Sephiroth's Brother's Art Work...


Don't Forget Me.
Dec 5, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Not much to show but before you look at my pictures... im not much of a drawer... i like to look at a picture and draw it (NOT TRACING!!) but i would just like to know your opinion on my pictures so far... i apoligize if there big... ill change it right away... Seems Vivi is hard to see... ill fix it l8er lol...


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im 16 lol.. i dont draw much (even tho i want to get into art, as in computer animation so i should get better). And thanx for ur complements guys.
Like Walter C. Donez stated, you've got potential alright. Jecht's arms are a bit off, but overall it's good. =)
ya im going to make more... i just thought i could get others opinions on them to see if i should continue XD and i know the arms are messed up... look at the size of jechts hand on his sword lol...
Thanks i appreciate that and the guy on the right is Jecht from FFX... But ya im definitly going to add a Zanarakand Ruins background when i got time.
Not bad! I really like the Vivi one! I am going to give you a little constructive criticism though on the first one. You need to work more on your body proportions. Jecht's arms seem a bit too big and long for his body. Also his torso is a lot longer than a normal human body's would be. Next time, try either lengthening the legs or shortening the torso ^_^ Braska seems kind of small compared to Jecht as well and his staff is a bit too big next to his body. You really do have a lot of potential and a nice eye for detail. Keep up the good work!
Ya i really had trouble with Braskas face and well... just braska... Im not sure if you can see it but theres eraser marks everywhere on him cause i took me like 10 times to get his body right lol...
lol oh believe me! I completely understand. It's tough to draw people, I'll be the first to admit that. It's nowhere near as easy as it looks. You can always try looking up tutorials or getting a How to Draw Human Anatomy book. Those really do come in handy as do guidelines for your art pieces. Just keep practicing! :D
Will do :)... all i got right now is a manga book and how to draw them but i really dont like the faces that they draw in it.. I like the real faces more. But ya im definitly going to get that XD
They are pretty good seph!!! I only wish I could get mine on >.< I did well in art (altho im only good at pencil drawing) and i love drawing ff stuff and motorbikes (random i know) but yours are really good and it makes me wanna dust me pencils off again!!! (does jecht have too many fingers tho...?)

Will do :)... all i got right now is a manga book and how to draw them but i really dont like the faces that they draw in it.. I like the real faces more. But ya im definitly going to get that XD

i love the manga faces, where did you get said book??? :P
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wow lol he does have 6 fingers... lol... anyways i got my book at christmas but i think my mom got it at any old bookstore...
i think learning the manga faces would help you alot as braskas face is a little....well i dunno, but i know you could do it better ^ ^ i AM really impressed tho, as a fellow pencil artiste, im getting a scanner aswel woohoo
I think i might go crack open that book now :) its got everything in it from thr hair to the feet XD didnt look in it too much :(
New!! sorry for double posting need to get the thread back up.
Im a newbie with Fireworks MX 2004 but i try :P
I have now made sigs and avvys and banners!!
For some reason the Hiro avvy is wierd and the second frame goes whit but whatever :\

I would like to thanks Lirael for all your help over msn. The newest one and i think my best by far is... Heras sig.

Hera's Sig

DT's sig

My RP character

Hiro avvy

Assassins Creed Wallpaper
FAFF sig

Luxord sig

Kit Fisto Sig

Kit Fisto Avvy

FFM banner

EDIT: Got a few new ones here...

Made this one for Blueflame7... not one of my best :\

Newest one i made today
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