Sephiroths, Jenova and the cetra

May 1, 2007
The Eturnal
Does any one even know the name of Jenova's species and since there seems to be a conection betwean then and the cetra.
What is it they are called and it is aparent that there is a conection if you look at matiria crystals and the very desinge of Sephiroths body.
But if there is no name for Jenova's species then what would be a good name for them.
And there seems to be a conection between Jenova and the monsters roaming the lands around the towns and citys in the final fantasy games as well as the ones in the slums of midgare.
What do you all think of the idea of a conection between these ishouse.
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I dont think your the only one.
Oh and I mean all Sephiroths cronies and all the monsters in the game and that incoulds the ones that shinra made.
There all related to Jenova in some way. And by that I mean there is a conection between them and it seems to stem from crystal cronicals.
And the soarce is some thing older than Jenova.
And if you dont know what that means then I can tell you.
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I don't think there is a name for Jenova's species given, unless it's in the Reunion Files. Apart from Jenova she's only ever referred to as 'the calamity from the skies'.
Sephiroth's clones are exactly that; clones. Whether or not they're actually human becomes an ethical debate.

I don't know how any of this stems from Crystal Chronicles, since neither game is related.
Then tell me then how Jenova was in it then but in her origonal name and her origonal form after the grait whit matiria crystal that once stood at the neelipole was shatterd by a meteor like the one that Sephiroth sumoned with a black matiria crystal.
And the mako reacters the technolegy behind them was not human even thow the desinge was a backwords enginerd version of something that must have came from anouther planet.
What Im trying to point out is that it was the meteor parasits fossilised remains the shinra used to make the mako reacters and the monsters and even some of the soilders of deep ground.
And thats just the start of the puzle I dont have all the peices but I have enought to see a rught picture of what Jenova is and where she came from.

She is not at all normal even for her species and thats a fact. And if you dont know what I mean by that then you should read up on the name Ream and that creatcher is what Jenova was once.

And I know that because I happen to own a walk throw for crysal cronicales. So you should try to join up the dotes and see what happens.

Oh and if Jenova's species realy dont have a name then lets just give them a name. And if enought people start useing it then the people who came up with final fantasy might make it the ofical name of her species.
So lets hear your best idea for a name for her species.
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Work on your horrendous grammar please. It hurts my very bones.

Since when is it stated that the technology behind the Mako reactors is not human? The ShinRa developed them, to the best of my knowledge, through their own research.

Since when is it a 'fact' that Jenova is not normal for her species? For all we know, she's the only one of her species, unless it is stated otherwise in the Reunion Files.

And no FF game (other than the FFVII compilation and FFX & X-2, of course) are linked. At all. In any way. Ever.
Work on your horrendous grammar please. It hurts my very bones.

Since when is it stated that the technology behind the Mako reactors is not human? The ShinRa developed them, to the best of my knowledge, through their own research.

Since when is it a 'fact' that Jenova is not normal for her species? For all we know, she's the only one of her species, unless it is stated otherwise in the Reunion Files.

And no FF game (other than the FFVII compilation and FFX & X-2, of course) are linked. At all. In any way. Ever.

Well for your information the human race dont have anywhere near the amount of brains that are needed to creat an energy convertion system that is as both powerful and ineficant as that of the mako reacters witch means they had to have had a bassis for the fundamental desinges.
And Jenova was not the only one there are the mosters at the northern cave they may be primative and not very smart but they are the adverige version of Jenovas species and the files you refear to may not be intierly acurat and I have never come acrosse them before.
Oh and the final fantasy games all have little ties to eich other here and there in the back ground but sometimes if you keep your eyes open they jump out of the back ground and you can see them clearly then.
Oh and who made these reunion files anyway?
Oh and for the record the meteor parasit is the same species as Jenova and thats because it sucks up spirit energy and turnes it into mako but mako makes it stronger smarter and live longer as well as make it mature faster than it normaly does and as a side afect it creats a gas called maiasma but Im not sure if thats how its spelt but it is very simerla to the toxin sin gives of exept its worce it turnes you into something like the monsters at the northern cave with a retroviruse it contains.
So lets hear you denie that.
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You seem to be stuck on the fact that FFVII was set on planet Earth, at a similar year to what we currently live in. When in actuality, it's set on a make believe planet, where humans just so happen to have that knowledge. Remember, this isn't real. In the world of FFVII, humans are that intelligent.

