Seclusion; Discussion


The Spiritcaller
Mar 6, 2007
Guarding the gate to The Other Side.
-=Seclusion: The Xandria Journey=-

Crysta. To the locals, the city was just a simple place is filled with its own comings and goings. To outsiders, it was a city of great bustle, known for the statues in the center of each square in the city. (Except for the statue in front of the clinic, of course.) In the center of town (between the market square and a square dedicated to restaurants and pubs) sat a pair of squares for some of the higher-paying jobs in town. These squares were made only for the guilds in the town. Just about any guild from the Ranger's Guild to the Necromancer's Guild to the Warrior's Guild could be found here.

In the square for non-magical guilds, the center adorned with the statue of a scrawny man with blades sticking out of his gloves (Silsorn the Cutter, so he was named), two neighboring guilds (one for mercenaries and one for bounty hunters) had recently merged together. The leaders of the guilds figured they both do the same job, so might as well form a connection between the buildings which just happened to join the Bounty Hunter's Guild's bar and the Mercenary's Guild's pub. It is still either the Bounty Hunter's Guild or the Mercenary's Guild (depending on who you ask), but that was not important.

Nowadays, competition for jobs and bounties were fierce. It wasn't easy for members from either side of the newly merged guild to get a decent paying job. Most of the jobs priced at 1,000 gold coins and beyond were taken by the quick ones. This was a bit of a bother for Shenorai Eterna, for none of the lower-paying bounties really caught her eye.

Save one.

Shenorai came across a bounty that was posted up for the price of 750 gold and silver coins. But it wasn't the price that made her accept the bounty. It was the location. The flyer for the bounty read;

-=Help Wanted=-
A small party is requested to remove demons
from a small village. A party of at least four is
recommended. Please bring this flyer to the
village of Xandria to receive complete information.
Fighting experience may be required.
Reward; 750 each in gold and silver.

Shenorai was born in the village of Xandria. The village itself wasn't all that famous, considering it was a region of farms isolated at the edge of a forest. Shen didn't like the idea of returning to her hometown, but it didn't seem like anyone else was taking the bounty. Not that she knew of anyone in the guild who had any demon experience to take up the little extermination job.

The question is; who is going to go with her?


Players (Character Bio):
~Shenorai (as Shenorai Eterna)
- The Legendary Wullfe (as Wullfe)
- Hyoutan (as Lethryn)
- Kohvalai (as Paeakhe Maekhtad)
- Rhea (as Eldon Agrippa)

[ Not Accepting Any More Characters ]

The setting is more or less Sci-fi/Fantasy, kinda like Final Fantasy VII yet not placed in the same world. You know, some technology along with some older stuff. (Example; Shen has a shotgun as well as blades, though blades are used more often.) The area we are travelling to seems very third-world compared to the rest of the realm, though.

There will be two (maybe three) chapters (or parts) to this ORPG; the journey itself, what happens once we get to Xandria, MAYBE what happens on the journey back. The possibility of a third chapter depends on how the first two were played. No, there will not be a separate topic for each chapter/part.

This thread is now a discussion thread for the said role-play.
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I'd like to join, and if you approve, I'd like to volunteer my character to be the character who knows Shen on a personal level.


Wullfe Legendz: Played by Wullfe
Sweet! I'm totally in! I mean, if you'll have me, that is. ^_^
Here's Leth. I may need to do a little bit of thinking to figure out why exactly he's in Crysta, and why he's doing this little job, but it'll probably be something as simple as "he meandered in" and "he's out of money". Just say the word and I'll alter this empty setup, or for that matter, most anything else about the young warrior that you'd rather have changed.
I'm game but my character needs to go through the approval section again (seeing as i have over 40 i didnt post the lot of them at the same time...)

I'll post it as soon as i have found it:S (which might take a while seeing as its on some forum and i lost my hard drives copy in a crash...)
Welcome to Seclusion, Wullfe and Hyoutan. We shall wait and see who else wants to join in before deciding who knows Shen on a personal level.

Depending on the characters, I will accept more than just three people.
I'm debating about whether or not to join. lol. ^_^
C'mon, Rhea! You do so much work for these RP forums, you might as well enjoy them.:D
Not really technological fantasy but still pretty neet imo (i've also posted this in my bio stash, but then you guys can say if it's cool story wise) i've got one "technological fantasy" character but her powerlevel is like "insane in the membrane" so i'd rathe rnot use her as i think it'd derail the story even if i DONT use the funky kit she has)


Name: Hemanius (Ageless entity) Already appproved
Race: Elf /Elemental
Age: Unknown
Weapons: Glam
Height: 7’1”
Weight: 198
Armor: Flame shield and an armoured “sleave”.
Magic: Fire.
Eyes: Red
Hair: Red/purplish

2. Description: Hemanius is a basic Wood elf tall and broad. But there the basics end, he has long red hair while most wood elves have Black or blonds unlike the palish whites and greys of the other wood elves his skin is a red or pink… This was caused by his merger with a Fire Elemental by the wizards of the Ravenguild. His weapons are a claw (the armoured sleeve) and the magical blade Glam that he found when breaking out of the raven guild. (There is a picture in the attachment).

