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Rorolina Frixell

Alchemist of Arland
Apr 27, 2007
Okay, you are asleep in your room when all of a sudden a portal appears in your room, you wake up and enter it and appear in a world which is every FF world combined into one.

All good FF characters are not here but the bad guys are

just write up a bio on yourself (the history can be custom) and use either your real name or username and for appearance just use your regular clothes and weapons can be FF weapons only if your physical build would allow you to hold it so you can't be a skinny runt who can weild sephiroths masamune blade

weapons system-ff9
magic system-ff7
summon system-ff4
armour system-ff9
limit system (specify)-ff8
trance system (specify)-ff9

you can choose up to two classes of medium skill or one class of extreme skill

classes available

knight-cover( cover weakened ally)
monk-power(double attack power)
thief-steal(steal an enemies item if any)
black mage-black magic (use black magic from aquired materia)
white mage-white magic (use white magic from aquired materia)
red mage-red magic (use black and white magic from aquired materia)
blue mage-blue magic (use enemy skills if enemy skill materia is equipped)
summoner-summon (summon beasts if they serve you)
sorceror-magic sword (use magic enhanced sword attacks)
ninja-dual weild (hold two ninja swords)
dragoon-jump (jump higher than humanely possible and attack the enemy from above)


here is my bio

Name: Damon

Age: 16

Gender: male

Build: Rather bony and tall

Skin colour: pale in sunlight and very light brown in shade

Trance power: warblaze (shoots fiery projectiles at all enemies)
cosmos power (planetary beams heavily damage an enemy)
(more become available as story progresses)
(you cannot trance until a situation allows you to trance from then onwards you can trance at will)

Personality: happy and fun to be with, can try to act cool at times and has a tendancy to be rather cold towards people that are thought to be disagreeable and it is difficult to manipulate him

Appearance: plain black shirt and trousers with no pockets, watch that is black and falling apart, dark blue framed glasses, black trainers, black socks, dark brown hair of shoulder length with ringlets at the end

Weapons: none (everyone has no weapons til we start in the actual rp)

Armour none: (same reason as above)

Fighting style: Twin swords fighting style, one held in front pointing at the enemy and the other put from behind in a diagonal direction

Class: ninja and black mage

History: often hated for being different Damon has wandered from north to south of Britain in search of a place he belonged, after finding this place he became rather intelligent and slightly strong and skilled in self defence.

While he wallows in self doubt and a general lack of self confidence Damon is not very brave in combat and will often hide when in difficulty

It was one fateful day when Damon was awoke in the middle of the night and saw a light purple portal in his room so he quickly got dressed and entered the portal thinking it was a dream, upon entering he was lost and confused and investigated his surroundings.

you can add more stuff to your bio and if anyone has more ideas for classes etc just put them in your posts and I will think about adding them
character wasnt approved.
A new one will be posted longer down

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......... :omg:

FFGuy, you of all people should know that Cosmo Canyon is for the discussion of ORPGs. If the world you're playing in is a mixture of other FF worlds, then it should be in Gaia or Alexandria.

I'll move it for you, if you wish. Just tell me if this is going to be the actual RP or if this is a discussion thread before I do.
This is the discussion thread shen so you can move it please, and fox, it has to be a new rp bio of yourself so your fox bio will not count, write up a new one here
Here.. this is more or less myself.
NOTE. I dont know the class system that good. but I chose one, (sorceror)
And Im gonna just make up powers and sutch as we go along.
As I think we all are going to.
- Name: Al
- Age: 22
- Gender: Male
- Build: Medium. not fat, not thin.
- Skin Color: Pale in sun, rahter white in dark.
- Personality: An ok dude, tends to alone on spare time, unless there are others to be with. has a "shure, why not" mentality, witch have gotten him in trouble more then once.

- Appearance: 185cm tall, wears sneakers, normal black pants, black T-shirt, a Dark green jacket.
As weapon is aquired, it is fastened on the back, with handle over the right shoulder.

- Wespons: None (according to FFGuy)

- Fighting Style: One katana, has skills using it, but as a Sorceror, he can imbue the sword itself with magical powers, witch hightenes the damage power extremily.
He tends to hold it in the "Ice pick Grip" witch is where the blade points down, not up, he stands with the blade in right hand, and let it point to the left behind him.
He also ises it normally, then he holds the sword pointing straight up. from the right sholder.

- Limit: A Lion Heart-LIKE limit, goes beserk with hightened power for a short while. This can only be used in emergency and when he or his friends is in grave danger. This leaves him exausted.

- Class: Sorceror. Magically enhances his sword

- History:
He was bullied constantly at school, physically as well, at all ages, in the end, he decided to take revenge.
He learned to wield the sword, and use whatever as a weapon, as an extenction of himself.
As he gained friends, he became protective for those, especially to those that where bullied.

One day, as he was gaming, and forgot the time. He sat in the dark room, only light where from the power button, and the screen.

Suddently, a purpilish light, lighted up the room. A portal opened behind him. He got up, and thought "Shure, why not". Grabbed his jacket, put on his shoes. and entered.

As he exited on the other side. He was confused off course, going defencive, and looking around.
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Okay, that bio is okay, just add in whether you use trance or limits and what they will be and it will be finished


if you want to add any more stuff just post in your changes and let me know
so... when does this start?
we are... .2. for the moment.. hopefully we get at least 1 more.
Ok, here I go:

Name: Danijel
Age: 15
Gender: male
Build: strong and plumpy
Skin color: white

Trance: raises defense and gives him ability Release Anger (attacks enemy 8 times with his weapon).

