Question about Cloud's Sword


Oct 15, 2006
I deeply apologize if this has been asked before, but I wasn't sure so I figured I'd make a thread and ask. Would anybody happen to know what the name of his new sword is? I've searched around and I can't seem to find anything. Is his new sword just nameless or what have you? If anybody knows or knows how I can find out, please let me know :) Thanks
Actually I just found out the names after like 4 freakin hours of searching :P The name of his sword, fully assembled is First Tsurugi, when it's in battle mode it's called Apocolpyse, another piece is called the Rune Blade which also split into 2 pieces, and the other two pieces are called Butterfly Edge. Hahha, now I'm going to bed after trying to find that out :P lol
ACTUALLY, the individual swords that make up on the collective weapon DO NOT have names. The ones you have read are made up by fans and often claimed to be official, when they are indeed not.

To quote from the Reunion Files book:

- Takeyuki Takeya (the monster and mechanical art designer for the film) designed Cloud's First Tsurugi sword set used in the film. He says that he doesn't know what the individual names of the swords are, nor what their specific attributes are. "First Tsurugi" is, apparently, the name for the entire set and the completed sword (as most people thought, I believe), and the swords were just called "the fusion swords" during development because they weren't given proper names.

And if you're going to refer to the Japanese name of Cloud's complete sword, then it's not the First Tsurugi, it's actually the 'First Ken'. Tetsuya Nomura even calls it so during the commentary of the movie that comes with the Advent Pieces edition.
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I apologize. I didn't know they were names made up by people, neverthless they are cool names ^^ I'm going to do a model sketch of Cloud's sword and all the individual pieces. I'll post it in my art thread when I'm done. Thanks for clearing that up for me Jubei
First Ken

The 'First Ken (translated as "First Sword" in English) is a collection of six swords—designed such that they can be assembled into one—used by Cloud Strife as his primary weapon in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, the film sequel to Final Fantasy VII. The individual swords that comprise the First Ken are not officially named. The common misconception is that it is called the 'First Tsurugi', although there is no official material that ever states this. However, this misconception is understandable given that the same kanji can be read as either "ken" or "tsurugi" in Japanese. Tetsuya Nomura even refers to Cloud's sword as the 'First Ken' in the audio commentary of AC that comes with the Advent Pieces edition.
The weapon consists of one main base blade, one hollow blade that serves as the front edge for the combined sword, two identical—but asymmetrically opposite—serrated blades that form the back, and two identical—also asymmetrically opposite—smaller blades that attach to the sides. In its fully assembled state, the First Ken is reminiscent of Zack's Buster Sword in its shape and size. The swords of the disassembled First Ken are usually stored on racks inside special compartments on both sides of Cloud's motorcycle, the Fenrir. In addition, Cloud wears a harness on his back that is designed to allow him to carry all six swords at once. [2] See them here For a diagram of the different blades and an explanation of their assemblage, see this webpage.

The six blades of the First Ken, stored in the Fenrir motorcycle.

The first is the Main Blade, which has two forms — a buster sword-style exaggeration and a complex split blade similar to Cloud's Apocalypse sword. By itself, the main blade serves as Cloud's primary weapon, with which he can be seen using his Blade Beam Limit Break on one occasion. Next is the Hollow Blade, which does not have an inner core as is expected with a sword. Cloud detaches the weapon from the completed First Ken for use as an off-hand weapon during his fight with Sephiroth. A similar weapon makes an appearance on Final Fantasy Tactics Advance under the name "Eclipse." Third and fourth are the serrated blades, two identical long swords with mirror images of one other, with one side of each completely straight while the other bears a squared-serrated pattern. A long black hilt completes the design for both. Finally, the switch blades are small swords that are mirror images of one another, both with single-sided blades and gear-like mechanisms between at their hilts that allow them to fold up like a switchblade. It is in this folded form that these two small blades are locked onto the sides of the base sword in assembling the combined First Tsurugi, their sharp edges turned forward.
Cloud can perform a unique Limit Break with this sword, as seen near the finale of Advent Children. It is called "Kyūkyoku Bushin Hakazan Version 5" (究極武神破壊斬 Version 5), or "Ultimate War God Slash Version 5" (the original version being better known as "Omnislash version 5"), and is significantly different from the Omnislash in the original game. While the original used only one sword for a longer sequence involving 16 slashes, Omnislash Version 5 is a fast succession of six slashes using the six swords that comprise the completed First Tsurugi. It also differs from the original in that Version 5 involves the six swords levitating while Cloud himself briefly flies. Its odd name is derived from the design process of the film; it was the 5th version of the new Omnislash the designers had worked on. This name bears an interesting resemblance to the famous 'Jecht Shot' used by Tidus and Jecht during Blitzball matches in Final Fantasy X. The shot's official name is the 'Sublimely Magnificent Jecht Shot Mark 3'.
While the Cloud of Kingdom Hearts' continuity used the Buster Sword in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, he uses the completed First Tsurugi in Kingdom Hearts II. As did the Buster Sword, the First Ken appears wrapped in bandages.

As told by wiki, i hope its right.
LOL this is a really popular thread and I didn't know any of this before in fact after reading every post 3 times I'm just now figuring out that you're talking about the swords inAdvent children that he can fuse!!! I didn't know any of this!!!! yay I feel smart/special now!!!
Oh that's an awesome pic! Thank you Makenboshi. I'd love to have a model of this sword one of these days to go with the rest of my sword collection :D
here's How Cloud Put it up together
haha regardless the name its a wicked cool sword and as a colector i envy cloud for having it 1 lol
Great pics!! It's amazing to see how the swords come together to make Cloud's uber weapon. Liking the models too. Very nice!