Playstation 2 vs. Media Center


Chocobo Breeder
Mar 11, 2007
Umeå, Sweden
Ok, so this isn't exactly related to any PS game, but it does have to do with the console. I'm not sure where else to put this thread, and I do apologise if it has been discussed before (although I've not seen it).

Here goes:

My sister recently bought a new laptop which has got Windows XP Professional Media Center edition on it. Now, we want to try and play our Playstation 2 on it, but we're not sure how to tune in the right channel. We can already watch TV on it, but Media Center doesn't seem willing to let us manually search for the right channel to play PS2 on. Any suggestions? If anyone could help and direct me on how to make it work, I'd be really grateful. We've got the right cables I think (RF adaptor etc) so that part should be OK already.

Thank you!

Confusing. I've never attempted to connect a PS2 to a laptop before. I'm not sure if I'm visualizing the situation correctly, but don't you connect the laptop directly to the RF adapter after connecting the red/yellow/white wires of the PS2 into it [RF adapter]? Eh, that sounds too simple. I'm not sure. Even so, I don't know what the deal with the channel is.

Sorry for not being of more help. The least I can do is bump the thread, possibly bringing it to the attention of someone who may know more.
-Thread moved-

And I'm with Scrutator on this. An external TV tuner might be needed.

Here, I found something that may help: (I'll PM the link to you)
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Yeah, I'm trying to do the same thing, I have tried putting in the cable, proggramming, nothing, if that helps
I tried this this summer, but without decoder it can't find a signal. But there are other TV-cardviewers that can be used.
I still want to know the answer, if someone knows it, so it'll be bumped.

But, I have a thought. With Media Center, you can hook up a set top box, so, here is the idea. Is it possible to patch the PS2, via the box, and into the computer? (for those of you who didn't understand that, put the cables into the back of the box, and then hook up the box to the PC, and then, viola) but, this is just a theory.