FF Music Piano versions


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Personally, i think that some peices of FF music sound far better in piano, like Rose of May, Tifas theme and To Zanarkand, Yuffies theme also sounds pretty good in piano.

Does anyone else think that some of the games music sounds better in piano? And does anyone have any specific favourites?
Oh yeah, I totally agree. Although the orchestrated versions are beautifully composed and sounds truly amazing, there's just something about piano versions that really calms me and even make me think or completely wash all thoughts out - either way it's all good.

Hmm, To Zanarkand, 1,000 Words, and some of Chrono Cross' piano versions are my favorites.
Yes, I love FF songs being played with a piano. I am taking piano lessons but I have never tried to play FF songs myself. Perhaps I should try and see how good I can play them.

So far I can play the first parts of Fur Elise....but I am still a piano nOOb....
I love all of them. Final Fantasy + piano = really good music

I'm gonna have to get my friend to teach me piano. She is very good, then I will be able to play them all! lol
Fisherman's Horizon is beautiful on the piano, one of my favourite pieces of FF music. I also really like the piano version of Daguerreo's theme music.
The piano version of Aeris' theme is really pretty on piano. I've heard some good piano versions of Rikku's theme, Tifa's theme, Vincent's theme (FFVII) and Suketi Da Ne. Cloud's Theme is good too, and of course the piano version of the Battle Theme that they did for Advent Children is really awesome aswell.

At the moment I'm trying to find some piano versions of FFIC themes, they are few and far between, but would be quite interesting.
I especially love Vivi in Alexandria, it sounds so dark, yet happy and innocent at the same time. Has to be one of my favourties, now it's time to actually get the game
I loved the piano rendition of At The Bottom Of The Night (Chrono Trigger).

Normally, I prefer listening to game music in their unadulterated format, but NightShader1's interpretation of this song literally took my breath away. The keyboard notes were simply far better at conveying sadness and melancholy than the original MIDI-based xylophonic tunes.
Terra's Theme on piano = GOD. It just sounds so much more majestic and grand, despite having only a single instrument in it.
Yeah, Terras theme on piano is really beautiful ^_^ Celes' theme on the piano isn't as good as the full Japanese opera version is though.

Although Rose of May in piano is just orgasmic xD
I downloaded both the piano versions and the orignals of almost all the songs I could--I think it's so interesting to listen to one version of a song, then the other, then compare the two.

...but I suppose that's just me.

I love all versions, though. ♥
Many piano versions do sound great, but I think the official piano versions tend to be a little vanilla. I prefer some of the fan-created transcriptions at times because there's more variation and innovation to it.
I think that the Piano Versions of the FF songs = WIN. I absoutly love To Zanarkand. It is one of my most favourite pieces.
At first I thought that Yuna's ballad from FFX-2 was very touching but when I got used to it, it was pretty bad
Mysterious song

Hey, does anyone recognize what FF song these lyrics are from? I want to find the piano sheet music for it, but I got this song ages ago, with no name or title. Any help would be appreciated, it's driving me nuts :blink: ..these are the lyrics:

One lonely night, no silver moon,
No one welcome heart to comfort you
Through darkness that fell all too soon
And stole away the dawn of your youth
Happiness was far too short a while
Life of sorrow when you’re just a child
Innocence lost with the light
Although your arms are reaching out,
There’s no one there no one to care
It might be from one of the final fantasy potions albums. Check the songs lists on wiki or something.

Bran Bal and Cosmo Canyonfor me.

Bran Bal is so wicked and twisted yet calm and chilled. The most laid back tune of pure evil ever.

Cosmo Canyon just for the awesome that was the tune .
Being a piano player, quite alot of songs have caught my attention on piano mainly:

To Zanarkand, the song from the Fabula nova crystallis trailer, aeriths theme, the legendary one winged angel and melodies of life, Those who fight from Advent children and jenova...
I think they sound greeat on piano, I have eyes on me stashed somewhere. I listened to One Winged Angel a while back (think it was around the forums somewhere) And that was really impressive
I do like a lot of the piano versions of Final Fantasy songs.

Aerith's theme is beautiful on the piano and it sounds quite sad.

The FFVII main theme is also another good song.

I've never really liked the song 1000 Words, (it may be due to the way Yuna sings it though) However, on the piano I think it sounds absolutely beautiful.

Locke's theme is another good one for the piano.

I do not like most of the battle songs on piano though. I think they sound better when a metal band plays them. The battle theme for FFVII I just can't stand on piano. One Winged Angel sounds like it's lacking and Dancing Mad, well you just do not get the full effect of the song.