Question about Quickening chains


White Mage
Apr 7, 2007
Newcastle, NSW Australia
Hi guys and girls, just wondering if someone can explain to me something about quickenings.

I noticed if i have 3 characters with full MP and do a quickening chain, all there MP would be drained.
But if i start of with one character in the party, do the quickening, then bring in one more character in the party and do the quickening chain with 2 characters (as it seems one character doesnt need full MP to be in a chain, as long as one character has full MP) and then I bring in the 3rd member then do another...

is doing a quickening chain with everyones MP full better than the method above? i figured the above method is some sort of cheat OR it is somehow not quite as effective but i couldnt tell. Its really bugging me just thinking of the reason lol.

well thanks in advance if you can explain...
Well I usual do quickening with characters with full MP. When they have full MP you have more mist charges because each character has 3 so three characters with 3 mist charges each is 9 mist charges.
I still dont really get it, since i can still get a character to do a quickening even if they dont have full MP, i just press the button on time... does full MP cause more damage or something?
it's cause during a quickening chain you get the lovely option to use mist charge, which replenishes mp.

your best bet is to have all three in at one time, guaranteeing more than one quickening can be performed. One quickening on its own will not do much damage - the actaul amount is random and can be as low as 1...

if you're using quickenings for damage, you want three in there as it is your best chance to get a concurrence.
It took me some time figure this out but as mentioned above when in the middle of a quickening there is an option too "mist charge" I never noticed this ,thinking it was another quickining.

Pressing this and then pressing the quickining simply getting a bar of mp and the using it instantly.

Hope thats a little clearer
Yeah basically the Mist Charge option is the equivalent of having a full MP bar.

When you get lvl. 2 and lvl. 3 quickenings you discover your MP bar is divided into two or three. Each of those bars is called a Mist Charge.

During the quickening when the option "Mist Charge" appears it means you are replenishing them.
But I still think its better having say 2 seperate quickinings with half mist each should imagine its overall more powerfull if ya do that if ya quick otherwise still to full