Sephiroth Question


ShinRa Guard
Nov 6, 2007
Not where I'd like to, New York
So, during Disc 2, Sephiroth appears but he is encased in a crystallized chunk of Materia. Is that the real body of Sephiroth, and the one floating around on the surface of Earth is a clone or something? I've never truly understood that part.
There was never any clones of Sephiroth in the same appearance.


That was indeed Seph's real body, but to be honest with you, I don't understand most of the story events that revolve around Seph.
So, during Disc 2 he encased himself in that materia shell? The Sephiroth running around during Disc 1 is the same one enclosed in materia?

The Sephiroth running around on Disc 1 was a figment of Cloud's imagination (correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't played it in a bit). The real Sephiroth never showed himself till disc 3 iirc.
The Sephiroth running around on Disc 1 was the body of Jenova (which can change shape and form) being manipulated by the will of Sephiroth from his crystal enclosure.

When you see his crystalline self at the Northern Crater you are seeing Sephiroth for the first time at the current time period. He has been there since soon after falling into the Lifestream at the conclusion of the Nibelheim incident.
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As Argor said above... The "thing :P" which you chase through disc 1 is the will of Sephiroth [ meaning that in some sense it IS him - that's how I see it ] but fot all this time his body is trapped in this "shell".

So the only moments you encounter him physcally in the game are
the scene in the crater and the end of the game. And he doesn't speak anything there!].

Off course apart from the memories but these doesn't count like an encounter.

Hovewer Bing theory sounds interesting.
Remember how at the start of disc 2, Cloud saw "Sephiroth" going to the cave while others didn't?

Although if he was only an imagination, nobody but Cloud would see him.
The Sephiroth running around on Disc 1 was the body of Jenova (which can change shape and form) being manipulated by the will of Sephiroth from his crystal enclosure.

When you see his crystalline self at the Northern Crater you are seeing Sephiroth for the first time at the current time period. He has been there since soon after falling into the Lifestream at the conclusion of the Nibelheim incident.

Whoa, I did not know that. That explains why you fight Jenova after each time you see Sephiroth on the Cargo Ship from Junon and at the City of the Ancients..

I'd always just thought Sephiroth put himself in the crater after obtaining the black materia and getting Aerith out of the way.

So how did he end up there by falling into the lifestream?
Theres lots of debates about this....
Sephiroth can make clones, or Jenova cells tranforms, or Sephiroth can carry Jenova, or Which one is the real Sephiroth...

Honestly I think that you see Sephiroth clones till the end and Sephiroth can mutate
So were the Sephiroths running around in disc 1 and 2 all clones.......being controlled by the Sephiroth in disc 3/the crystalized one in disc 2 at the northern crater?

I've thought of it like that....But I'm not so sure :hmmm:
Nah I think the escaped Jenova specimen found in Shinra tower took on the appearance of Seph was being controlled telepathically by Seph who had travelled through the lifestream after the Nibelheim Reactor incident and was suspended in that Mako encasing we see him in at the North Crater. least that's how I understood it :huh:
I'm still going with that all of them until disc 3 are part of Cloud's imagination :P Makes the most sense to me *shrug*
The first Sephiroth can't be imaginary, because everyone else saw him as well. If it were JENOVA taking a form of Sephiroth, being manipulated from inside the Mako encasing, it would make a lot of sense. And at the point where Cloud saw Sephiroth go into the cave and no one esle did, Cloud was already starting to doubt his true existance.
Yeah but that still is at the point where Cloud is still sick from the mako poisoning which could have probably caused an illusion(just like when he sees himeself as Zack at the Nibelheim incident),and also remember Sephiroth can also control Cloud at times as well. :hmmm:
The Sephiroth you first see is Jenova's body morphed to look like Seph. Being Controlled by Seph crystallized int the crater.

The one that kills Aeris is also jenova cells, being controlled by Seph.

Bizarro/Safer Sephiroth is Sephiroth's real body after absorbing some lifestream and the cells of the Sephiroth Clones he killed.