3. History: The first memory of Hemanius is waking up in the Ravenguild in his tank. When the wizards came to look at there latest experiment he always made sure they didn’t know him for what he was awake and conscious, and one day when the candles suddenly went out he heard this mysterious voice in the back of his head:

Voice: “Hemanius, it Is time for our escape from this lab, we have been there slaves and toys long enough.”
Hemanius: “Who or What are you? And how do you no my name WHAT is going on here?”
Voice: “Hemanius, Who I am is irrelevant we are now one. We should break out the time is rife, tell me you don’t desire to be FREE…” Hemanius couldn’t say he hadn’t wished and desired to be free and he agreed:
Hemanius: “I do desire to be free but how would we get out of here? That tank is to strong for a mere mortal to break…”
Voice: “but you are no mere mortal not anymore, for I am Henkominasher (Immolation is the closed word we have it’s the entire Idea of to immolate) Elder fire elemental and in a way you’re room mate.
Hemanius: “What are we waiting for??” and he bashed the window of his tank and he could feel his power in creasing exponentially as his essence combined with that of Immolation. And as the elemental had promised without words he was indeed able to break free for after to punches the glass fell out and he was free!
Immolation: “we must hurry the guards are sure to have heard the sound of that glass crashing down on he ground” and with that they were of into the nigh. Immolation seemed to know the way out of the prison where he was kept.

After a while he was indeed Free of the prison and he found himself in an armoury where he found the most unusual blade he had ever seen… After Immolation’s pushes for him to grab it he suddenly found himself holding it and sliding his hand down the opening… It al fit as though it was destine to. And after while he ran into the guards of the guild: “Suddenly to guards turned into the tight corridor where Hemanius was catching his breath. And they attacked him suddenly one of the guards flew ablaze and was burnt to cinders by the power of a mere though at him burning… and the Blade -Glam it was engraved and he thought it was it’s name- was surprisingly easy to wield as though it had a mind of it’s own and the other guard died soon after.” HE got out with out to the wood streets of Mercadia where he disappeared down an alley into a bar called “the wealthy goblin” Where he slept in a room and the day after he found he had n recollection of ANYTHING that had transpired before he woke up, he spoke 2 languishes (human and his home dialect of elfish) but he had no name and no history… So he decided he would call himself Hemanius what meant “Ageless entity”. And another couple of days later his arm stated to hurt, and over the cause of time if turned into a claw! They quickly figured out that the mutations wouldn’t stop there and they needed to find a way to move Henkominasher from his body to his blade Glam… And after they completed this using a captured Ravenguild member for knowledge they left town, from here the story is unknown as it is yet to unfold…

4. More in Depth Sections:
- The Blade Glam: The blade glam and the knowledge of the fire elemental within give Hemanius the power to manipulate and create fires at will.
- The power to communicate with Henkominasher telepathicly…
5. Magic:

- Mind over Fire: Hemanius can manipulate fires and create them with thought alone any thing from a mach light to a blazing inferno swallowing a house are possible although the lager fires can get out of control and are very difficult to create….

The powers of the sword Glam:
- Deflection: the sword feels lighter than air and can be wielded at incredible speeds (This is partially for the fact that Henkominasher is in habiting it and partly because of the magical nature of the blade glam) but as a result it can be used to parry an extreme amount of attacks and deflect arrows and bolts.
- Inferno: Once a day Henkominasher can use it’s power to unleash a jet of flame This is completely out side of the control of Hemanius although it usually happens at conviniant times
- Resurection: The weapons energies regenerate Hemanius although not extremely fast.
- Warpflayme: The weapon once enraged is a torrent of fire and flames and there is a chance that once you are hit you and you’re clothes are set on fire…
Welcome to Selcusion, Kohvalai and Rhea. I hope you will enjoy this roleplay.

As for FireFrenzy and Dark Fantasy X...I'm afraid I will have to turn you two down for this roleplay. Considering this RP will involve demon hunting, having those characters in mind will alter the storyline to a point where I won't be able to figure out where to go next. However, thank you for taking interest. Perhaps we will RP in another game, yes?

From this point on, I am no longer accepting new characters. Sign-ups are officially closed.

The role play is officially up for...well...playing your roles. :p Follow the link, please;
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EAAAAAA tit WAIT IWA TI waitttt ho ho ho whoooahhoho.
So who get's to be Shen's personal friend? ^________________^
Well, no offense to TLW, but probably Eldon. You're more familiar with how Shen is, therefore (to me, at least) it makes sense.

Besides, it should be amusing, at least. :p

EDIT; And on a second much sugar/caffiene/whatever are you on, Rhea? o_O
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LOL omg I just ate a lot of cinnamon toast crunch!! ^_^
I'm writing my first post. ^_^
Hey, thanks! So, what time of year is it? And what's the climate like in Crysta?
Postified. A little longer than I intended, but oh well. For clarification, at the end of my post, Leth was on the way to the pub/ mercenary's guild. That being the case, I could run into some of the other yet to be introduced characters on the way there, or else get lost, or else just go there if no other option seems to be interesting. I also made a bunch of asumptions about the weather being nice based off of how the characters were acting, so tell me if I'm wrong. (Though, even if the weather aint that great, Leth is from a place where the sun seems scared to face the hellish, gloomy landscape, so even a crappy or average day seems nice in a general sense to him.)
Though it's hard to tell in Crysta since there aren't many trees inside the city, summer has well-faded and mid-autumn has set in. It's fairly warm, yet a little chilly in the Crysta area. Depending on how long it takes 'til we get to Xandria, we may face some light snow there. And now, the sports... :P