The Reunion Files is an official document released by SE which clears up plot holes in FFVII. It wasn't released outside Japan though (I don't think), but there are translations on the internet.

No FF games are related (with the exceptions I previously gave). They have references to each other, but no actual links.

And what is this "meteor parasite"? I've never come across this before...

And once again; work on your grammar.
You seem to be stuck on the fact that FFVII was set on planet Earth, at a similar year to what we currently live in. When in actuality, it's set on a make believe planet, where humans just so happen to have that knowledge. Remember, this isn't real. In the world of FFVII, humans are that intelligent.

The Reunion Files is an official document released by SE which clears up plot holes in FFVII. It wasn't released outside Japan though (I don't think), but there are translations on the internet.

No FF games are related (with the exceptions I previously gave). They have references to each other, but no actual links.

And what is this "meteor parasite"? I've never come across this before...

And once again; work on your grammar.

You seem to be mistaken because the human brain and the very technolegy that us humans are so hevaly dependent on is no where near to aplicable to the desinges of the mako reacters but the crystal technolegy that the cetra use is aplicable with a basse desinge to work off of. Oh and the earth that final fantasy 7 is bassed on is not one the one from this reality but may be an alternat reality and the only planet earth thats even close to callable the same as this planet is the one in final fantasy spirets within so watch what you say because I know my spelling isn't perfect and nore is my gramer but yours is worce so dont you say I have bad gramer Im a wrighter. Oh and if you insolt my spelling or gramer ever again I'll let the staff know about you so back off.

Oh and one more thing if those files are reliable then tell me who it is who translaits them because the translaitions may not be acuret enought to qoute. So at least give what Im saying some thought. Oh and I must ask you to think about some of what Im saying and then I might take you seriously.
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Oh, I am thinking about what you're saying. And it's flawed.
So just because they're humans on Gaia, means that they have to have the same level of intelligence as the humans of this world? By that argument, the human race as adapted as far as it possibly can. Which it hasn't.
The ShinRa did produce the technology. Get over it.

The Reunion Files were translated (I'm guessing) by English speaking people who know Japanese. The possibility that they've made an error as large as that which you're arguing is next to impossible.

And off topic, I know, but it has to be said. You're a writer? I dind it hard to believe, when you can't even spell the word yourself. And without being too big-headed, my grammar and spelling is far greater than yours. Sort it out.
THE DESERTTIGER. PLEASE, try and make your posts more legible, i gave up after post 2 - i honestly can't read a thing.

and you don't have to reply to every. single. post. you know ;)

Please make the thread more readable and less Lulzworthy, or i'm just gonna close it :)
I may not know that much about how to spell a lot of words but I know enought to get by but that guy cant even notice when he's mistacen and he is big headed.
Oh and my work is readable. But I will admit that I need to work on the way type it.
Deserttiger I can't understand a single one of your posts and I highly doubt anyone else can. Please work on your spelling.

And I really don't know what you mean by this human brains things you keep bringing up.
I may not know that much about how to spell a lot of words but I know enought to get by but that guy cant even notice when he's mistacen and he is big headed.
Oh and my work is readable. But I will admit that I need to work on the way type it.

Pooleys neither mistaken or bigheaded, he simply pointed out that your grammar and spelling suck.

So, suck it up and fix it. or install a spellcheck application. one that works.
Pooley, one correction- FF10/10-2 and the FF7 compilation are chronologically linked (though occur on different planets), FF5 and Legend of the Crystals are linked (though separated by 1000 Years).

FFTA and TA2 are linked, as are, IIRC, Tactics and 12.

Otherwise, yes you're correct, unless I misremember something about the Chocobo series of games.
Hey a spell cheacker in on my laptop but this site could sure use one.