Personality: Very friendly and funny, very defencive towards his friends and himself. Has some sort of temptered anger that he releases when angry (true). People would think that he is a calm person, but when he gets angry, he acts as a bull on matador. Never liked, and never will drink booze or smoke cigaretes (true).

Appearance: Wears white t-shirts, blue shorts that crosses over the knee, 2 year old white hi-tops. He kempts his dark brown hair forward.

Weapons and armors: (same reason as FFGuy's)

Fighting Style: he holds his weapon towards himself raedying it for both defence or offence.

Class: Blue Mage

History (everything in history is true except of portal appearance): Danijel lives in a street with not many houses, and very boring street. He always tells jokes in some occasions that keeps him from being bored.
He was going in class that was the noisiest class in school. His class liked to wrestle and Danijel was called The Bull cause he could knock down anyone with hos body.
Danijel also spends his time playing video games cause as he/I says that his streets is totally opposite of Disney World.
One day he noticed the strange light coming from his laptop, he went to see it and it was a portal that dragged him in into the strange world.
from your laptop..

you where hacked dude ^^
just kidding..

FINNALY. we get mroe ppl..
why not let's give this a spin
And just to tell you the history is true about me up till the portal part.

Name: Chris

Age: 20

Gender: male

weight:165 lbs
Build: Athletic

Skin colour: Tanned

Limit:Full Assault-cast various magics at a selected enemyin a rapid fire manner, and ends by attacking with his sword.

Personality: a serious young man that mostly keeps to himself. he wishes to help others grow into better people, so tries to open up a little at a time.

Appearance: Blue jeans, white shoes, brown jacket, and a black shirt with this symbol across the chestof it

Weapons: none
Armour none: none

Fighting style: He fight's mostly by countering his enemies. He defends and waits for an opening and then strikes.

Class: Red Mage

History:Chris was born and raised in California. As he grew up he was in gymnastics. He became much stronger than anyone else his age and even those who were older.the injuries he sustained through gymnastics made him tough and extremely pain tolerant. The flexibility and agility he got from gymnastics allowed him to move around or even through spaces normal people could not.
He had friends of sorts in school, but that was only because peopled feared him and what he might do if he ever went over the edge. they believed that he could take on the entire school with just his bare hands.
One evening, he had just gotten home from his night class, he noticed a light coming from his back yard. as he got closer ne noticed that it was like a window to another world. It begn to close in front of him. he did not want to lose a chance to get away, so without thinking he ran and jumped through.
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The portal rp will commence now

Read this before you start

1. when you first start you will be in an ff village/town/city

2. when you engage in a random encounter and are defeated you will be rescued by the residents of the nearest village providing that they like/respect you

3. should the residents of the nearby village dislike you or hate you you will awaken and have to crawl back to your area with very low stamina so you are viable to pass out at any time

4. when you are in a new area specify which it is and from which ff game it is (only 1-12 are allowed)

5. when you enter a new area wait for the 'narrator' (me) to give an explanation of your area describing the shops, nearby areas and monsters native to the area

6.should you encounter another person (signed up people) you can either be a friend and be able to form a party with them or be an enemy and fight them constantly or just be an aquaintance who you socialise with but would not spend a great length of time with them

7. you can join forces with bad guys such as ex-death or kefka but once you join it is difficult to leave servitude

8. all servants of bad guys are still with their respective leaders

9. in the case of things such as brahne and kuja kuja will not betray til brahne either gets killed/dethroned or gain a substancial deal of power

10. all forms of summoning are involved (summons, eidolons, gfs etc)

11. when you summon your opponent cannot summon the same beast even if they are of a different branch (summons and eidolons etc) so you cannot have the eidolon bahamut fight the gf bahamut

12. mini games will still be playable if you are in the right area such as chocobo hot and cold in chocobo forest

13. when you start you will be in a village and will immediately begin a trial respective to your class or classes which I will specify (it also differs with area)

14. effects which some bad guys have can effect you if certain conditions are met such as golbez's mind control and kefka's slave crown

15. when you wish to buy something wait til i specify what the price is (you start with no gil and depending on your prowess in your trial you will recieve gil (up to 1000) if you lose in the trial you will be transported to the inn and can retry at your own leisure but cannot leave the village

16. all battles are rp based so you and your party (should you be in one) will each say what action you shall use and when you have all chosen one I will say whether it hits or misses then the enemy attacks back and so on til a victor is decided (when you immediately leave the village and start entering random encounters you will not be able to last more than 2 or 3 battles without being defeated, if you have enough stamina you may possibly last longer but not by far and it will expand as you gain more battle experience and have more advantage against stronger enemies

17. should you be defeated in the area of a bad guy eitherin battle with the bad guy or in their fortress/castle etc you will be captured and offered a place in their forces (your rank will differ depending on your battle prowess

if anyone has any questions or requests for more rules just post them and I will consider them

people can still join in
I have two questions:

1. What about the magics from FF9, FF10 and FF12 like Hastega, Slowga, Dark, Darkra, Darkga,... will they be in materia?

2. Why am I only one taking a damage (after the trials), either you guys pass out or kill a monster in one hit?
1. I would think that it is a mix. some can use materia. some use other systems.

2. Im going to take damage later on, the first battle wasnt too hard you see ^^
1. yes, they will be in materia, if you want magic from those games you need to transport yourself to them somehow

2. I have taken damage if you note me blasting out of a crystal cave and whether we take damage depends on the enemy or enemies in question and their strongest attributes
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