Pokemon: Tjixka


Don't ruin my cuin
Sep 23, 2010
Jessie and James discover a rare Pokemon called Tjixka, an electric Pokemon.

They try to capture it. They are so scared that they put poor Meowth forward to capture it.

Tjixka shocked the three of them violently. The three flew away from the force unleashed by the shock.

Ash received word of Tjixka by a messenger bird and said, "I will fight him, get him, and become the best trainer!"

Meanwhile, Meowth was somehow evolving into a ferocious Pokemon known as a Kjuxa. This had Jessie and James scared to death. "Is he on our side?" asked James. "I don't know," whined Jessie.

Rules: Try not to godmod or powerplay. And your bio needs to be more than four or five lines, you need to answer the questions in a way which is a little more than just a minimum answer. I'll need to approve your bios.


Gender (if applies):
Species (human, Pokemon, etc):
Attacks (if applies):
Battle tactics (if applies):
Special abilities (if applies):


Claimed characters:
James (Team Rocket) - claimed by me, I'll try to have a bio up.

Other than that, ideas are welcome. We're not in the stage where everything in the story is final yet.
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Name: James
Age: 18
Gender (if applies): Male
Species (human, Pokemon, etc): Human
Hometown: Unknown
Appearance: James is skinny, and has shiny blue hair and green eyes. One streak of hair often comes down over his face. He wears a white suit with a red "R" on the chest. He wears dark gloves and boots.
Personality: James acts a bit spoiled. He is usually chipper, but he is not quite as brave as Jessie, perhaps not even as brave as Meowth on occasion. James is a bit obsessed with himself and doesn't like getting into the thick of danger by himself.
Backstory: James is a member of Team Rocket along with Jessie and Meowth. The three tend to cause mischief.
Bio: James generally wishes to stick around his partner Jessie because he has a secret fear of being alone. Whenever James has self-confidence in himself, he can however be quite diabolical. James is trying to make himself become someone other than "that rich kid" which people negatively refer to him as. Whether that involves staying with Jessie as part of a team, James is not really sure. But whatever Jessie does is up to her, and whatever he does is up to him, the way he sees it. "Maybe I will become a better villain without her," he once said to himself in an arrogant tone.
Attacks (if applies): James is not very strong by himself. He can be with the right willpower, but he is not a huge physical fighter at this point.
Battle tactics (if applies): Generally it is to run away scared, unless cornered.
Special abilities (if applies): This is pretty much limited to whether he has help from a Pokemon. But other than that, special abilities? Yeah right.
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