Sephiroth vs. Genesis Who is stronger?


Key To Darkness
Feb 12, 2011
Sorry after seeing the last thread I wanted to see what people thought. I'm probably gonna get a bunch of SEPHIROTH PWNS ALL!!! Type of posts but we'll see. I really want to see some in depth points being made instead of just fan based ideas.
Personally I think Genesis is..

Unlike Sephiroth Genesis isent obsessed with reviving a corpse for a Reunion to destroy the planet,Genesis had a higher IQ,better Magic and Combat skills,ITs true Sephiroth is Strong but In CC I think Genesis woulda beat Sephiroths ass if Angeal dident interfear..

the only real drawback I saw with genesis is that he was too eager in battle Im guessing because he had a dream like zack to become a hero and Sephiroth was in his way..

But anyway I think Genesis was better than Sephiroth >w>
As much as people can hate Sephiroth, there is no denying in this subject. A quick search of the canon material will reveal to you the true anwser.

Nevertheless here it is:

"It's stated in the official book Reunion Files the Sephiroth seen in Advent Children has "ascended to a new level of existence" and is much stronger than before." -

"Advent Children producer Yoshinori Kitase has said "Sephiroth's existence and will is extremely powerful. There is nothing stronger, nothing above him." -

"Zack was chosen as the main character as a representative of a BC era SOLDIER. Sephiroth is already the strongest in the world so there's no room for growth, and we couldn't possibly see ourselves making a game over type situation where he loses" - Tetsuya Nomura

"Producer Kitase decided that they couldn’t make any other character stronger than Sephiroth in the world of FFVII." -

There ya have it. This is also completely supported in the canon material in the fact that AC Sephiroth is an alien demi-god empowered by a negative lifestream of his own creation.

Genesis is a bug, compared to AC Sephiroth. The only person who could even challenge him at that state would be his rival Cloud. Hence why Vincent, who wields the power of Chaos, didn't want to interfere.
the gist of all that says "no one is stronger than Sephiroth".

There was a guy here from back in the day that in a veered off of the topic's discussion in the Zack vs Cloud: Who Would Win thread and expressed that the Reunion files said that Genesis is Sephiroth's equal.

so toss that together and you've got a stalemate. or at least, not a bug.

I also don't really care to look around for the particular bit of information, but i can't help but notice there's no supporting statements for Genesis.

honestly though, these things are put in FF Fun for the sole purpose of "SEPHIROTH WOULD WIN BECAUSE HE LOOKS REAL REAL MAD and HAS A BIG SWORD AND HE CAN FLY" :wacky:
Physically, at least in his AC form, Sephiroth would probably defeat Genesis easily. Unfortunately. He's a complete prick, and I think they were evenly matched in Crisis Core...that was an INCONCLUSIVE fight, people.

But in terms of mental strength, i.e. intelligence, Genesis would easy defeat Sephiroth. Sephiroth is a mindless moron who jumps to ridiculous conclusions without establishing the facts, and has a single-minded obsession with an emo whose only real notable trait is that he has a sword bigger than Sephiroth's. He's the father of all Gary Stus. Genesis is actually INTELLIGENT, and in a battle of wits he'd easily best Sephiroth, who is perhaps the biggest idiot in the entire Final Fantasy universe.

Sephiroth is like a godmodded character in an RP, ruining the entire thing for everyone else and, like all godmodded characters, he's about as smart as someone who thinks The Daily Star is the modern-day equivalent of a Shakespeare play. Physical ability isn't everything. The thing about bugs is that they're extremely hard to squish, and no matter how strong you are, all it takes is one well-timed blow. Overall, Genesis is vastly superior to Sephiroth.
Genesis was said to have:

"combat abilities that rank equal to Sephiroth's."

In the CC era. Where Seph still had an edge on him despite them being closer.

But there's no way to deny that Sephiroth's existence far surpassed that of Genesis post-crisis core. He did things far beyond the scope of any 1st Class SOLDIER in VII and ascended to an even higher level in AC/C.

Yea let's all drown in the typical Sephiroth/Cloud hate because of the hype and focus and alleged bad character construction or whatever....

But the creators, who feel nothing of that, have already answered the question for you. So there.
But what about Genesis? He woke after Dirge of Cerberus - it's not like he just died in Crisis Core and disappeared from the story.

