Please tell me your names(im new)


The one and only
Jul 13, 2008
On the Earth
Hi im Hikari777.I wish to be friends with you,not enemies.I just signed up today.BD:4/13/94
Email me
Last edited:
Jay (Real name)
Jack (Friends nickname on me)
Ruud (Username)

Good? Nice to meetcha.
Hi DarkFireAce, I'll call ya DFA for short. :neomon:

Welcome to FFF, hope ya like it here and find your way around and make some new friends. I'm Liquid Ocelot atm but people mainly know me as FFGuy, I change names every now and again but I'll let you know when I have a name change if you get confuzzled.

My name's in my profile if you want to know and if you have any questions regarding the forum or ff in general just send me a pm or speak to me on msn. ;) my email address is also in my profile.
Welcome DFA

Real name: Florian
User name: Maximillian
Fred title reminds me of a song in one of those kids programs I watch all day :gasp:

Anyways, welcome an' all that, you can call me Bambi, I like to change the username alot :monster:
Hiya! :)

My name on here is Rau-Rau but you can call me Rau or Lou (My real name)

Hope you have fun around the forums
Welcome to forums DFA!
Hope you enjoy your stay and post lots! :wink:

For more information on myself, check my profile. :monster:
Real Name- Gareth/ Gaz
Username- Lone Wolf

Call me whatever you wantz

Hey and all that shizz :wacky:

Posts lots, steal cookies, stay active

Worship this guy --> :monster:

If ya need help just PM me
Welcome to the forums. :monster:

You may not call me Cassy, instead feel free to call me John. :neomon:
Thank you guys so much for your names.My real name is Hizuki.You can call me DFA.Well i might be changing my username to Hikari777 so yeah.(im a girl by the way)
Hello, pleasure to meet you.

You can call me RV, Random, Cameron, or Cam, or whatever you would like.

I'm not picky.

Enjoy yourself here. :)
Welcome to this place that will be your home away from home. Just call me SC for short.