Sephiroth in AC is no longer human and is composed fully of Jenova Cells. He is fully alien empowered by his lifestream.
Yeah but that still is at the point where Cloud is still sick from the mako poisoning which could have probably caused an illusion(just like when he sees himeself as Zack at the Nibelheim incident),and also remember Sephiroth can also control Cloud at times as well. :hmmm:

He didn't see himself as Zack, Zack was the one that was really there. Cloud just thought he was Zack because his memories were all screwy and he was actually just a normal Shinra soldier who wanted to become a SOLDIER.
I see its feeding time again:lew:

Yes the Sephiroth encountered on disc 1 & 2 was Jenova being manipulated by the Will of Sephiroth all the way from the Northeren Crater, and those who had Jenova material in there bodies the clones & Cloud were susceptible to the will of Seph.

Which is why at the critical stage of acquiring the Black Materia Sephiroth was able to get Cloud to hand it over.

Cloud :hmmm:........

Here is my long speculated idea of what happened to cloud.

Cloud, a Regular Soldier grunt, had dreams of of being a great hero like Sephiroth.

Zack, a 1st class member of Soldier was basically living Clouds dream.

Cloud embarrassed by not fulfilling his dream and being confronted with shame when he met Tifa in Nibleheim again concealed his identity during that mission.

We all know what happened to Cloud & Sephiroth & Zack during that event.

Seph was cast into the Lifestream and learned about its powers during his time there, he found his way to the Northern Crater.

Cloud and Zack were "rescued" by Hojo and Shinra and placed in the Mansion Basement, to be experimented on.

It was because of these experiments involving Jenova Cells that Cloud was able his memory , consciously or not, to take stories Zack had spoken of during there missions and place himself as Zack.

The main characteristic of Jenova is transformation both Physical and Mental.

But its only cosmetic it cannot change a being fully, which is why Cloud was able to push through the lies with Tifas Help in the Lifestream and regain his true self.

I hope I havent missed anything, going any further would require more explanation than the OP asked for.
So, during Disc 2, Sephiroth appears but he is encased in a crystallized chunk of Materia. Is that the real body of Sephiroth, and the one floating around on the surface of Earth is a clone or something? I've never truly understood that part.

FFVII in a nutshell:

The Sephiroth crystallized in Materia was the real Sephiroth; his physical body. He was in that shit the entire game; his personality could only indirectly affect the outside world. The "Sephiroth" you were chasing around the earlier half of the game was actually a number Jenova fragments (Which started at the beginning when that big ugly headless alien broke out of its test tube in Shinra HQ), taking on the form and personality of Sephiroth. Those, fragments, along with all of the people infected with Jenova cells, including Cloud, were returning to the Nothern Crater as part of the "Jenova Reunion."

All of the Sephiroth clones (Residents of Nibelheim abducted and experimented on) heard the "calling" of Sephiroth (Due to the Jenova cells in their blood), explaining this (And explaining why Cloud was freaking the fuck out throughout the game; throughout the first half of the game, he was mind-controlled by Sephiroth, and he could've very well become one of those dark-cloaked nutcases if it wasn't for, well, the plot).

There isn't much explanation for Bizarro/Safer Sephiroth, but as pointed out earlier, it's likely Sephiroth's true body after fully merging with the complete Jenova (Jenova Synthesis).

The final battle in FFVII between Cloud and Sephiroth is a symbolic one demonstrating that Cloud has finally overcome Sephiroth/Jenova's influence (It takes place inside his head; he's essentially saying "fuck off" to those little Jenova cells swimming around in there).

At least, that's the plot the original FFVII presented us with. I care not for how the Compilation may have ruined the plot with its retcons and introduction of unnecessary characters and plot devices (lolSephirothhadonewingfromthebeginning).
I'm still going with that all of them until disc 3 are part of Cloud's imagination :P Makes the most sense to me *shrug*

Yeah, well, you can say that Zack never existed because it would make more sense to you, but it wouldn't be the truth, would it? ^^