Phew, kupo! Whoever keeps summoning Ifrit, please stop.
Mogliv calling once again, and let me tell you something: we Moogles are simply not designed for heatwaves and overly humid weather, kupo! I've been sweating so profusely that my fur was like a wet towel that had yet to be dried. It probably smelt like a well-used wet towel in excruciating summer weather! But I'm not here to perturb anyone with a detailed description of Moogle sweat, kupo, because following the 'Timber Maniacs' team's third successful magazine launch, it's time for the readers to have a say about the Mogazine going forward.
Presumably most of you have already perused through the third issue by now and haven't completely wilted in this weather, so a brief congratulations would be appropriate, kupo! The next important step for the team naturally involves comments and feedback. If you've something constructive to say about this particular issue or for upcoming issues in the future, we'd love to hear what you have to say! After all, we're always keeping both eyes and our pompoms out for article and content ideas from you all, kupo! - unless it's to hurl abuse at Moogles. I am not accepting any Moogle abuse, kupo! It's bad enough that one of the head editors of 'Timber Maniacs' had already written a piece of fanfic cruelly satirising the daily hardship of my cousin, Moguo. I don't need any more of it coming from you lot! You know who you are.
- Which article(s) did you enjoy reading the most?
- What kind of content would you like to see more of in future issues?
- Would you be interested in contributing content for a future issue?
- If so, what would your article be about?
- We've successfully interviewed people for our magazine! For future content, who would like us to interview and what would you like us to ask them about?
- Any additional comments, kupo?
- Chocobos, Tonberries, Cactuars, Moogles or Paissas?
Phew! It's still too unreasonably warm for this Moogle, kupo! Whose idea was it to give us this much fur? Someone fetch me Lulu so I can tell her to cast Water spells on me all day.
Until then, Mogliv out!

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