Rinoa death scene

Dark Knight

Blue Mage
Mar 17, 2007
So when Rinoa was flouting through space and the message came up " life support system terminated" and Rinoa said "this is it Squall... good bye..." or something like that, how did you feel?

i was like "ahhh it's ff7 all over again" i almost turned the ps off i didn't want to go though the rest of the game without Rinoa

man talk about a heart sinking moment

so how did you feel when Rinoa was close to death?
I was ecstatic, because she is one of my most hated characters in all of Final Fantasy history. Then I realised, damn, she can't die. Too early on for that to happen D:

....and then she survived the whole game. 8D
I was ecstatic, because she is one of my most hated characters in all of Final Fantasy history. Then I realised, damn, she can't die. Too early on for that to happen D:

....and then she survived the whole game. 8D

i liked rinoa tbh, she has be the way she is because Squall is so introverted.
Smart guy that i am:wacky: i also realised that she wasnt going to die, because romance is hugely important in FFVIII, pretty much everyone except quistis experiences love, so there was no way that they could possibly kill Squall's romantic interest.
unless to have his desire for revenge drive the rest of the plot, which would have failed, and it would have been etremely cliched
I didn't care. XD Especially since my friends were there, and they all hate her. A couple of them cheered, I think. :P
I liked Rinoa too, I remember thinking aw fuck me, not again >_<

I was feeling rather annoyed at Square at that moment, altho rescuing her from space was a pain in the arse :wacky:
I was ecstatic, because she is one of my most hated characters in all of Final Fantasy history. Then I realised, damn, she can't die. Too early on for that to happen D:

....and then she survived the whole game. 8D

I only liked Rinoa in the demo, when she was mute.
I also liked her when she was in a coma...for obvious reasons.
I was happy when she 'died,' but I knew Squaresoft was just teasing me.

They wouldn't have actually killed Rinoa, for many reasons. You don't usually kill off a disliked character. Aerith is a generally well-liked character, so killing her was effective. If Rinoa died? ....Well, the game would have been better, that's for sure. But an emotional scene? Not at all.

Sorry for the Rin-bashing, but she's really the only one in FF games that irked me to such a high degree. If I had cared at all about her, I would have cared about her supposed 'death.'
Hmmm actually i was begging that it was like FFVII again and that she did die...little did i know that she would actually survive and that i would have to save her three more times:S
For some reason, I kinda had a feeling that Rinoa wouldn't end up dying in the game, so that space scene didn't really have an effect on me. Rather, I was more curious as to what was about to happen. I honestly like her character and all that shit. xD
I knew she wouldn't die right after I finally rescued her, I was abit dissapointed, since I didn't want to go through anything as horrible as that space scene again, but relieved because, aside from Zell, my other characters sucked :monster:
I was so sad! I liked Rinoa because she was annoying and I could identify with her. I also built her up a lot, so if she died I would have been pissed. I really like that space scene though, because everything seemed so dreary and morbid... if Rinoa died, then there wouldn't be anyone to make Squall not emo. :P
I didn't really feel anything 'cause it said "Rinoa was lost in space forever..." and then you get the option to try to save her again, so in the words of Squall, whatever.
I hadn't seen the all the Rinoa FMV shots from the opening movie yet so the thought of her dying never even crossed my mind. I knew it wasn't so, and thus I had no worry.
I really loved the whole Squall and Rinoa affair, so her dying was not an option for me. I remember working so hard to rescue her that I never even let that message come up I don't think, lol.

And actually, I think every character did experience love, even Quistis. On the first CD, she admits to Squall that she feels for him, and he just doesn't return it. So, in a small way, everone did experience it in one way or another.
That was a sad scene. I was gutted when I thought she was going to die, but then luckily she didn't!| ^^

I thought it was gonna be a replay of FFVII :(
And actually, I think every character did experience love, even Quistis. On the first CD, she admits to Squall that she feels for him, and he just doesn't return it. So, in a small way, everone did experience it in one way or another.
Actually she thinks she loves/likes him.
Thats why she mimics him and invites squall to the place in the training zone.

But later on she realises that her feelings for squall were only maternal, ie she wanted to look after him
I missed her afew times and got that stupid message, it was actually quite infuriating to do....I have to admit the thought 'let the bitch float away' crossed my mind more than once :wacky:
When Rinoa was close to death?

Not to sound sadistic, but I didn't mind too much. I thought she was a nuisance and like Contra Fates said, I liked her better when she was a mute. I purposely missed her the first time, hoping she would just go away so I wouldn't have to incorporate her character any longer.

It didn't remind me of FF7, Rinoa wasn't being sacrificed for saving the world or anything. The entire scene seemed awkward in general, but as she floated away I preferred her death in style of Kubrick's Odyssey. That was dope.

it was the most emotional part of any game in my life, in fact i loved the whole space section, even my favorite track is "residents" which is played in ragnorak when you fight the colored monsters
I was like "Ahh shit. Another save Rinoa mission"

I knew they wouldn't kill her because she was Squall love interest and someone had spoiled the surprsie for me by telling me :(

I didn't really mind Rinoa as a character, she wasn't particuarlly irratation. If anyone i didn't like Seifer cause he was over confident. Every battle i had with him he was like "i WILL win". I was just telling him to STFU and actually prove it. Then i laughed when i kept beating him.
Rinoa was both an annoying and interesting character to me. At times in the game, I really just wanted to jam a sock in her mouth or punch her in the face. Other times though, I liked seeing her relationship with Squall develop, and I thought she was a cute character for him to end up with. When the space scene came up, I wasn't sad because I knew they weren't going to kill off the person who made up half of the plot.