RECORD SETTERS: How many consecutive quickennings


Apr 6, 2008
Well the title says it all. How many quickennings have you used in a row? When I played I got around 15 in a row near the end of the game. I used Vaan, Ashe, Basch. All of their quickennings were unlocked. I know there are others out there getting pff... like 1000(needles). :D

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well when it comes to quickenings. My record is 27. it was the first and only time that I got above 15. let's just say I killed the boss with it though it was prety early in the game. I believe I was using Vaan Basch and Fran, because they are my mains, but I might be wrong.
26 is my record, and I only got that high's incredibly hard to time everything, and once you get high enough those stupid mana charges hardly show up x_X

Then I was like "wtf, why isn't my quickening uber?" and read that not only does the amount of quickenings matter...but you have to link certain levels of them together to get the best finishers. Utter bollocks if you ask me, its hard enough to chain everything when it's going fast, let alone wait for a specific lvl quickening to appear.
I got no more than 12 or 13 I think, it just gets way to fast, I expect it would have been Penelo, Bashe and Balthier

They were horribly hard to do in between recharging and having to mash te button so it's not all greyed out :gasp:

I was poor at quickenings -_-

They were evil
I think my best is 15 or 17, I can't remember. I was chuffed because I finally got the Black Hole concurrence =D

VR, you got 26? O_O I don't think I could even hit the buttons quick enough to do a chain that large.
I got 28. I remember it, because I was like: "WOOHOO!! YEEAAAHH!!!" when I did it. Usually I only get about 14 or so as my average.

The characters were Ashe, Basch, and Vaan.
VR, you got 26? O_O I don't think I could even hit the buttons quick enough to do a chain that large.

Only once, it was a pure stroke of luck because there just happened to be a mist charge practically every other turn :wacky:

I got 28. I remember it, because I was like: "WOOHOO!! YEEAAAHH!!!" when I did it. Usually I only get about 14 or so as my average.

The characters were Ashe, Basch, and Vaan.

My average is usually around 14 or 15 as well. I don't remember who I used to get it...I think I used practically everyone, but I'm sure Fran was in there.
i only manage to chane up about 14/15 each time i do it, but i normally use my characters level 1 Quickenings as i prefer how they look (Fulminating darkness for instance)
I happily got a 27 once but thats the highest I've ever got.

Got this one with Vaan, Balthier and Ashe but only through a hell of a lot of mist charges. My average is normally 13-19 so I normally deal major damage.
I would say at around 26, I think it was Vaan, Basche and Ashe. I only got that once. I think the closest I ever got to that again was like 20.
I managed to get 25 with Balthier, Vaan and Basch. I was like "Yeah! YEEEEEEAH! :gasp:", and that's the highest I've ever gotten. The best finisher I've gotten was actually the Black Hole. It was awsome and I felt awsome!
Just how the hell do you get the Black hole concurrence? Any tips for getting that?

Its the only concurrence I need to get the Gabranth figurine for the sky pirates den. I just can't seem to get more than three level 3 quickenings - its really hard to get.

Seeing as Black hole needs 4 level 1, 4 level 2 and 4 level 3 concurrences.
I thought i did well with about 18, bout people have done 10 more than that! jeez!

And the quicken things did suck, especially when against some bosses they didn't work cos they'd temporarily disappeared! all that wasted! :mad:
My highest quickening was 15. I used Ashe, Fran and Basch. All quickenings unlocked.I still wasn't strong enaugh to the monsters in Nechrohol of Nabudis, but since I found the place I might as well take a look. Since I had Libra equiped to my characters I just used it to defeat them. Some of the characters were killed afterwards so I just ran away with those who were left alive (Vaan)
My highest is probably 17 and I got it with Fran, Vaan and Bashe. Fran used Feral Strike lots of time that time. D:
The highest I ever got was 22 with Bashe, Penelo, and Balthier. Most of the time I get around 13 or 14 though.. I just got really lucky that time ^^

Just how the hell do you get the Black hole concurrence? Any tips for getting that?
Yes, tips would be much appreciated! I have yet to get the Black Hole either, and it's driving me insane :gasp:
Once I finally learned how to properly use them, in terms of Mist levels and being able to utilise Mist Charge, I frequently broke the 20-chain barrier. I believe the highest chain that I've ever managed to achieve would be 29.
ROFL most ive had is like 6...

Im guessing i am doing something wrong, i am up to the stillshrine of miriam, and i havnt used quickenings at all basically, i suck. Someone teach me? lawl