There are several things to keep in mind when signing up for a role-play. Mind you, this list is bound to be altered with or without notice. Keep an eye on this thing for any future updates.
Signing Up:
You MUST keep in mind that if you wish to participate in a certain role-play, your character should be suited for the story. If a story calls for, say...a futuristic sci-fi setting, a feudal-age samurai would not be suitable, now would it?
Also, the person who made the RP has the right to tell a player whether or not they are allowed in their role-play. After all, it is THEIR story the players are mostly following. If the RP leader feels that your character is not suited for their story, respect that.
In the event that there is a role-play discussion thread with the tag [ Invitation Only ] or something along those lines, do not post in it. If the RP leader wants you to participate, they will contact you. Beggars and annoyingly demanding people are less likely to get the spot.
Playing the RP:
There are a couple things that are the prime rules of role-playing, no matter where you go. What are these rules? Simple; No Godmodding and No Powerplaying.
Godmodding refers to using a character that is so ridiculously strong/fast/etc. and has an infinite amount of energy that they would practically be considered a god. This is looked down upon, for being able to defeat everything in a single post is both boring for everyone to read and frustrating for the RP Leaders. Godmodding can consist of the following (and more): Casting magic without a cost, full-heal spells in holding unbreakable weapons/armor, being able to break all weapons/armor in one blow, one-hit kills, making more attacks in one post than can possibly be dodged/parried/missed, etc.
Powerplaying refers to controlling characters that do not belong to you. Although NPCs are usually of no matter, controlling another player's character without their consent is never a good idea. Not only does it take away from that character's post, but it may also drive the intended story in a completely different direction. Powerplaying can consist of the following (and more): Assuming a character agreed/disagreed to a question being asked before they post, making a character say something completely out of their character, grabbing/picking up a character without the player's consent, making a character dodge /parry/recieve someone else's attacks, making a your opponent dodge/parry/recieve your attacks, etc. THE ONLY EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE IS WHEN MOVING THE ENTIRE PARTY! If it is assumed that everyone is accompanying the character, then they may skip the journey until an event occurs or they reach their destination.
Remember that along with the no-godmodding and no-powerplaying rules, there is also the obvious; no cybering and the lot. (Although hinting towards perversion is allowed, full blown sex is not.) Also, in The World's Gate, Original characters are greatly encouraged!
Thanks for your time,
~ Shenorai
FFF RP Central Staff
Signing Up:
You MUST keep in mind that if you wish to participate in a certain role-play, your character should be suited for the story. If a story calls for, say...a futuristic sci-fi setting, a feudal-age samurai would not be suitable, now would it?
Also, the person who made the RP has the right to tell a player whether or not they are allowed in their role-play. After all, it is THEIR story the players are mostly following. If the RP leader feels that your character is not suited for their story, respect that.
In the event that there is a role-play discussion thread with the tag [ Invitation Only ] or something along those lines, do not post in it. If the RP leader wants you to participate, they will contact you. Beggars and annoyingly demanding people are less likely to get the spot.
Playing the RP:
There are a couple things that are the prime rules of role-playing, no matter where you go. What are these rules? Simple; No Godmodding and No Powerplaying.
Godmodding refers to using a character that is so ridiculously strong/fast/etc. and has an infinite amount of energy that they would practically be considered a god. This is looked down upon, for being able to defeat everything in a single post is both boring for everyone to read and frustrating for the RP Leaders. Godmodding can consist of the following (and more): Casting magic without a cost, full-heal spells in holding unbreakable weapons/armor, being able to break all weapons/armor in one blow, one-hit kills, making more attacks in one post than can possibly be dodged/parried/missed, etc.
Powerplaying refers to controlling characters that do not belong to you. Although NPCs are usually of no matter, controlling another player's character without their consent is never a good idea. Not only does it take away from that character's post, but it may also drive the intended story in a completely different direction. Powerplaying can consist of the following (and more): Assuming a character agreed/disagreed to a question being asked before they post, making a character say something completely out of their character, grabbing/picking up a character without the player's consent, making a character dodge /parry/recieve someone else's attacks, making a your opponent dodge/parry/recieve your attacks, etc. THE ONLY EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE IS WHEN MOVING THE ENTIRE PARTY! If it is assumed that everyone is accompanying the character, then they may skip the journey until an event occurs or they reach their destination.
Remember that along with the no-godmodding and no-powerplaying rules, there is also the obvious; no cybering and the lot. (Although hinting towards perversion is allowed, full blown sex is not.) Also, in The World's Gate, Original characters are greatly encouraged!
Thanks for your time,
~ Shenorai
FFF RP Central Staff
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