PC RuneScape


May 17, 2008
I play Runescape every now and then,but it is really boring unless you have alot of money or if you are mage(a person who uses magic). I have an account coolmelee1, he has ok armor I am melee and mage. But for the most part of the game it sucks. Even if you are a member it is still boring and dull. To be a member you have to pay like $5.99. But if u want to be a member I suggest you save up for like 500million gp or else you can't buy any good member stuff. I suggest you don't become a member. Also the game has bad graphics but it isn't that bad if you got people to talk to on the game.:neomon:
I absolutely HATE RuneScape. I was once level 20 with only around 4000 gold. I was going back to Lumbridge after leaving Draynor Manor. I had to go poo-poo, and I left my character in woods of Draynor. I came back and found my character dead and in Lumbridge, stripped of my gold and beautiful armor.
I should've banked in my stuff before I went to Draynor Manor. -__-
I absolutely HATE RuneScape. I was once level 20 with only around 4000 gold. I was going back to Lumbridge after leaving Draynor Manor. I had to go poo-poo, and I left my character in woods of Draynor. I came back and found my character dead and in Lumbridge, stripped of my gold and beautiful armor.
I should've banked in my stuff before I went to Draynor Manor. -__-

Lol the only reason I made it to lvl 40 is cause my friend Jordan gave me like 15k... but it got boring.
I played till Lv85...
But i got bored one fine day and decided to leave.. Lols!
Lol I think the game is pretty boring to. I am pretty sure it would be boring even if you were a member.
I was only into RuneScape for a month a few years back. Alot of my friends play it that aren't members and they're like lvl 70 (it's beyond me) Also, a few months back my friend let me play on his member's account. I got bored of that after a day or 2.
I have a level 51 account on Runescape. It was an ass training to that level. But I left it since there is no other things to do there.
I didn't mind the low graphics.
I played Runescape for a few days outta boredom. I thought it was pretty entertaining.

All I did was build fires, cut down trees, cook rats, and mine for ore. Oh, and I'd pick fights with people on high levels, but never actually fight. Good stuff.

I don't play anymore. It only held my attention for a short while.
I didn't dig it much either...but it was a decent way of increasing your skill in cooking and fire-building.

Thank god for respawning, giant rats! Yummy.
The trouble is that I used to have 5 member accounts but each one inturn was hacked, dont know how and dont care either.
All I know is the game is a load of BS
Yea I know a few people that were member's but they got hacked. I hated making fires it was so annoying and people keep begging for fires.
Bahumat doom machine...please do not double-post multiple times. You have spammed throughout this thread and it is unacceptable.
... Wow, this game is certainly ancient. I haven't entered the site for a very long while already...

Mod Edit: Please put more effort into your posts.
I got to about lvl 101 but than my account got hacked. and I cant remember my recoveries...