RP Interest Check. For Beginner and Non-RPers also


Dec 12, 2008
I tried this idea on other forums some time back and it was quite a success. I'm suggesting an open RP in which the whole plot is defined by its members. Members can "claim" plots and come up with new ideas for the members to participate in.

The way it usually works is with me introducing a rather thin and clichéd plot involving a town caught in a time loop, a cursed forest filled with monsters, and a dark sorceress. I then allowed members, myself included, to shape this plot with their own decisions.

The sheer range of results and plots that stemmed from this simple opening plot on different forums was quite fantastic, and a joy for me to watch. Unfortunately, most of these forums have been deleted now, and the only one I can currently find only had three RPers.

However, I'm wondering what people think of this RP, which can be shaped entirely by its members. It wouldn't really need bios so much as brief information about your character, following general rules and sticking to the five line limit. I actually didn't like long bios BECAUSE it cemented a character in a certain niche. Small details allow RPers to develop their characters as different plots shape them, making the RP just as suitable for beginners, and even those who have never RP'd before.

Thanks for the quick replies, all.

To add onto it, I'd like quite a few people, so that participants can branch off into their own plots. Ideally, I'd like six or seven minimum.
Hm.. i might be interested. With the last of my assignments done, im more free to rp, so yea. ill probably join.
Sure why not, I mean, I've yet to see an RP of that style actually work, and I'd be willing to try and make it work.
I think you're going to be looking at a lot more hm? I'm also quite interested in this idea as well. It's not very often we get a role play with a completely undefined plot.
I made an RP similar to this before. However, I lost interest as the runner, and no one bothered voting in ideas, so.... eh. I may join at a later date, if I find inspiration to help out.
That's a good amount to start with. I'll aim to make the sign up thread later.