Place to get most exp.


Chocobo Breeder
May 21, 2008
I'm gonna start playin ff9 again and i wuz wondering where wuz the best place to level up. I haven't played the game since it came out and i completely forgot.
Early game it's usually just wherever you have to go next, but later in the game I'd say go up the alternate way at Gizamaluke's Grotto.
Yans provide the most exp, however, they're rather difficult to defeat since they cast Comet; this deals random damage, ranging from 0 - 9999.
If you're lower than Lv 60, I recommend training in Memoria.
If you're on disc 3, Grand Dragons are the best choice. They're located on the alternate path at Gizmaluke's Grotto as stated above.
Try Gargan Roo,defeating the worms there is easy,and gives a lot of exp ,also ,memoria is a good place to to train up .
Easy exp. Learn Lvl 5 death for Quina in disk 2 by defeating Draco Zombies. Then go back to Gizmalukes Grotto and use it on Grand Dragons for Instant death and exp until level 50 then level in memoria until 60+ while using Zidane, Freya, Steiner, and Vivi and train until 60-70 then fight Yans until 99. Zidane, and Freya for Theivery and Dragons Crest respectively (constant 9999 damage if you kill lots of Dragons and use steal often), Steiner for Shock (free 9999 damage, and Vivi for doomsday (have on shadow armor to absorb Shadow damage. Then when you get 80+ you only need Zidane and Steiner and can level 2 other characters of your choice. Happy leveling!