Races of the Party

would you have liked the other races to be included in the party of XII

  • I prefferd the party as it was

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • I would have like other races in the party

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • not really botherd by the party races

    Votes: 8 34.8%

  • Total voters


Mar 10, 2008
before FFXII was released i remeber reading up on it and finding out that it would inculde different races; Hume, Viera, Moogle, Bangaa & Seeq
i thought great maybe i will have the chance to have a moogle as part of my party and it would contain a mixture of races :D
then when i get the game the whole party is made of hume and one viera :( i was pretty disappointed :O
what are your thoughts on the XII party would you have prefered the different races as part of your team?
i wasnt really bothered tbh, altho I suppose it would have been good having abit more variety....

Id of quite like to play with a moogle actually
I was dissapointed by there only being one viera and the rest are hume. I think it would be good if you got the other races on your side essecily mpggles. Theres one more thing you cant dis moogles.
i would have prefered to see different races in the party to show how the naturally occuring abilities of the races increased like if the Seeq's were slower than the Viera or if they could have added a Garif to your party
I was dissapointed by there only being one viera and the rest are hume. I think it would be good if you got the other races on your side essecily mpggles. Theres one more thing you cant dis moogles.

Same here. I bought Tactics Advance when it came out (and have done a few replays of it), and so when I heard that XII would be keeping the Baanga I was pretty stoked. They had some of the best classes in TA...but the game comes out and nope, sorry, can't have a baanga in your party. It would have been cool to have moogles too, they had some cool classes like Engineer and Mog Knight.

XII was just a big pile of fail really. And it barely even did anything with the Nu Mou. I didn't really like them that much in TA, but I thought resigning them to only Mt. Bur Omisace and the Nabreus Deadlands was retarded.
I actually talked about this with VR last night, and I'm kinda surprised that there wasn't a thread on this.

I'd have loved to have a moogle or a bangaa, or both, in the party! A moogle would kick ass as a mage, or with a huge fucking spear xD
This really goes hand in hand with the whole "I wish the game had fucking classes" complaint I hear alot.

Cuz really....much as a bangaa and moogle in your party would kick ass, it would be pointless without class divisions. And the way the stupid game was set up everyone had to be clones of each other to survive some of the hunts and optional bosses.
I actually thought bangaas and seeqs were really ugly and quite evil.
i dont think they would have liked them, so that wouldnt have worked.

FFXII portrayed bangaas and seeqs(with the exception of migelo) quite negatively, i think a moogle would have been alright.
Seeqs were crap. I don't even know why they were designed, they were such an ugly race, and the ones who join you from time to time on hunts suck at combat.
I didn't really mind the races much, although it was kind of cool to have a game with so many races integrated in it. I don't think I would have liked other races in the party, since the Nu Mou and Seeqs and all of those other races were crap.

I would've appreciated another Viera, though. :updown:
I would of possibly dropped Penelo, her story was crap and lacked depth. Maybe another race could of took her place.
Yeah, providing they had a enough reason to be in there. Pah, some of you will say - "but so and so had a crap story" Whatever. They still had something going for them. Especially Vaan and Pennelo, the two most criticised. Adding characters just because they'd like cool isn't a good enough reason, which is the impression I'm kinda getting here. FFXII wasn't the only FF to feature hume only parties. There's plenty of other FF's which use only hume characters. So, tbh, I don't really see the problem. Many FF's have this "problem" , and people never really seemed to make remarks before I've noticed.

If anything, I would have suggested Bagamnan being a party member. But because of how things panned out with him and his gang..I really can't figure out how he'd fit in as a proper/guest member.
I think the party ws good as it ws, imagin having a seeq in ur patry it ws bad enuf wen one ws following u for a while a bangaa might hav been cool, but i jst accosiate them with bad guys 4 sum reason
Moogles altho cool and ''cute'' are jst not happening wen it comes to abilities even if they had mog in FF6
Meh, I wasn't really bothered. Actually, didn't even cross my mind while I was playing the game. I'm so used to having most hume as your party in the other series, so this wasn't really a big deal for me.

Now that I think about it though, I suppose it would've been awesome if they added other races. But I'm not gonna start complaining now as I don't really see the point. =/
I like mainly a human party, but even the inclusion of Fran as a Viera was ok. As long as it's not overdone and there's only one human in the party, I'm cool with it.

FFIX had Zidane as a genome, and Eiko as god-know-what. Was Amarant even human? Freya was a life-size rat.
FFX had Kimahri.

They keep it pretty fair.
I think it would have been interesting to have maybe a Bangaa or a Moogle in hte group. Maybe have the moogle do all the mechanics if any should be avalable.
I think the other races should have been included for you would have gotten to now those races better and there hasn't been a moogle in the a main game party yet.
The races didn't really bother me.

Whether or not other races were included, I don't think there would be much of a difference.

[Sarcasm] Besides, Moogles aren't that important [Sarcasm]