Saddest Moment in Final Fantasy VII


Lost Soul
Nov 30, 2010
I just finished playing Crisis Core for the umpteenth time and I began to wonder. What do people think was the saddest moment in the Final Fantasy VII series? Personally, I believe that it was Zack's death but I know that there are people who think that Aerith's death was more heartbreaking. The reason I think that Zack's was sadder was because he was turned on by his own allies and fought to the very end where he was shot dead, with the Turks unable to reach him in time. It's hard to explain but it was a moving and great ending. Here's a video for those who haven't played Crisis Core although you might not be into it as much since you have to play the game to fully understand.

Greatest game ending of all time. After that it just shows Aerith on Loveless Avenue selling her flowers. It did leave out the DMV going haywire because that was during battle. It basically showed flashbacks of his experiences with everybody as well as his flashbacks of solely Aerith before he falls in combat.

What do you guys think?
Umm, Aerith's death. Nothing comes as close to being as sad as her death. :sad3:
Umm, Aerith's death. Nothing comes as close to being as sad as her death. :sad3:

I completely agree with that. Areith's is the saddest moment in the FFVII compilation. The music and the FMV when cloud carry her in the water almost gives me chills.

As for crisis core ending, it's a sad ending but I don't really like the song they use in that scene.
I liked the music. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII is full of tragedy. It's such a compelling and interesting game. Most of the main cast dies in the game; Angeal Hewley, Genesis, Zack Fair, Director Lazard, Dr. Hollander, Gillian Hewley (Angeal's mother), etc. The only one out of those guys that I really didn't care for was Dr. Hollander.
I actually feel that Zack's death is sadder, mostly because I myself was once a soldier in the US Army, and I saw death up close and personal. Being betrayed by the very company you work for, turned on by your former allies, fighting to the death to protect your battle buddy (In this case mako-poisoned Cloud), and seeing all those memories he made while he was alive fade away, seeing things through the eyes of a dying man as life slips away. Aerith's death was sudden and quick, and while it was sad, it didn't have the depth and insight Zack's did.
Zack's death may was a saddest ending but Aerith's death (13 years ago) was a monumental phenomenon , made guys who played FFVII cried so much ,then they tried to bringed Aerith backed to life again and again(included me).
I would say they were equally as sad but they both had their moments. With Zack you knew it was coming, you knew how the game ended. And yet they really built it up and made it much more effective on the audience by including his little aside to Cloud, Cloud's anguished scream (gives me chills everytime) and the huge battle with him against Shinra.

I didn't much care for the song, I felt it took away from the moment. They really needed something else there.

As for Aerith's death, if you didn't spoiler yourself, you didn't see it coming. Some of us spent most of disk one leveling her up and getting her limit breaks and ultimate weapon up high cause it was the easiest to accomplish (now we know why).. and then BAM. She's taken away from us. Even in it's tiny little 3D polygon models it's still heartwrenching to watch as Cloud holds her while Sephiroth gloats... as Cloud takes her out to the water and lays her to rest. Of all the scenes for a remake of VII, I'd love to see that the most because the same with what they did with Zack's death, they would probably add a bit more to the scene to make it more dramatic.
Aerith's death was the saddest moment in FF7. It didn't make me cry (almost did) but it did make me hate Sephiroth really bad xD

VII, I'd love to see that the most because the same with what they did with Zack's death, they would probably add a bit more to the scene to make it more dramatic.
They'd probably take away from it, or completely edit it.... :(

There should be a poll for us to vote between, although I'm pretty sure this thread has been created before.... :P
When I was young before Crisis Core had come out and I had my first play-through of FF7 (In 2000) it was really sad that Aerith died but in a way I felt the story was building to such a point so it was like an understanding with the story that things needed to be that way, i felt well it was a nice run and we had fun have a good time in the lifestream. (Though I don't really like her very much now Aerith was my childhood game crush. I screamed no at the screen like an idiot and my grandmother looked at me like I needed help. lol)

Likewise It was extremely sad to see Zack die right there on the bluffs which overlook Midgar so close to his goal, while Cloud who actually made a good friend lost him just as fast knell beside him and just watch him wither. I loved the detail of the scene and the music did go over well but... (Crisis Core was the first game I bought for my PSP.)

I'm into the deeper psychological parts of the story so the saddest part to me was the deterioration of Cloud's mind from the mako poisoning which leads to me the happiest moment, the adventure you go though within his mind to bring him back to more then just some shell. It reminded me of something like the issue of a drug addict finally breaking that altered reality and coming back to the real world, or even a coma victim which more resembles at least what he looked like in that wheel chair though I can't say I've ever known a coma victim to wave there head back and forth and squeal like a piggy. (That part scarred me when I was little.)
i honestly thought zacks scene was sadder because you could see the emotions in the characters face, also aeriths death was sad top
Well I haven't played any VII spinoffs/prequels etc. so I can only speak for the original game here, but...

