I know.) And so he asked if my friend and I were related, because we really looked alike. But, the thing is, my friend is fugly :hmph: So I was very insulted anyway and double insulted because I liked that dude :rage:

So, anything like this ever happened to you :grin:

I've often been mistaken for my friend Dani, I don't think we look that similar but apparently other people do. I remember when I first met my ex boyfriend Sam, he thought Dani and I were twin sisters (herp derp) and he thought that for ages too.

I've gotten random people come up to me sometimes and say "heeyyy <insert name>" and I have to say "I am not <insert name>" or they go "You look really familiar, are you related to so and so?" and I have to go "No I am not related to so and so" etc
I remember one time I was at the casino and I was walking across this huge dimly lit room which was pretty much empty. Anyway, as I was walking some guy was walking towards me. He seemingly recognized me and I thought he was some guy who I went to school with. So there was a moment when we were waving to each other and stuff and then as we got closer we realized that we didn't know each other. I thought it was pretty funny.
People call me Harry Potter. A lot. Doesn't bother me too much, because I enjoy the Harry Potter books and movies. I just wave my wand and keep walking :grin:
When I was a kid my family teased me about looking like the singer from Snow Day, Hoku, And then when I got older they said I looked like Emily Browning when we watched A Series of Unfortunate Events for the first time, I used to be annoyed at being compared to Hoku but they stopped saying it when I got older xD

That's probably it :hmmm:
Kobrɑ Kid;965714 said:
When I was a kid my family teased me about looking like the singer from Snow Day, Hoku, And then when I got older they said I looked like Emily Browning when we watched A Series of Unfortunate Events for the first time, I used to be annoyed at being compared to Hoku but they stopped saying it when I got older xD

That's probably it :hmmm:

You got compared to...




I love you.

But seriously, I don't get mistaken for anyone else a lot. Only my brother, sometimes.
A couple of years ago when I had my hair long and about shoulder length people would say I looked like Jen Aniston. ...and I'd totally post the pic, if I had it but it was on my lappy that died :( I did see it though.

Now of course, I look nothing like her. My hair cut is different and much blonder than I used to have it highlighted.

I was still flattered though, I think Jen is really pretty :lew:
Ive been told i look like stiffler from the original american pie films...i dont see it. Jim morrison from the doors and there was another........jamie t :hmph:
When I was smaller I was always told I looked just like the child from the Sixth Sense. It always came back around to that. That never really bothered me, though.

If it WASN'T that kid, I was mistaken for my brother who was 15 months older than I am (who is also an absolute idiot) and it irritated the absolutely crap out of me.

My dad's said I look like PJ Harvey... I don't see it, my boyfriend doesn't see it, his family don't see it, my friends don't see it... So I very much doubt I do. -_-
I've gotten told I look like a child pedo. :( Of course this was back when I had the correct "Pedo Glasses" and my face looked like it was pepperoni pizza, but now I don't think I look like that anymore. Aside from that, nobody has told me I look like someone else, let alone anyone famous. :lew:
Someone once told me that I look like Robert Smith, lead singer of The Cure, but the person who told me that was wrong and probably more than a little insane.
No one mistakes me for anyone. No one can pull off a scowl as well as I can. I don't look like any celebrities because there are no celebrities as good looking as I am.
I don't really get mistaken for other people. I've had people tell me I look like Balthier, and I do, except my skin is more pale and I don't dress quite so badass.

My brother and I look very much alike and everyone has to tell me it constantly.

Not really a "looked like someone else" moment, but a really funny moment happened at Subway the other day. I said hi to a girl named Christy who works there and a guy in line, who I'm guessing was named Chris, said "oh hey man, how are you?" after looking at me for five seconds. I kept the conversation going internally laughing but I also glad that a complete stranger would actually talk to me like we were old friends. He noticed I had on my Bank of America name tag and he said "You work at the bank, now? How is it working for the man?" and I just laughed out loud and said "it's nice to make the big bucks." and that was the end of our fake reunion lol.
I've been told by a few people that I look like Miley Cyrus and everytime, I'd look at them like :hmph: and they'd laugh and go, "Okay, maybe just the hair.". :hmph:

Last week my seatmates in my history class told me I look like Lovi Poe in her new Bench ad. I guess that's a bit better than Miley Cyrus. :rage:
Back when I was in 6th Form (17-18 years old) a lot of the lower years (14-16'ish) always used to shout and joke that I looked like Prince Harry. Whenever they saw me they always used to say "It's Prince Harry! Hey Prince Harry!"

When I finished 6th Form we were all given joke awards, and I got the 'Prince Harry Award'. I don't even understand it, as I'm not even ginger.

Apparently at some angles and at some facial expressions I look a bit like him, and I've been told since then by various people that I do too. I still don't see it. As honoured as I am to resemble a royal, I'd much rather look like a total badass like Prince Philip.

I've also been told that I look like Wolverine, but that's a silly idea. They told me this because of my sideburns which I've let grow just to prove that I'm a man. My hair itself does not look like Wolverine's hair. I also do not look feral and aggressive enough to be Wolverine.

Oh, and I often get mistaken for a statue too. Even if I'm talking to them and welcoming them. Apparently I scare the hell out of people because I'm very stiff in my movements and such. I'm not sure. It annoys me, but I guess the problem is me.

As for general people that one might meet or know in real life, I've not really met another me out there (though I guess in general human beings tend to file people they don't know very well into generic folders in some vague sense). For those people who think that I look like someone or remind them of someone, I'd love to meet the people I remind them of, study them, and work out if they are of the same species that I am.
I've been compared to Bret Farve(when he was young) and more recently Colt Brennan(both football players). Those are the most flattering comparisons I've gotten.

People used to say that I looked like the Olsen twins. I don't know how flattering that is. I don't think that I look anything like them now.
In my school I went to in 08 one of the dude science teachers insisted that I had been there before. He never told me the name of the guy, it's just crazy how for the whole year he kept asking me over and over.

And in my Last school, the vice principal kept thinking I was another kid in my class and vice versa.
Ed Sheeran, Ron Weasley/Ruper Grint. Basically any ginger guy -_- When you're ginger you look like every other ginger apparently. Also, people tell you that you don't have a soul on a daily basis?