Sephiroth VS Weiss


Devourer Of Worlds
Oct 20, 2010
I played Derge Of Cerberus for about 5 minutes, I'm watching a few youtube clips on Weiss and he seems pretty d@mn powerful, I know full well what Sephiroth is capable of and have watched all his battles. My sister asked the question and it got me thinking who would win in a fight to the death between Sephiroth and Weiss? what's your guys opinion on it?
My sister is gonna hate me for this but I'm in agreement with you Hilda, I'm not cutting Weiss short and I'm sure it would be a very tough battle to the likes neither of them have ever been in, but giving the edge of experiance and raw power Sephiroth has I'm gonna place my vote on him as well.
Would definitely have to be Sephiroth.

Weiss is a toughie for the game he is in, but taking into account the entire FFVII univers, Weiss is
Genesis' inferior
, and
Genesis got his butt kicked by Sephiroth
I wish Weiss would beat Sephiroth's ass, I'd prefer to go against Sephiroth to be quite honest seeing as I hate him so much, but hate him or not I can't deny he's a merciless powerful warrior who's power should be respected. Weiss in the youtube clips I watched shows a lot of amazing abilities and attributes but I don't see him beating Sephiroth. I never played Crisis Core but I watched all the Sephiroth fight scenes on youtube, including the one with Genesis and Sephiroth and Zac having a sparring match and Sephiroth was winning it easily and it didn't appear to me like he was even trying.
For a minute, I thought we were talking about Grimoire Weiss...

In any case, I'd hope they'd kill each other simultaneously in a cross-counter that destroyed everything else within a fifty-mile radius. It could happen.
It depends if we're including Weiss
absorbing Omega's power
, in which case I'd be running to his side of the fence pretty quick. Anything outside of that range of power however... I've not played anything which cites him as being on par or equal to Sephiroth.

So my answer is circumstantial. :lew:
sephiroth would destroy that trannie bastard.

whoever he is.:mokken:
Lol, Jim, that post is pure win.

But yes, Sephiroth could have one arm and still win against anyone else, especially this guy.
Definitely sephiroth. In AC it was stated that sephiroth and cloud were beyond lv99, that sephiroth had acheived a "new state of existance", had a whole lifestream under his control, was the strongest fighter ever to appear in ff7. Omega weiss would be practice against him.

Also cloud had some crazy feats at the end of advent children. He fought a superspeed blitz and a bullet timer at the same time with geostigma and defeated them(loz, yazoo), took a mega flare(that would have busted up a city) and came unscathed, dodged bullets and lightning, whacked a 250tons+ bahamut to the ground with geostigma and cut piecies of skyscrapers falling on him like they were nothing, dafeated kadaj easily, and finally fought sephiroth for hours. Sephiroth by the creators words need to at least be on par with all of this(and he was because he fought cloud for hours and sephiroth outmatched him when he was fatigued). People like to use the chaos vince vs Omega weiss fight alot in this discussion. They say that they move so fast even cloud or sephiroth wouldnt keep up. I say that scenes means little to nothing. First of all at the start of their battle they were moving at a pace everybody could see, much like advent children, maybe even a bit slower. After trading some blows they start zipping around the room, warp speeding. This and many more lead me to believe they simply put the scene at a normal pace, seeing as how they framed the room and only showed them clashing at places. Frankly warp speeding is no big deal, cloud and seph have done it in AC, the movie was slowed down for our better enjoyment of it. You can see that during clouds execution of the original omnislash. The original omnislash was said to be 15 slices instantly in the blink of an eye, and if you watch ac the pace of his fightning is about equal or slower than the pace of the omnislash. This leads me to believe the movie was slowed down. Also seph parried the orginal omnislash, which is 15 in less than a second, weiss cant keep up with that. Sephiroth warp speed in last order and Crisis Core, and he was much weaker back then. Sephiroth warp speeded in his fight against cloud in the building, and after they left the building. Also cloud combat speed is fast enough to dodge lightning, and sephiroth can emulate that. Weiss would not have the speed hand at all because frankly, the crators said sephiroth is the strongest, so his sword speed and dodge speed, and whole combat speed is > than everyones elses(well cloud's is the closest to him seeing has he matches him blow for blow in AC). Also AC seph dosent blink, sweat, or get fatigued. He is not bound anymore by human aspects and thats why he outmatched cloud after hours of fighting(meele combat, he did not use jenovas power). Hes practically a demigod in AC, having his own lifestream and such. If i had to rank the ff7 character i think i would put it like this: Sephiroth>Cloud>Chaos Vince>Omega Weiss>Zack>Genesis=Angeal

In summary i think sephiroth outclasses omega weiss in nearly every aspect. And the creators already stated sephiroth is the strongest of all, so id go in that direction. Sorry for the long post. ^_^ i was thinking about this lately and wanted to get my ideas out
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Definitely sephiroth. In AC it was stated that sephiroth and cloud were beyond lv99, that sephiroth had acheived a "new state of existance", had a whole lifestream under his control, was the strongest fighter ever to appear in ff7. Omega weiss would be practice against him.

