A trailer for the Digimon Adventure, the new Digimon RPG that is also an adaptation of the first season of the Digimon anime, has been released. The game will be released in 2013, and you can watch the trailer below.
It appears that old voices will be reprising in their roles in Digimon Adventure. The battle system is still unclear, but it appears that you can evolve the children’s partner Digimon in battle.
The events covered in this trailer show that the first arc—File Island and Devimon—are definitely in the game, which is hardly a surprise. However, the laugh that cackles away at the end of the trailer sounds suspiciously like Keramon of movie 2, Our War Game…
Digimon Adventure Trailer
Source: Siliconera
This is a pretty nice tribute to Digimon's 15th anniversary, and personally, I think Digimon Adventure was the best anime out of the series (aside from Digimon Adventure 02, && maaaybe Digimon Tamers!)
Unfortunately, I don't think it'll be released outside of Japan, but who knows? Namco Bandai has released some other Digimon games to the U.S. that I thought were pretty useless (like those Rumble Arena games, lol).
My main issue is that this is being released for the PSP (plus it may just stay as an import?). Honestly, I'm not sure why PSP games are still being released - no offense to those who don't want to "upgrade" to the PSVita. But the Vita reaaaally needs some games. >_>;
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