regen in FFVII

Big Casino

Money for Nothing
Mar 4, 2007
I was just thinking, remember regen in Final Fantasy VII? It was different from the other titles. Instead of getting say 3-4 hundred hp back every now and again, it constantly kept restoring your health. It just seems a bit strange that its different from the other titles.
Anyways i actually prefered it, i thought it was more effective than getting some hp back at random times (usually its too late) id rather see this in the other games than regular regen.
I liked it, but I thought it made it a tad too easy, it didnt half fill up fast, Id have low hp, cast regen than cast cure straight after, but by the time Ive casted cure, my healt has been full from regen already
I liked it, but I thought it made it a tad too easy, it didnt half fill up fast, Id have low hp, cast regen than cast cure straight after, but by the time Ive casted cure, my healt has been full from regen already

Yeah it does go fast. And doesnt it go even faster when you use haste?
I liked it, but I thought it made it a tad too easy, it didnt half fill up fast, Id have low hp, cast regen than cast cure straight after, but by the time Ive casted cure, my healt has been full from regen already
I rarely used Regen though to be honest, only in a few boss battles on disc 2. It was TOO effective for normal battles, haha.
Yeah it does go fast. And doesnt it go even faster when you use haste?

Yeah xD

It shot up unbelievably fast to the pointwhere I dont even think I would eve ever need to use cure again, just use regen as and when, I wasn't even worried when I had low health - I'm glad poison doesn't work in the same way,I'd be positively screwed
In the other titles, Regen does only restore HP in periodic increments. However, I'm guessing that, in one increment in the other titles, the time taken for this to occur would equal that of VII's constant replenishment - VII only feels like it's restoring more quickly because you can actively see its effects.
In the other titles, Regen does only restore HP in periodic increments. However, I'm guessing that, in one increment in the other titles, the time taken for this to occur would equal that of VII's constant replenishment - VII only feels like it's restoring more quickly because you can actively see its effects.

Nah i would disagree with that, i would say regen in FFVII recovers a lot more health. I remember in some of the older FF games 1-6, think its 4 im thinking of, but regen barely even recovered any health at all, it was like 95 hp every 2 minutes or something. Also in FFIX i think, it was basically the same about 100 something hp. But in VII you can recover a 100 hp in a few seconds.
Yeah but don't forget that you could open your Playstation tray and "stop" the game. No one could do anything before you put the disk back in. The trick was that if your tray was open, regen would still heal you and no one could damage you.
I rarely used Regen at all :\

Greatest thing about Regen in FFVII though is the glitch. Win the battle with Regen still in effect and open the PS disc tray before the Victory Fanfare loads up. Technically the battle hasn't finished yet so Regen just carrys on until characters HP is back to full. Not that I ever really used it mind.

Edit: Damn computer wouldn't let me post, and got Ninja'ed in the process ¬¬
I really didnt use regen that much but when i did it was pretty useful i like that it kept giving you Hp thru the next battle.
situration non critical blue allert lol

I would cast regen every other battle or so. IfI casted it at the start my HP would be full at the end. It works so much better then other titles. FF9 also had a good regen effect if you had auto-regen and auto-haste.
It's extremely useful for when you the Wait mode on as well, mine just keeps on healing them so if I'm close to death I just wait until they have full health and then carry on fighting.
I never really used Regen. I can't even remember a specific time when I did. I know I used it just...not often.
Though, it was very useful. Made the game a little easier then usual but oh well. It was the player's choice to use it in the first place.
