Please do this early in the game


Chocobo Breeder
Dec 3, 2006
Wish I'd have noticed this when I first started playing...

You'll come across 2 good accessories for leveling up:

Golden Amulet = x2 LP earned (equip on peeps not in fights also)

Embroidered Tippet = x2 EXP earned

You'll gain MORE than enough LP throughout the game. To do yourself a service, I'd highly recommend equipping your Embroidered Tippets early on. It's nice to see your License Board filling up, but being higher levels really helps against bosses and Marks. Fill up your top half of the License Board, then use your E. Tippets.

Just a recommendation :D
Yeah, that's good advice for ppl just starting out. I only really needed LP in the very beginning too, rarely ever had to worry about it, now I just have an abundance of it!
How and where do you get the Tippets? Can you synthesize them, steal them, or buy them? I don't know if I am far enough yet. I just got to the Phon Coast.
Embroidered Tippet locations

You can purchase them in Old Archades (about 3 locations past your Phon Coast), and you can also STEAL them from the Coeurl's in the Tchita Uplands. Only need 3, as they don't help party members not currently in your lineup. Tchita Uplands are attached to your Phon Coast, I believe, so you're pretty darn close. Happy hunting :D
get quickenings eailier on and use them against the dino guy in westersand (or estersand cant remember)
then chain quicken on him and you get good exp after you kill him
kill the first demon gate, then kill the second one, then go back and you can get a good sword
Steal = Gil

Money can be tough to come by early on, as you're always trying to keep your characters up to date with armor/weapons and such. As soon as you get your 2nd player in your party, have a gambit:

Foe: HP = 100% STEAL

Well, you need the gambit, also, of course :D

Even if you're just stealing pebbles, it all adds up. This also helps the Bazaar Items pop up at shops. Steal steal steal.... Happy hunting :D
All good advice.

Learning the quickenings early on, even if you don't use them will really help with your MP.

Stay on track with the hunts. Don't save them all for later, because you can get good items and such which will be of more use to you the sooner you get them.

And the tip about the demon gate is good, but don't be discouraged if the sword isn't there in the treasure chest at first, you just have to keep exiting and entering the area to reset the chests until you get it.
lmao people should use search on the forums, I posted WAY back BEFORE THE GAME CAME OUT to get thoes two accessories and where to get them. What you should do is equip EVERYONE with the AP accessories but not your 3 main characters that you are currently lvling up. You want to equip thoes 3 with the lvl accessories. EVERYONE gains AP no matter what, but the 3 in your party only gain EXP. You kill 2 birds with one stone.