Sakaguchi blogs about new project

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Sir Kenneth

You're f**king out!
Feb 23, 2008
I don't know how many of you are aware of this, but Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi keeps a blog written in English on the Mistwalker website. In his latest entry which can be found here: he talks a little bit about his latest project. There isn't a lot of info, but I figured it would atleast be of some interest :)

PS. I know this isn't technically Square news, but Hironobu Sakaguchi was one of the most important people on staff at Squaresoft for many years, and there are other former Square people working at Mistwalker as well. I say it's Square by association :P
This project can be one of three things:

1) Blue Dragon Great Beast of the Underworld for the DS

2) Blue Dragon 2

3) A new IP

I'm not really too enthusiastic about Blue Dragon- I would prefer if it was a sequel to Lost Odyssey or something similar.
This can probably be Blue Dragon 2. I have never played the first one but im looking forward to the sequel. A new rpg would be nice. Lost Odyssey 2 would also be nice. Ive not finished Lost Odyssey yet.
I actually think it's going to be a new IP. Sakaguchi has been talking lately about a game he's been conceptualizing since FFVII.
I actually think it's going to be a new IP. Sakaguchi has been talking lately about a game he's been conceptualizing since FFVII.

Reading back through his previous blog entries, I agree. New IP seems most likely. Blue Dragon was a decent enough game and I wouldn't mind a sequel, but I don't think this is it.
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