Power Or Defence?


Chocobo Breeder
Mar 23, 2007
Hello again!

After everyones friendly advice last time I went back to a old save(The one where ya go around shoutin ya Captain Basch) and lvl'd Fran, Vaan and Bal in mines to 14!

They now have lots of licences open and Vaan even has 2 mist abilitys.

anyway I have gone to the shop to upgrade my weps and I noticed the ebst sword is Zwill blade for Vaan and thats +3 attack and he can use his +8 evade shield OR he can sue Javelin that adds +11 to his attack but he can't use his Shield.....
What seems to be best choice?

Also for Bal he uses a Gun at moment and best he can use now is +3 to what he has.....
Or he can also use a sword for +10 or a Javelin for +20

Would he be any good without his gun?


p.s don't mvoe this to help area it never gets answerd there.
I gave Balthier a bow and found that I liked him much better with that. I eventually gave him the genji glove + masamune. I didn't really use guns all that much. They didn't seem to do as much damage.

As for Vaan, I guess it all depends. If he has decent armor, you can go ahead and give him the javelin.

And this will inevitably be moved to the help booth as it belongs there. :monster:

You can designate one person to be a tank and up close fighter, the other two can stay back and heal and long distance attack as needed. Later on though, when it gets tougher, I prefer to give Vaan a sword (Deathbringer) and shield so he can be a tank and actually defend himself.