RPB - The Garden of Eden - [open]


Dec 13, 2009
[Travnia Biography]

The Garden of Eden

...And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken…

- The Book of Genesis

Black dust kicked up from the ground as Travnia stepped into the realm of Eden. A barren wicked wasteland forsaken by its creator. The land raged violently as ferocious volcanoes scorched the earth, blistering the landscape and choking the air with burning ash. The skies were rendered dark by a veal of ash; the sun was no more. This was the finale to a Gods Apocalypse upon this sinful world.

Travnia surveyed the dying world, before him lay the fury of an almighty being; enormous volcanoes erupting molten rock, hurricane-like storms, toxic air accompanied by acid rain. The land trembled with powerful earthquakes opening gaping fissures spewing lava flows. The ground he stood upon was pitch black, charred from the falling ash and deathly decay of all once living.

Remaining were only the cruel demonic like creatures that had been refused the rapture. Scurrying in packs, the small gargoyle featured creatures were the forgery of the ensuing chaos. Winged and deformed, these sinful creatures scavenged for rotting flesh from the last of rotting corpses, to sustain their own brittle gaunt bodies. Their prying red bug like eyes masquerade their pure evil intent to tear off the head off their victim as soon lay eyes upon them.

This vast unforgiving plain was once the bread-basket and origin of all life for this planet. Now empty, charred remains of arched trees littered the barren landscape. Skeletal creatures scattered the plains, the clouds acted unnaturally churning violent storms. From whence this lord had given he had forsaken, leaving at the world's epicentre a solitary tree bereft of life, clinching only rotting poisoning fruit.

Travnia’s boot sunk into the compressed ash, leaving singeing prints as he approached the tree. Gazing at the legacy left, cold eyes gazed back at him from the tree’s last and only resident; a serpent coiled around the over-hanging dead branches, the embodiment of this worlds original sinner.

Travnia remained indifferent as this world reached the ending horizon. This scenery was not unknown to him, for he too had performed apocalyptic duties as an archangel on countless worlds for his own maker. But for the sins of this world, the maker had turned Deus Ex Machina - only the celestial reign forever.

What was of concern to Travnia was his own presence, never had he suffered the embarrassment of being plucked from time and space by forces greater than him only to be cast into the wake of an apocalypse. Morbid curiosity prevented retreat and enforced his state of being, an answer would be revealed only too soon. Never the less the power of this almighty could render all vulnerable, dragging unsuspecting beings across the stars to witness the end of time and space for this world. For now the reasons for doing so eluded even Travnia.

The forces of nature had succumbed to the divine as acid rain began to lash Travnia’s surroundings, his chaotic black hair began to soak, as the ash covered ground boiled. Surging gusts blasted the region with ash filled vapour…

...Enough time had passed as for Travnia to grow weary of this exposure, his eternal patience was cast aside, as he screamed out in a hallowed voice...

"Fuck this world… fuck your judgement… and fuck you… reveal to me all.. Immediately!"

The outcry fell on deaf ears, yet Travnia refused to manipulate the forces of time and space… he knew in doing so he would be recalled to this world again by this mysterious God who had singled him out. He was here for a purpose, the purpose was the answer. Not unbeknown to Travnia, this purpose would almost certainly involve the presence of another being. A being equally yearning the answers for their purpose here. Another being perhaps plucked from their existence, or perhaps voluntarily committed to this yet unknown purpose. A loyal worshipper? a warrior? a king? an angel?

Amid the turbulent wrath and hostile creatures, Travnia awaited his answers… standing affront of the deformed and decaying tree of life at the origin of this world. His yellow eyes gazed to the zenith, encroaching on the heavens, a response would come soon…

[OOC: No rule restrictions apply. Challenge open to all]
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