Rod of Wisdom


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Did anyone else find themselves using this particular rod a lot throughout the game? After I acquired it in the Besaid Temple, it was the only rod I ever equipped Yuna with, until I acquired her legendary weapon O_O

Maybe it was just me, but I didn't find any other rod in the game to be as good as this one, other than Nirvana. I mean, yes I suppose I could have customized one, but even then I couldn't create one as good at this one. Sensor, Magic + 3% and Magic + 5% are awesome abilities tbqh xD
Hahaha Excellent thread. Yea, I know exactly what you mean. Every time I got a new weapon for every other character I couldn't hold my excitement back until I equipped it. With Yuna, every weapon she got wasn't nearly as useful as her starting weapon. I think I may have modified one or two "empty weapons" along the way for more powerful stat boosts but I definitely used this weapon more than almost any other.
Except for missing it in my first playthrough, I always got it and I used that rod for a long time as well. It's pretty good for the beginning of the game, and I know it was a while longer before I even tried to customize something better than that.
Ahaha. Yeah I usally used my characted first weapons. >_>
I think when I got up to Guadosalam and I got to edit the weapons and such.
I unequipped Rod of Wisdom coz' I added all these ability to a staff. :gasp:
I think the moment I got this weapon, Yuna had it equipped about 75% of the game until I had enough to customise a blank weapon into something better for her. It's an incredibly useful weapon and the fact that they make it accessible so early on means no-more worrying about getting Yuna a good weapon to keep up with the others.

I changed everyone else's weapons at least 9 times (probably WAY more) before also changing Yuna's.

I also love the design of it. XDDD
It's definitly the best one until your able to customise, and even then you need too find a rod with lots of blank slots and decent items to make it worth while, by which time I've usually got the Nirvana.
I normally change it in the Thunder plains. You can fight Qactuars that drop rods with three empty slots that can be customised to something better. Can't remember off the top of my head, something like magic+10% and 5% with perhaps iniative or something like that.

Also on the topic of weapons that you get which are quite decent, Brotherhood is quite good.
I honestly can't remember for the life of me which weapons I used with Yuna at all. I mean, I hardly used her at all even until I got her Legendary Weapon at the first chance possible.

I think I would take a look at which of her weapons had the most available slots for customization and go with it that way. The Rod of Wisdom was no doubt one I used at least a but, but definitely not the most.
yup i did that aswell, i never noticed a difference with yunas weapons, i used yuna to summon and to heal, never to attack and seeing as the wisdom rod gave her a boost to magic, and the sensor ability which i love, that weapon stuck for a while. Same went with lulu i never fussed over her weapons either, i tend to only focus on weapons when the character in question is a fighter.
i used the wisdom rod up until i got the ability to customize, since she was really only useful up until then as a healer, then i used a custom one that had sense, mag +10% and mp +5%.

its a good weapon, but you can make better.
Omg are you serious there was actually some people who used it the whole game? Omg I thought I was the only one lol. Anyways yeah This weapon was the one I used for the whole game I did not even bother getting Nirvana because I did not know how to make the cloudy mirror celestial. Well who cares I am playing X-2 now and I beat X.
Ive never noticed this before, but you're right! Ive not bought a single rod since equipping the rod of wisdom, same with the brotherhood, although its buggered me up with water absorbers, but even then Ive just equipped what Ive picked up

There doesnt seem to be any need to buy ANY weapons really, I dont think Ive bought any so far and Im up to the calm lands, i just equip what i find and customise.
I did the same thing, I think a lot of people did. and with Yuna's weapon, I don't think it makes much of a difference as i used her to heal and occasionally summon, usually on a boss. So keeping her with the starting weapon wasn't an issue, but i do it anyway ^_^ like you said, there doesn't seem to be many that you can get that are better.

I did the same with Kimahri, and Tidus (except would change tidus' weapon midfight if it was water absorbing).
Yeah same here! I'm about to enter Zanarkand Ruins and I still use it! I could customise another one but Yuna's magic levels are so high that I don't really need to! Once I can get the 4 slot item from Wantz I'll customise that.