RP section reorganization

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Jan 30, 2007
To make things simple, I'll be sure to make this annoucement as brief, and to the point as possible just to save you from the trauma too-much-reading. :rolleyes:

What's going on?
The RP section is finally being reorganized, pruned, cleaned, etc.

What should we expect to see in the near future?
1. New rules, new guidelines, and less lenience for those of you who are too lazy to make proper biographies.

2. There will ultimately be only one form of approval. No begginers, intermediate or advanced. The idea is still floating around, however, the RP section is currently too unpopulated for that plane of organization.

All currently posted profiles and character biographies will be temporarily unapproved. As I stated...we will be ensuing new rules and ultimately, new guidelines for approval. Once we've removed all of the current approval stamps from each biography, we'll begin re-approving, while following the new guidelines.

You said that the new approval guidelines will be more strict. Won't that mean some of the biographies will be left unnaproved?
That's exactly what it means. Like I said; less lenience.
If you don't have the patience to create a proper biography, then you won't be approved for roleplays to begin with.

Go ahead and shoot.
Wipe the whole section except for the active threads and users.

Secondly, leave the rules and such up to RA and I. Trust me on this. Please, trust me on this one. We will have them up by...er...the end of the weekend if it will satisfy you.

Thirdly, eliminate the whole character approval section. Make it so that when you join a thread that the thread creator will have to verify if the character (I.E. the character template posted) will be sufficient enough to what he will accomplish. It will leave hands off of approving for you guys, at least. Only moderation.

Lastly, This forum is entirely different from forums I am at. For one, the forums I am at have ONE RP section and ONE battle section. No character creation, since you can post your templates in the battle section and RP section when registering for one. ;D

Just throwing my experience out there.
I would like to suggest a harder approach to spamming, FFGuy seems to delight in it...

I am deffinitly NOT agreeing with Stryfe, I do very much prefer approval on bio's and would like to see it kept, if only so that the most blatant overpowered characters are kept out of stories which they'll unbalance and to provide the "newer players" with some sense of what one can and cant do, again I refer to FFGuys bio -not on personal reasons but more because its the only one I know of off hand-.
And while I do support ideas lessening the workloads for mods I have in fact played on fora which employed "no approval" rules but I quickly found that it tends to leave a handful of people who write the most insanly overpowered bios to dominate the setting and then other people who start adding powers to there characters in an attemt to "keep up". And I think we all agree on that while powerful pc role playing can be fun once in a blue moon its more fun (imo anyways) to make do with what your character can do to solve the problems one might have.

Example of creative use of powers:
I was on this naruto orpg forum once, and seeing as drach and myself registered along time after most other players we were all hideously outclassed by there characters. However after a bit of training our characters to be a bit more powerful we felt like we could have taken on most of that forum and won, not cause we were more powerful but because we are (or were anyway) more skilled at picking our fights and role playing and "creative use of powers". You can use powers for something more then just blowing stuff up with you know... My character had skills in plant manipulation and rather then just using those “out of combat” I employed them in combat with some cleverly lain ambushes involving (amongst other things) Bamboo seeds, vines and the like. Which I have to say most of the other people on the forum hadn't even though about as a possibility, did get me “bonus points” from the rest of the forum.

Well thats just my 2 cents. Feel free to contact me if you require more explanation or someone to toss some ideas back and forth with.
yeah soz about my spammings and bios i am just not used to this i dont generally write up things in detail and i hope i can improve this in the future
And while I do support ideas lessening the workloads for mods I have in fact played on fora which employed "no approval" rules but I quickly found that it tends to leave a handful of people who write the most insanly overpowered bios to dominate the setting and then other people who start adding powers to there characters in an attemt to "keep up".

XD. If you left it up to the person who created the thread to approve, then the thread-maker can easily exclude the powerful characters. That's what I am saying. I am not saying that the thread-maker in the character bio's section do it, but in an RP thread from an entirely different creator.

That way, if someone has a powerful character and what-not, others may join if they want. They can suffer it if they don't know any better.

Ugh, as for the rules I am working on, it seems my cohort RA hasn't been on this entire weekend. I need to contact him for the "omniverse".
We're collectively creating and combining new rules together, and your help is appreciated. XD

We're also hoping to get our hands on one of those handy dandy plagerism check programs like our English teachers all used in school. That would be a huge help to us.

Also...I'm almost positive that the How-to section will be put back in RP central, so we can move all help threads there...

Regarding the unoriginal rp section...I'm questioning whether or not it should be a no post count section in regards to the lack of creativity. Plus we've never been successful in making members follow the one paragraph minimum.

I have moved a few threads to the no post count section on account of members leaving and/or being banned, so...that's saved us a little bit of hassle. =]
You're talking about the RP Section, right?

EDIT: If you aren't, and you're talking about the RPG, this is the wrong thread and section to post in. This one's about the Role playing section. Contact Lady Eterna, Rhea, or Vegnya if you want to know more.

...this is an old thread anyway that's obsolete.
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