

Spoken in Pitches
Oct 24, 2009
Wherever there are people that do not deny the wea
I have a variety of nicknames. I guess I'll earn another one if I spend enough time here, yes?
Final Fantasy is my escape. Best idea in the history of ideas. Im grateful for the multitude of gatherings me and my fellow nerds can share. Mmmmhm
So this is probably the 5th ff forum ive joined? all the rest have I hope I can make some buddies and stay here for a bit longer.
Well, we're alive and kicking and have been for a while, so stick around, you might like the place :monster:

Welcome and all that
This forum has been going strong for quite awhile so I don't think you need to worry. Most everyone is very nice. If your a FF fan you can probably relate to just about everyone here.

But welcome to FFF! Stay and post around. Lots of places to go to, to chat about basically everything. And I'll start off by calling you Keshy. XD
Hi and welcome to FFF!

This is definitely one of, if not the best Final Fantasy Forum you'll ever come across! :gasp: So no need to worry about this forum dying or anything like that. It's been going strong for a long time and is always full of active members. =)

So enjoy your stay here with us!
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It's not only the best Final Fantasy forum I've been on, it's probably the best forum overall I've ever been on XD

Welcome to FFF, posts lots and stick around! I'm sure you'll have fun here, everyone's quite lovely XD
So no need to worry about this forum dying or anything like that.
Yes, you do not need to worry about the forum's well-being, but if members don't make more than 50 posts a day, we send a zombie horde after them to OMNOM their brains. :gasp:

Enjoy your stay. :D
Welcome to the forums! :monster:

Hope you decide to stick around here, as this is a great forum. We'll be friendly enough to you and try and make you feel welcome.

See you around! :awesome: