Rare Monsters


Nov 30, 2006
Slave lake Alberta Canada
If you kill a rare monster will it reappear after a while? Or do you only get one shot? I wanted to try and steal from some rare monster's.
Are the rare monster's totally random or do you have to do something to make them appear?
I'm not too sure on this, but I believe they will eventually reappear. And the monsters just randomly come up in the area they are in, you don't have to do something to trigger them to appear or anything like that.

I've got a question while we're on the subject. Before I ever made it to the phon coast, ie not on rare hunts, I had already come across 30+ rare monsters and now when I find them I do not get the trophies. Now I only looked for 5 of them and didn't get the trophies so I stopped. Do I just need to keep making them reappear until I get the trophy?

BTW, check out the 80 rare monsters guide by Seph, it really helps out with some of them!

After you visit the phon coast, not the first time but later in the game, if anyone remembers exactly how it's triggered please post it. Anyways you'll be able to talk to the four bangaa's in front of the little hut, and the huntmaster will tell you about the rare hunts, and then you talk to one of the other colored bangaa's and except the job. After that whenever you kill a rare monster they're supposed to drop a trophy, but only once, then return these to one of the three bangaa's for different items. Atak gives weapons, Blok gives shields/armor, and Stok gives accessories. But all of the rare creatures I've already encountered won't give me trophies now.
Yeah the whole trophy thing has to do with joining the hunt club in the Phon Coast..... You can only do it after you complete the Archades part of the game.

The 80 rare monster list is on gamefaqs.com. Just got to the ff xii link and under faqs and guides you'll see it. The names are a little strange because it's been translated from japanese, but it's pretty easy to figure out. It's the most complete stand alone guide for the rare monsters.
repeats with no trophies

Garnet, have you run into this with not giving trophies if you found them before the rare hunts started, and then going back to get them?
i thought that the rare monsters that drop the trophy's( there are 30 trophy's to get and 80 rare monsters all together) would only spawn after talking to the baanga in the phon coast to start that side quest...not 100% on that
Yeah don't worry Vizunary... not every rare monster drops a trophy. Like ckracer said there should only be 30 trophy's in total.

Does anyone know where a list of the 30 trophy monsters is?

Also, I think there are actually 31 trophies, there is supposed to be a hidden one callled Binding Mantis in the Golmore jungle. From what I gathered he is just random, not in a specific area.
He's up for me now no matter what I do. He's HARD, and blocking my way to Feywood! Time to grind out some more levels and drop him!
certain rare monsters only appear after you've been accepted into the hunt club at phon coast. there are 80 rare monsters, yes, but not all 80 drop trophies. i think maybe only 30 or 40 do.

and in order to be accepted into the hunt club, you have to have access to the strahl.
I'm not too sure on this, but I believe they will eventually reappear. And the monsters just randomly come up in the area they are in, you don't have to do something to trigger them to appear or anything like that.
most monsters simply reappear over time, but others are "random", such as some elementals or entites.
He's up for me now no matter what I do. He's HARD, and blocking my way to Feywood! Time to grind out some more levels and drop him!

BTW, He can always hit for 9999, but if you're maxed out with bubble and protect, it will leave you maybe 500 HP. I recommend hasting and having gambits for curaga and arise(if you have it) or just raise and hope they can heal quick. Good luck, I had to run away at lvl 76 or so, but I just stumbled into him and wasn't expecting it. I just went one area over and he follows and waits before the other zone, did like above, reenterred and stomped him!