Rank the characters best to worst


Chocobo Breeder
May 14, 2007
Give the six characters a value from 1-10 with 10 being the best and 1 the worst on value. It is not required that any character receive a 1 or a 10 I just want individual comparisons. Here is an example:

Fighter 10
Thief 2
Black Belt 6
Red Mage 7
White Mage 6
Black Mage 4

How would you score them?

fighter - 10
thief - 3
black belt - 3
red mage - 6
black mage - 7
white mage -10

white magic and high strengh is the best combo imo
Fighter - 8 (Good damage, no MP)
Thief - 6 (I don't mind 'em)
Black Belt - 8 (I always like these classes. Boring, but cheap and high powered!)
Red Mage - 5 (Never been a fan of Red Mages...)
Black Mages - 9 (I love the appearance and watching the spells... OH! this is on value... in that case, I don't know)
White Mages - 10 (The only reason to play without one would be for a challenge)

EDIT: I just realized the irony of my post... with my Red Mage avatar. I'm just cycling through all the different jobs of Refia, although I must say, she does look good with that hat...
fighter-9 (good weapons, good damage)...black belt-8 (great damage but lacks defense)...thief-8 (in my game he hit 8 times after about 1/4 the game so he did quite a bit of damage)...red mage-2 (cant use strong spells and only decent atk damage)...black mage-8 (i've always liked black mages in every game, i love magic spells)...white mage-7 (need one of these at all times to heal)
Fighter - 10, primary damage dealer.
Black Belt - 8, never used one but i know there good
Theif - 9, speed is invaluable
Red Mage - 6, cant get the higher level black and white spell
Black Mage - 10, almost as powerful as a fighter at the end
White Mage - 10, what can i say? Invaluable.
1. Fighter - Awesome defence, awesome offence. Doesn't get any better than that.

2. Black Belt - Great damage dealers, but go down quickly.

3. White Mage - Useful for only two things - Life and Exit.

4. Red Mage - Good damage dealers, don't get the really useful spells though.

5. Thief - Really just a second-rate Fighter.

6. Black Mage - What's the point? Fighters and Black Belts can both deal more damage with a physical attack than Black Mages can with magic.
Well, lets see... For me:

Fighter: 4/10. Don't normally love heavy fighters.
Black Belt: 5/10. Pretty useful.
White Mage: 9/10. Not attacks, really, but still awesome. XD
Red Mage: 10/10. I LOVE this class.
Thief: 7/10. Nice and fast.
Black Mage: 10/10. Black Mages RULE all classes. And they normally be so cute to boot! XD

I thought the Fighter was the Warrior, and the Black Belt was the Monky. o_O

Monk: 7
Warrior: 10
Thief: 6
Red Mage: 7
White Mage: 7
Black Mage: 9

I really like the Black Mage in this game, it looks cool and so do the spells
I will give 2 ratings; one for starting out and another for level 99 characters.

Starting out.
Bl. Belt-9
Red mage-10
White mage-3
Black mage-2

Level 99.
Bl. Belt-8
Red mage-8
White mage-9
Balck mage-7

I based my decisions on factors that include strength, susceptibility to status effects, and magic power.
monk-10 (once it becomes master it can take over 2000 at like level 50)
warrior-8 (once u get ultima weapon he becomes a gd charcter)
thief-7 (black magic and he is quite fast)
black mage- 10 (flare rules and vivi off 9 is the don)
red mage-5 (dont like the fact tht they cant get the more advanced spells)
white mage-9 (full-life, diaja, holy and healaga. what more do u want?)
Warrior - 9
Thief - 3
Monk - 6
Black Mage - 7
Red Mage - 8
White Mage - 7

I probably liked warrior best. :P