Both of them do share many similarities, it's hard to believe that a character that was designed to rival Sephiroth would be so weak in comparison.

I don't think that there is any commentary on Genesis at that point of the compilation either.
I believe he served the rival pedestal only on CC.

Cloud fills that position later on when he becomes stronger.

Hence why Cloud could match and rival him in AC, where he is in his strongest form.
then dont make conclusions that Genesis would lose and call him a bug,Because of Deepground's interference he could be stronger than cloud

What are you talking about?

Where is the proof that Genesis got stronger?

It's a fact if he remained the same as CC Genesis he is a bug to AC Cloud or Sephiroth.

Creators state it man.
Genesis is a very strong character for me to face. However, I found Sephiroth a lot more difficult to defeat in battle. Both are very skilled in their fighting and I feel that they rival each other through out the game of Crisis Core. Obviously! I mean, you have seen the jealousy shown by Genesis over Sephiroths glory. That would only add fuel to the flames. And Sephiroth is just plain inhuman, if you get me.

Strongest? In my case, Sephiroth.
However, it's an extremely close call.

Genesis he is a bug to AC Cloud or Sephiroth.
Sorry, A.A. must have mistook this thread as a place for fun discussion, not insulting personal experiance through game play or preferance while caring less about others opinions and treating them with little respect. Oh wait, it is! 'Final Fantasy Fun'. Huh! :hmmm:

I mean, there is not much in your posts to really prove that Genesis is weaker.
Have you even played DoC? So far, all I hear is things relating to Cloud/Sephiroth.
Not Genesis/Sephiroth.

Plus, when someone asks me who is stronger and the characters are both from perhaps a same game, I compare them to THAT time frame. Makes more sense. What, you think Genesis can leap into the future and face Sephiroth constantly to level up? As I have already said, in Crisis Core they were shown as rivals. Rivals meaning to be equal in quality/ability.

Theres no reason to call Genesis an insect.

P.S// Sorry if I seemed harsh. I've seen a lot of hate directed towards Genesis lately and reacted.
Boo hiss. :sad3:
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Ok let me try to explain this and yes i know it's for fun but leaving Genesis in CC is a mistake


Put mouse here --->
At the end of Crisis core if you pay attention Weiss and Nero from DoC come and take him away,AFTER AC Genesis reappears again in Dirge of Cerberus he's even stronger than he was previously therefore he is a Equal or better than Sephiroth or Cloud,unfortantly he seemed to be brainwashed or something so i doubt he remembers Zack,Angeal,or Sephiroth but that said Genesis is not a bug and if you havent played DoC and seen the Secret ending dont say he's a weakling oh and the reason i say he's stronger is probably because Hojo planned on using him a a vessel like weiss but never used him

theres my Opinion sorry if i offend you or anyone im just making a small point
Ok let me try to explain this and yes i know it's for fun but leaving Genesis in CC is a mistake


Put mouse here --->
At the end of Crisis core if you pay attention Weiss and Nero from DoC come and take him away,AFTER AC Genesis reappears again in Dirge of Cerberus he's even stronger than he was previously therefore he is a Equal or better than Sephiroth or Cloud,unfortantly he seemed to be brainwashed or something so i doubt he remembers Zack,Angeal,or Sephiroth but that said Genesis is not a bug and if you havent played DoC and seen the Secret ending dont say he's a weakling oh and the reason i say he's stronger is probably because Hojo planned on using him a a vessel like weiss but never used him

theres my Opinion sorry if i offend you or anyone im just making a small point

Sorry, i was defensive because of the Sephiroth hating gone in another thread.

On topic, i don't know why you think Genesis got any stronger. He spent a few years in hibernation then woke up in DoC.

Matter of the fact i see is he didn't get any better from CC to DoC. When Sephiroth has become a much greater being than even the planet.

Admitted by the creators =/

There is nothing stronger than AC Seph and there never will be.
I think in the end Gackt is the strongest out of all of them. His voice is pwnage!!!

But seriously AC Sephiroth? Like we don't already know that he's uber strong already. I think in just skills alone without all of the power boosters from Jenova or from the lifestream or whatever, Genesis is at best equal to the ol' One Winged Angel.