Photoshop Question


Forgotten Fantasy
Dec 23, 2008
I just got photoshop CS3 and I was wondering how you place a border around your finish product so that all the layers are together and so I can save it as one thing instead of a bunch of different things. If anyone knows, PLEASE tell me... thanks.
I know that there's a different way to do this but, for myself, I usually take an eraser around the border of the finished work and fill it with my desired colour.

I now remember seeing something in 'blending options', where I was able to create the border you'll see in my current signature. Don't ask me how, where or what, though. xD
The only thing I know about borders is that you put a new layer over your sig and using the rectangular marquee tool to select your entire sig and then you go to Edit > Stroke, and then choose what you want to do with your border (Stroke, Location, and blending options appear in the window that pops up then) and the click okay.

Sorry, that probably didn't help >__<
Sorry, I'm not quite sure about what your asking. Are you asking how to merge all the layers together so that you are left with just one?

If so, it is just a matter of right clicking any layer in the layers window and selecting either 'Merge Visible' which will merge all the layers which aren't hidden into one layer. Or you could select 'Flatten Image', which will merge all of the visible layers and delete all the hidden layers.
Thanks both of you! ^^ I'll try both those options and hopefully it works. Those pretty much answered my question. :)
I'm sure you've found out by now, but if not, you flatten the image, then you hit Ctrl + A to select the whole sig (unless you want to have the border not around the sig but inside the sig.. if this is the case you can use the rectangular marquee tool) then Edit>Stroke and change the pixels to how wide you want your border and choose a colour.