Also cloud had some crazy feats at the end of advent children. He fought a superspeed blitz and a bullet timer at the same time with geostigma and defeated them(loz, yazoo), took a mega flare(that would have busted up a city) and came unscathed, dodged bullets and lightning, whacked a 250tons+ bahamut to the ground with geostigma and cut piecies of skyscrapers falling on him like they were nothing, dafeated kadaj easily, and finally fought sephiroth for hours. Sephiroth by the creators words need to at least be on par with all of this(and he was because he fought cloud for hours and sephiroth outmatched him when he was fatigued). People like to use the chaos vince vs Omega weiss fight alot in this discussion. They say that they move so fast even cloud or sephiroth wouldnt keep up. I say that scenes means little to nothing. First of all at the start of their battle they were moving at a pace everybody could see, much like advent children, maybe even a bit slower. After trading some blows they start zipping around the room, warp speeding. This and many more lead me to believe they simply put the scene at a normal pace, seeing as how they framed the room and only showed them clashing at places. Frankly warp speeding is no big deal, cloud and seph have done it in AC, the movie was slowed down for our better enjoyment of it. You can see that during clouds execution of the original omnislash. The original omnislash was said to be 15 slices instantly in the blink of an eye, and if you watch ac the pace of his fightning is about equal or slower than the pace of the omnislash. This leads me to believe the movie was slowed down. Also seph parried the orginal omnislash, which is 15 in less than a second, weiss cant keep up with that. Sephiroth warp speed in last order and Crisis Core, and he was much weaker back then. Sephiroth warp speeded in his fight against cloud in the building, and after they left the building. Also cloud combat speed is fast enough to dodge lightning, and sephiroth can emulate that. Weiss would not have the speed hand at all because frankly, the crators said sephiroth is the strongest, so his sword speed and dodge speed, and whole combat speed is > than everyones elses(well cloud's is the closest to him seeing has he matches him blow for blow in AC). Also AC seph dosent blink, sweat, or get fatigued. He is not bound anymore by human aspects and thats why he outmatched cloud after hours of fighting(meele combat, he did not use jenovas power). Hes practically a demigod in AC, having his own lifestream and such. If i had to rank the ff7 character i think i would put it like this: Sephiroth>Cloud>Chaos Vince>Omega Weiss>Zack>Genesis=Angeal

In summary i think sephiroth outclasses omega weiss in nearly every aspect. And the creators already stated sephiroth is the strongest of all, so id go in that direction. Sorry for the long post. ^_^ i was thinking about this lately and wanted to get my ideas out

I agree, people like to say that Cloud beat Sephiroth but if you watch there fights again you'll see Sephiroth could've killed him in AC, he could've stabbed him through the heart or even his head when he had Cloud down but he didn't, instead he stabbed him in the shoulder. Sephiroth's biggest flaw against Cloud is he talks to much, he had Cloud against the ropes several times and could've killed him probably easily but instead he continued to talk trash. There's an old saying, if you have your opponent down don't let him keep getting back up.
I agree, people like to say that Cloud beat Sephiroth but if you watch there fights again you'll see Sephiroth could've killed him in AC, he could've stabbed him through the heart or even his head when he had Cloud down but he didn't, instead he stabbed him in the shoulder. Sephiroth's biggest flaw against Cloud is he talks to much, he had Cloud against the ropes several times and could've killed him probably easily but instead he continued to talk trash. There's an old saying, if you have your opponent down don't let him keep getting back up.

yup. sephiroth is stronger than cloud. I dont think anyone disagrees with that. But to be fair to seph he did stab cloud through the heart in ACC and then made him eat an octaslash. I doubt he thought cloud could get up after THAT and pull a new omnislash. BUT Zack's emotinal pick-ups FTW. sephs arrogance is his downfall after all. But to be fair to cloud he fought the strongest thing in ff7 and lost only because he eventually got fatigued:sleep:. So id give second strongest to cloud.
Sephiroth would throw him around like a rag doll with speed so quick you'd swear Sephiroth was a ninja! He would have had 9,999 chances to go in for the kill but instead he would opt out of going for the kill and trash talk. After calling Weiss every name in the book and having 999 more chances to go for the kill and not doing it Weiss will see an opening and deliver the killing blow against Sephiroth 8D

Then Weiss would explode from a firecracker Sephiroth have placed into his kidney with his ninja quickness.
Sephiroth would throw him around like a rag doll with speed so quick you'd swear Sephiroth was a ninja! He would have had 9,999 chances to go in for the kill but instead he would opt out of going for the kill and trash talk. After calling Weiss every name in the book and having 999 more chances to go for the kill and not doing it Weiss will see an opening and deliver the killing blow against Sephiroth 8D

Then Weiss would explode from a firecracker Sephiroth have placed into his kidney with his ninja quickness.

Hells yea. Yuffie would be proud of seph's uber ninja skillz!

But on a more serious note:

"Sephiroth's existence and will is extremely powerful. There is nothing stronger, nothing above him." - Kitase, on Advent Children Sephiroth

so.........seph FTW??????
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