You didn't need to make that a post on its own, and as you've already recieved a warning from me tonight for spamming and have previous infractions for spamming i gave you another one. One more and you'll find yourself suspended.
Pooley, one correction- FF10/10-2 and the FF7 compilation are chronologically linked (though occur on different planets), FF5 and Legend of the Crystals are linked (though separated by 1000 Years).

FFTA and TA2 are linked, as are, IIRC, Tactics and 12.

Otherwise, yes you're correct, unless I misremember something about the Chocobo series of games.

Your making valide points but some of the games you mentioned I have never heard of.
But you are right about a lot of it and some of it has to do with what Im talking about.

You didn't need to make that a post on its own, and as you've already recieved a warning from me tonight for spamming and have previous infractions for spamming i gave you another one. One more and you'll find yourself suspended.

Hey Im only responding to the ones that are ment for me and I think need to be responded to. But I dont remember you warning me but you did say one thing.
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Maybe you guys should take this to PM?

Now please get this thread back on topic or I'll close it.
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Ok im HIGHLY Confused by what your saying deserttiger,

so im just gonna lay things out how I see them and hopefully it might answer

your question and help clarify. Jenova's species is never mentioned in the

game, rather jenova is

reffered to only as the only one of his/her kind as far as we know. Jenova is a

completley unuiqe biological being. Jenova is sexless although she is portrayed

as female in the game if you go to icicle inn and watch proffesor Gast's vidoes

of Iflana, Aeris' mother, at his home, it becomes clear that jenova presents

itself as it pleases. Jenovea colided with the planet thousands of years ago

when the cetra were still the dominant species. The Cetra are described as

living in tribes including one on the Northren Continent. When Jenova colided

with the planet she left the enormous crater on the northren continent and

came out of the wound in the planet. Jenova then peacfully approached the

cetra on that continent, in a male form, and gained their trust. After they

trusted him he infected them with some sort of virus. After this virus killed all

of the cetra their he continued on to infect the rest of the worlds cetra,

killing all but a handfull. At this point weapon was created to destroy Jenova,

but was never used. Then Jenova ruled the entire planet, but was some how

put into a suspended aninmation, or something. Hojo and Gast called this a

Geological stratum. There is a big plot gap here and as far as I can tell noone

knows what happened exactly

Fast foward a few thousand years. The human race is

dominant now, using

mako reactors to slowly kill the planet. Jenova has been found by Gast, and is

being held in "Geological Stratum" in the niblehem reactor and is secrtly being

used for experments to make super soilders. The whole cloud, sephiroth, tifa,

zack niblehem incident occurs. Sephiroth finds jenova and loses it, gets a

misconception from reading gast's earlier reports and thinks that jenova is a

cetra and somehow his biological mother. Sephiroth has been infused with a

large dose of both mako and jenova cells, the reason for his immense

strength. Anyway he burns down niblehem and attacks cloud and tifa and

then, miraculously, is KILLED......I repeat KILLED by cloud. The sephiroth you

fight later in the game is only a reproduction of jenova, NOT acctually

sephiroth. Their is no assertion the the real sephiroth could ever fly or control

cloud or anything like that. Sephiroth was acctually just an easy form for

Jenova to use as a resource to attempt to reclaim this planet.

So in conclusion:

1.Jenova was not of this planet and has no known species

2.Sephiroth died in niblehem "5 years ago" and is just a reproduction later in
the game.

3.The monsters in the game have no connection to Jenova or the Cetra, they are just the natural animals

Also Mako electricity was created by the ShinRa on their own. The actual

ability of humans as we know ourselves to create such a technology was

probably not taken into consideration when the plot was written (emphasis on

WRITTEN, this is just a video game after all and somehting I like to call, MAKE

BELEIVE) It is my personal beleif that Mako is a metaphor for Coal or oil in our

earth. If you think they play the exact same role in culture and society as

Mako and their use is commonly known to be destroying the planet

Did that help at all? If you want to check my sources I got my info on

Jenova, Sephiroth and the cetra from the vidoes at Gast's house in icicle inn

and the FF7 strategy guide published by brady games and squaresoft (square

enix now) The rest is either explicitly stated in the game or my personal

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