
Grand Lethal

Red Mage
Jan 8, 2007
Each time that I have made another save file on FFX, I've done something differently.

1st File:
Kimahri and Rikku were useless and underused. I had Kimahri follow Lulu's part of the grid, and he was never as good as her. Tidus never reached Quick Hit, Lulu never had Ultima, Auron was my hard hitter, Wakka was ok, but only used as backup. I basically won the end-game by spamming Holy with Yuna, and I could never break 9999, because I couldn't get Anima for the lack of destruction spheres. I managed to beat Belgemine all the way to Remiem and used the Standard Sphere Grid.
I was ambushed by Dark Valefor at pwned instantly.

2nd File:
I used the Expert Grid this time, and I lost to Belgemine at the Mi'hen Highroad, then beat her at the Moonflow. Can't remember much else.

3rd and current File:
Standard Sphere Grid again. This time I was adamant that this time Rikku and Kimahri weren't going to be useless, and now they're my damage dealers :P They both hit for more than Auron, as does Tidus, and this time I had Kimahri go through a combo of Tidus' and Auron's grid-space. I now have all of Kimahri's overdrives, minus Nova. I plan going after Yuna's, Auron's, Rikku's, Kimahri's and possibly Lulu's Celestial weapons (I've managed 71/200 dodges so far) so I can get revenge on Dark Valefor and get the last Jecht Sphere so I can get Auron's Tornado.
I'll possibly kill a few optional Arena bosses too, and complete the Omega Ruins.

What have you guys do differently on your playthroughs? There's a lot of space for customisation in this game.
My first play through was shockingly bad, I don't think I had a single celestial weapon and couldn't get past Sin, altho I do recal trying to go back to Besaid and also got my arse handed to me by Dark Valefor, I actually gave up when I got to Sin because he kept kicking my arse, then I accidentally deleted the file :gasp:

Used the standard grid aswel which SUCKS. My Kimhari was a useless shite althought I did quite like Riku

Second playthrough, as soon as I got that first Jecht sphere I headed straight back to Besaid (yes it took AGES) and got the other one so I wouldn't have to get ambushed by Dark Valefor later, until I was good an' ready

I chose the Expert grid, which IMO is better than taht shitty standard one, got everyones celestial weapons, got them all round the board at least once and even dodged 200 lightning bolts. NEVER again

I still didn't use Kimhari, he's just...naff

My armour customisations is a little shit but it's like my second file that I still tried to make uber..

On my thirrd playthrough Im gunna bloody plan my moves on the grid alot more, get EVERYONES stats to 255 and not just my main 3 and think about what I want to have on my armour rather thanjust doing whatever and hoping for the best :gasp:

Oh and I won't be getting Lulu's celestial weapon again :wacky:
I've had quite a few playthroughs.

First one I just went through the game until I could beat Braska's Final Aeon, didn't really concentrate on any side-quests or things like that. This is my usual thing, first time through a game, I play for the story.

Second time around, I started doing the stat maxing, all the various little side-quests, Celestial Weapon collecting, and preparing to beat the Arena Monsters and Dark Aeons. Unfortunately half-way through this process my place got broke into (I was out at the time, thankfully) and my PS2, GameCube and all my games got stolen :-(

Fastforward to about 2 years later, when I finally get FFX again so I can play it. This time I finally manage to get three characters to max stats, and go and finish off the Dark Aeons and Penance for the first time. I thought I'd be finished with the game, but I recently discovered about No Sphere Grid games and I was itching to try one.

So, my fourth playthrough is a NSG (No Sphere Grid) game. I've gone through almost all the main story, just need to beat Sin, Seymour Omnis and Braska's Final Aeon, on the main story at least. I'm also powering up an Aeon - Ixion - in order to beat the Arena Monsters and Dark Aeons. Not finished yet, but I'm pretty close to being able to beat Dark Valefor at least, so I have a while to go.

On my next playthrough, as soon as I defeat Spherimorph, I'm backtracking all the way to Besaid so I can get the Jecht Sphere without having to kill Dark Valefor. I'm currently up to Mt. Gagazet, and now I can't pass through Guadosalam >_<
If I ever play through this game, I think I'll make sure that I get Auron's Masamune before Yuna's Nirvana, that way I won't get WTFPWNed when at the Mushroom Rock Road looking to capture monsters by the Dark freaking Magus Sisters.
in most of my files before my friend and i discussed major tactics i was only just eating the game, and i never beat Omega weapon.

in my most recent games i seem to pwn everything including Omega weapon in like 2 attacks (Anima's Oblivion twice)
A no sphere grid game? That sounds extremely difficult. Wouldn't you start dying from monsters in 1 hit after you get so far?
Not if you summon an Aeon =D Also, customising armour with Auto-Phoenix is a life saver, despite me never having enough Mega-Phoenixes to use it -_-
1st: All i can remember is that it wasn't very good!

2nd: Still wasn't very good couldn't get past the moon flow part where the al-bhed take yuna.

3rd: Around this time i finally got a computer and internet, so finally i could use a walkthrough, so then i was pretty good. Tidus, Auron, Wakka and Yuna pwned. I didb't get any other extra aeons but Yojimbo.

4th (current): Expert sphere grid. Have everyones celestial weapons. All extra aeons. Own penance. Nearly maxed out everyones stats (only Kimahri and Rikku too go) thats really all i can remember and playing time was about 150 sum thin hours.
1st playthrough: Yuna was just power crazy, had Dark Yojimbo and Penance to beat, had one monster left to beat in the Monster Arena.

2nd: Got up to Yunalesca, got stuck, gave up. Kimahri was the Tank, then Tidus was the second strongest, then Auron.

3rd: Levelling everyone equally, but Auron already has 2000hp+, and we're only on the Mi hen highroad :P