PC Runescape


Jun 12, 2006
Yes it had to be done a thread dedicated to the MMORPG adventure game from Jagex.

So come tell me what you think put your characters username down so we can go and see how weak you are. And by all means tell us how boring you think it is.

Excuse my negative tone I am one of the ones who got bored of it pretty quickly.

I have to characters to my name on Runescape one is obviously.
Tethar Atrum
the other being
Nameles Dark
who is the stronger of the two.

I was once a member and found the game to be very fun and intersting however the mony dried up and I had to cancel my subscription and being a freebie is just so boring. Many of you may know that recently played owned houses were released for members I have seen them and yes they rock.

So by all means come and give your opnion on this game whether you love it or hate it.
No, Runescape sucks. The graphics are awful, music is pathetic, gameplay is very bumpy and often get's messed up as your running or walking. Horrible game.
I think Runescape is a fun game if you're extremely bored. It's not fun without having a friend tag along with you, though.

What I hate the most about the game is that as a freebie, you only get to level up about 1/4 of your stats, whilst if you're a member, you get to level up all of them. They could've at least have members level up about 50% of the stats. -_-