Playstation PS1 Help


Feb 10, 2008

Hey I'm new here and I think this may be the wrong forum but I couldn't find one that said PS1 help.

Anyway a few days ago I started playing FFIX again and the memory card doesn't load all the time, and it turns on and off, but it's always in the slot, I'll be trying to save or load something and it'll just go off and say "failed to save data" and yeah. I try again, and it works sometimes, and sometimes it takes a few tries. Same thing with my controller, it'll work some of the time as long as I keep pushing buttons, but it seems if I leave it for a while I have to mash the controller to get it to work and then it'll "lag" I guess you can call it because my char will randomly run one way and not stop, like I was holding the controller that way trying to make it work. I have 3 PS1 controllers, and each of them "lag" like this.

Does anyone know if this is a problem with my PS1 or my controllers and memory card?

Thanks in advance if anyone can help,
I'll shift this over to the Playstation section, it could just be a problem with the memory card and controller, but if you're playing the game on a PS1 it could just be the oldness of the console. Do you have similar problems with other games? If not, it's possibly a problem with the game.
Sounds like your console's defective to me. It's unlikely that the problem exists with each of your three controllers. Your file could be corrupted, I guess...

Start a new file and see if the problem persists. Or try some different games. If the problem continues, I'd bet on the console being defective.
I used to have the same problem with my Playstation controllers. My brother and I went through about six different PS1 controllers and they all messed up. One of the reasons we think this happened is because we used to wrap the cord around the controller when we put them away. We think it might mess the controllers up.

I recommend buying some PS2 controllers since they work with the PS1 also. We never had any problems with the PS2 controllers.

Some memory cards mess up too. Once, all of the data on one of my PS1 memory cards was deleted by itself. I don't know why though.

Since your memory cards work sometimes, blowing on the bottom might help, though I don't know if it actually will....
I messed up a few controllers from wrapping the cord too tightly. Creates a short in the wiring.

But it sounds like his controllers still function a little bit. Mine stopped working completely.
well there are a few thing you have to remember....both the system and the accessories are very old...almost ancient for todays standards. so unless you pay to get it cleaned...which i doubt it because no one i know puts money into their ps1 than the problem with both memory card and controller is the system is dusty... simply blow in both the memory card and contorllers and then their respected slots on the system...this is all i can offer you if it works you owe me lol if it doesnt i srry
Afew of my memory cards have died off, either failing to save or unable to load or just not showing as being in the slot =/ Very annoying when I have some uber files saved >_<

Afew of my control pads have been binned aswel coz they have just died

An alas, Iv been thru several PS1's AND 2's.....moral of the story, look after your stuff better than I do.

Blame it on age and wear and tear, I do :monster:
Sounds like problems with the connector pins of your controllers and memory card. Try buying new ones. If not that, then it's problems with the connector pins of the console itself.