...though Aerith's death was pretty sad, unexpected, and had good evocative cinematics, for me these parts were sadder, in terms of their impact:

-Nanaki learning the truth about Seto.
When Seto's defeated, battered stone form starts weeping after Nanaki resolves to help save the world, I always cry too. It's extremely moving, and it shows that the two of them are a lot alike, and that it seems Nanaki will be making his father proud by taking on the quest even when there's little chance of success. To learn that Seto was really a hero after all that time believing he was a coward, must have been really emotional for Nanaki as well.

-Dyne's suicide.
Barret lost someone who used to be his best friend and comrade, and Marlene would never get to see her real father again. Plus, Dyne's guilt over what he had done--expressing the feeling that he didn't think he was worth even holding his own daughter with his bloodied hands--was really heartwrenching. He had started out with good intentions after all, and was merely driven to insanity/depression by the loss of his family and the relentlessness of the evil in the world, which could happen to anybody, even IRL. To see someone so down on themselves that they feel they actually deserve to die, is really saddening to me, even if he did do some regrettable things in his unstable state.

-Cid's original rocket mission failing.
He had worked so hard for so long on his life's dream, and then because of one stupid thing going wrong, the whole thing got botched, and it was over. Though it worked out again later on, that time period after the failure had to have been pretty crushing for him, and I would never want to be in that sort of situation myself.

-Cait Sith's sacrifice in the Temple.
Even though he was just a toy being remotely controlled, it made me sad that something as cute and innocent as a talking toylike creature would sacrifice itself for everyone. And the part about him saying "there's only one me," in spite of his replaceability, really drove it home :sad3: Not to mention that "Interrupted by Fireworks," the song that plays there, is probably the saddest song in the whole game for me :sad2:
The saddest moments in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII for me are Aerith's and Zack's death. Those were the saddest moment of the game emotionly. I have to say that Zack's death was the saddest one of the two.
Of course at the time it was not, but the scene that makes me more sad is the opening sequence of FFVII. It is so sad to see Aerith innocently walking to the streets to sell her flowers knowing what will happen to her in the future.
She looks innocent and happy as a common girl at that point of her life. That makes my heart break everytime I see that scene.
I think the saddest part is when Cloud is in the Lifestream with Tifa and finds out what really happened before and during the Nibelheim incident.

That part was definitely gut-wrenching.

And when Bugenhagen lets Nanaki know the truth about his father.
It turned me into a big ol softy :D
My saddest moment in these games is without equal.

56 hours, 24 minutes, and 38 seconds. A lifetime of agony.

Training. Grueling hours spent running in circles, forcing the characters to throw their weary, battle-ravaged bodies at an endless stream of foes. I am cruel, but it is a kindness, of a sort. I wish I did not have to do it, but if I do not, they will surely die. So I continue to push them, long after abused thumbs and characters cry out in pain. I will not let them fail. I will not fail them!

Sanity. I can feel it, slowly slipping away, with each phony claxon, every last sickening plunge into the battle, screen, I can feel my mind rebelling more, trying to tear itself away to be lost in oblivion. I fight to keep it though, but I fear that much longer, all will be lost. I will be lost, a drooling vegetable stuck in the same nightmare hell as I dream of the music... dear god the music!

No! I will not cry! I cannot show weakness now, not when that final benchmark level is almost with in grasp! Pull it together! Fight for the characters! Fight for yourself!

I manage it, but the struggle is immense. I know how Atlas feels now, bearing the entire weight of the fell sky on his shoulders, eons passing before his eyes in the same routine that history has made. I wonder... can an immortal go mad? No matter, for I surely can, I feel that inevitable end not far off, if this continues.

Success! The level has been reached! I jump in the air, giving voice to my victory cry! A sound of joy to me, and a fell and terrible warning to all whom dare bar my path!

Full of foolish pride, I jaunt off to the Temple. Oh, that temple. What a laugh. The foes are a pleasant new challenge, but inevitably fall beneath bullet and spell and steel. They flee before me like the vermin that they are, being crushed beneath my mighty fist when they aren't fast enough. I am unstoppable! My magic is endless, my supplies are barely touched, and my command of summoned entities is enough to make kings weep before my feet!

Look upon me, ye mighty, and despair!

And then that fucking Red Dragon killed me.

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The saddest part of FF7 the original was Aerith's death scene, at the hands of sephiroth. And then Cloud laying her body in the water afterwards just makes it worse in my opinion.

But if we are talking about the overall FF7 franchise then I would have to say Zack's death scene at the end of FF7:CC is the saddest part of the whole franchise. The emotions shown on both Zack's and Cloud's faces say it all. And is the only scene from a game that has actually made me cry over it xD.
The first Final Fantasy game I played was Crisis Core, so I did not see Zack's death coming. It was the saddest scene that I have ever played; I'll admit that I teared up when I saw it. Even the second time I beat the game I teared up. You grow a connection to Zack when playing the game, it's just an extraordinary blow that'll leave you breathless.
Zack's Death of course! And I knew it was coming! They did a great job with Crisis Core. I would say Aerith's, maybe one day, when they actually do make a remake, that'll be my saddest, because in the FFVII PS version, you couldn't really see much emotion in Cloud's face. (I don't think that made sense)